DangerzoneNeo ago

Thank you, I will be sure to.

Failure ago

nah mate, it was directed at the content of the interaction, not the interaction itself. although i am happy to see people that recognize eachother and interact in such ways :P

Rooted ago

I support freedom of speech, even if I disagree with it. That includes racism, sexism etc etc. It's the other side of the beautiful part of it all. You can't have one without the other and it would be wrong to try and remove one part of it because it "hurts" people's feelings.

As long as I am allowed to express myself here, especially politically, I'm good. Thank you for the insight into the site, I appreciate it!

(and I'm real close to my family, but thanks for the sound advice. Everyone should heed it.)

oedipusaurus_rex ago

Well... They are coming from reddit.

Rooted ago

I just want to express my opinions without being moderated because it opposes the sub's opinions or have my content abused by Voat staff. I think it would be nice to be able to discuss things like DNC bias and corruption too, which 99.99% of reddit didn't like.

So...as a redditor, what can I expect the differences to be? I would hate for this site to become Reddit 2.0, I really would.

Failure ago

what the fuck just happened

Antiracist2 ago

u r child molester


Antiracist2 ago



BB-3 ago

"In Toil We Krimber"

Antiracist2 ago

nuh uh u r

Antiracist7 ago

nuh uh u r nerd virgin

Antiracist7 ago

no u

Dataanti ago

you are all pretty dense, when i read "efficiency demands compliance" this is correct, when you are dealing with subordinates like the mods he was trying to keep a handle on. he is not talking about your normal users, he is talking about the mods that he selected to moderate his subreddit according to his rules (if he was the admin of one, if he wasn't then i dunno what he was talking about). why is this an issue?

you are all so jumpy to conclusions

Antiracist10 ago

idk y r u

DangerzoneNeo ago

Childish, inappropriate responses from the mod. The user was entitled to his voice. I have never supported this type of moderation style.

I am a refugee and I know that transitions need to be made peacefully to ensure a healthy community.

I hope the longstanding Voaters don't think that the refugees condone this kind of behavior from a mod, especially at a time like this.

Thank you for lending your community to our cause, there will be those of us who choose to do our best to integrate into your society and contribute great conversation. I am sure there will be agitators that just want to piss you off, and I am sorry for them, have your way with them.

TZC ago

No gods or Kings

Only Man.

Antiracist10 ago


Mad_Dog91 ago

That guy is indeed a POS

FeelinFroggy ago

OOHhh! Yes ma'am! See, now you got me all hot and bothered thinking about makin' babies. Are you cool with staying home and playing Mom while I bring home the bacon, or are you going to get all uppity? These are important questions that need answering!

SelfReferenceParadox ago

And I went ahead and copy-pasted it, apparently.

Slayfire122 ago

Fucking stupid ass cunt. Doesn't even know how to spell nigger properly.

FeelinFroggy ago

What a peach, looking out for me like that. Remember to stretch before doing strenuous activities like wiping your own ass, wouldn't want you to have a coronary and keel over on the john, you know. A precious thing like yourself deserves much, much better.

You and me? We're good friends, you see. You may try to push me away with your dirty little words, but I see through it. You can't hide from me, missy.

BottomLine ago

I remember acting that way when I first went to highschool.

Christ, this is so reddit it makes my toes curl into a tripple loop. Just like he probably wears his mustache, ironically.

So now he's a smug acting try-hard adult who overdosed on imagined self-importance. The fag probably thinks that's an improvement.

bikergang_accountant ago

Nice comment. You understand that's about the same as saying "I disagree" or "I'm offended" like some weak ass SJW.

How about supporting your opinion with some words or logic. We have higher standards here on Voat.

But what do I know, maybe you don't have a brain. Maybe you can't express yourself. Maybe I should be more tolerant of people to dumb to do more than lash out emotionally.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

This is Voat, I get to say what I want, nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.

Edit: spelling

FeelinFroggy ago

There's that spunky little shitstain I know and love! How's life in hydraulics? Buy anything that can keep your fat ass mobile instead of doing gay shit like walking lately?

bikergang_accountant ago

You want 1000 point, "Oh my, that was so heartwarming. Can I get an upvote," comments that add nothing to the conversation?

Pawn ago

It's the old you can take an redditor out of eddit, but you can't take the edit out of the redditor. Once a scum always a scum. They revert to their natural form once they find a new place to root down in.

I say they are vermin

Black_Phillip ago

@PizzaWars go fuck yourself faggot

akuta ago

It seems a lot like the "and then they came for X, but I did nothing because I wasn't an X" story... Userbase gradually dwindling because they are pruning more and more people with their incessant censorship and feelings-based administration.

Mylon ago

Or you can stop being childish. While random insults are generally tolerated, embraced even, they're still puerile and get in the way of meaningful discussion. That they are tolerated is one of the great features of Voat (the adage, "Racists are the canary in the coal mine" applies), but they're not meaningful nor do they contribute. If they start modding like this is reddit, we have modlogs to call them out.

So shut the fuck up with your whiny bullshit and try to act like a decent person.

Alias_Unknown ago

shayneyn ago

Fuck that guy - he needs to get put in his place

FeelinFroggy ago

You got a short memory. Go for a hike more often, hop off the ATV once in a while.

FeelinFroggy ago

Hey, long time no see. Want to go grab a frappaccino, Suzy?

0fsgivin ago

"One inefficiency please."

FeelinFroggy ago

Is that right? What a shame. @antiracist - sorry you got a little penis.

antiracist ago

thank u 4 ur sympathy

FeelinFroggy ago

Is that right? What a shame. @PizzaWars - sorry you have a small penis.

TruthSeaker ago

As a pizza refugee, I believe I've found the promised land. Thank you for this community and a breath of uncensored fresh air.

RumpRangerRick ago

guests are welcomed into a house with open arms, and then they immediately start disrespecting the hosts wife and talking shit about the food.

You just described the European Refugee Crisis.

Congrats Redditards. You're like a bunch of uncultured, backwards sand niggers invading Europe looking for free handouts.

Fuck you guys.

nogods_nokings ago

this site will collapse under its own weight long before that happens.

Antiracist10 ago

Still reading all that shit you sent me.

TittyThief ago

Sorry shitlibs the culture here is a lot more like /pol/ than reddit...

Gamio ago

That mans head is so far up his own arse that lump in his throat is his nose.

His 5 point plan to establish a superiority complex is so obvious.

1/ allude to your own good works.

2/ dismiss the problem as subjective.

3/ allude to your opponents immaturity and lack of education.

4/ justify your justification because it justifies itself.

5/ do best "We are the Borg" impression and repeat.

Karnivor ago

We need a leaf blower in here

NeedleStack ago

"Efficiency demands compliance"

Ewww, what is that?? Edgelord speak?

Dataanti ago

i believe he was talking about his subordinates (the mods he was trying to keep in line) not the average users, in which case his statement is completely true.

scrimmmy ago

Efficiency demands compliance....

Ina_Pickle ago

We don't want to appeal to the masses. Every single time reddit pisses a group off, our server takes a beating. Believe it or not, we were all perfectly content with our site before you showed up to tell us we aren't "doing it right".

Ina_Pickle ago

Bullshit. I have met a few who are bad as anything over on reddit.

Cameron ago

if they're old, what am i? :)

auto_turret ago

When you're on reddit, you tend to get drowned in a vast sea of jack-offs. Voat is more like a small town, we tend to run into each other a lot. I've actually gotten to know a few folks here, whereas I couldn't stand those other kind (reddit). We like it here, are quite comfortable, we have no intent on 'appealing to the masses.'

Fahrvergnaked ago

I noticed that today. Oh? TK is having trouble with an immigrant? Let's murder him. Feels very close knit compared to reddit. This influx has made me realize how much I love this site. And I'm actually excited for the newcomers, this pizzagate thing is bringing in the right crowd, unlike the fattening.
We'll have some issues at first, but as long as we leave modding/janitor work up to the old-timers we'll be fine.


I hear you both identify as goat-kin

nottashill ago

Omg, you're not even worth talking with. Speculate all you want. Only time will tell. I don't give a shit what you say. So say it towards someone else.

friend_of_lizard ago

I do like efficiency. Eh, feck 'em.

Tzitzimitl ago

the_donald is a shit example, its been infiltrated and neutered

nottashill ago

No, fuck you. And yeah, we will bitch about you dumb Reddit fucks. We've been here for awhile, enjoying our freedom and not worrying about our subs getting taken. If you don't like it, fuck off back to Reddit.

nottashill ago

Yeah. I don't think you get what this place is like. We will never be appealing to the masses. You do understand we're labeled as a hate site around the world?

We're on a totally different pace than what you're used to. And we like it that way.

ToFat2Fish ago

yep looks like a giant faggot to me that or a troll @pizzawars

Plant_Boy ago

antiracist ago


Alias_Unknown ago

There's literally dozens of us good mods out there.

EvilCorgi ago

And that's why Reddit is bullshit. It makes easy as fuck to be a moderator, pawns off the responsibility of picking new moderators on the first moderators, and the owner doesn't give enough of a shit to whip the moderator's asses.

I've always found fourm/server owners to be super cool, dedicated people, Admins to be all the moderators who were found to not suck balls, and moderators the kiddos with a long enough post history and little enough self-respect to kiss up to the admins for a position to abuse. Fuck all of them.

thatguyiam ago

There outta be some kind of points system for mods. Mods start out with max. Amount of points. They can lose points but justification for this has to be made in a thread on the subverse that they are modding. Maybe start out with 5 points? Then each time they screw up bad, someone can submit a thread and majority of subverse subscribers can vote?

Maybe somehow the mods can regain the points too. This is just an idea, I don't like how the mods on reddit are absolute gods, it should not be like that, it should be a democracy.

alien_01 ago

I don't quite have full context here, what's happening? I don't think I understand what pizzagate is, I know there was twittergate the other day with the arab paedos and all that but what else is going on?

BTW what the hell happened to twittergate? It's kinda disappeared, haven't seen it on the news anywhere... weird.

nottashill ago

You are hereby dubbed - The Preacher.

Preach it.

Mint_Chocolate ago

I don't like their attitude one bit.

nottashill ago

Then make sure they know you don't. Send @Pizzawars a nice "Fuck Off" card today! :)

Mysterian ago

Boy did I have this all wrong.

I been pretty out of the loop, so when I saw this thing being called 'Pizzagate' and people complaining about personal information being posted, my mind concluded it had to do with Random Acts of Pizza and people getting murdered instead of free pizza or something.

Nope, turns out that's not what it was at all.

gazillions ago

It's probably been nailed to the wall in an Amazon warehouse somewhere.

superesper ago

Holy fuck. KILL NOW.

gazillions ago

I had to look that one up. "Arbeit Macht Frei is a German phrase meaning "work sets you free". The slogan is known for appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other labour camps"


Porphyrogennetos ago



gazillions ago

Why thank you Gilbert Grape.

nottashill ago

I'm literally shaking rn.

From death-bringing anger.

cointelpro_shill ago

Ok . But Theo is a slut who makes cold potato's

Cup_bearuh ago

What the fuck are you talking about you fucking ignoramus?

cointelpro_shill ago

Our dear Kent wife

Alias_Unknown ago

I'll forever know him as TeddyKunts.

Didot ago

I can't even see the context of this, why are you asking for judgment? Especially considering you feature in the screencap.

Edit: appears to be this thread. Your contention is you think that sub shouldn't have "reddit-style moderation" when that's not even the OP's point, nor is he a mod. The suggestion was that the sub could use less fluff and self-congratulatory posts and more actual evidence-based submissions and comments. That's not a bad thing at all.

ToastyMcFly ago

People with that sort of attitude can go ahead and just fuck right on off.

Rellik88 ago

Is pinging @pizzawars a thing now?

Foralltoosee ago

Hope not. Henrycorp earned it, this guy just doesn't get it yet.

Tzitzimitl ago

it almost looks like voat shit on a random rapefugee because a faggot wanted to to start some drama, if you look at the post @theodorekent oh so conveniently cropped out @pizzawars was clearly addressing /v/pizzagate, not a system sub or whatever

.. i dont even, at least wait for the guy to step out of line before biting his head off

Firevine ago

When I first came to Voat, I made the plea for other new members to not turn this site into Reddit. I'll make that plea again, yet this time I'll make it with a downvoat and I'll call you a niggerfaggot.

cointelpro_shill ago

Don't listen to him noobs ^ this guy doesn't know shit

Kleyno ago

We see this happen often with refugees. They come to us all in a huff, complaining about being censored, and then get bent out of shape when they discover that Voat is not a Reddit Clone and things here will not be the same as they were on the site they had left.

They will either adapt, or fade away, but only if we continue to call them out on their bad habits to discover which course they each will inevitably take.

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

Weak post. Whiny.

Eualos ago

What a stupid self-righteousness cunt. He can eat a dick

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Massive faggotry.

EDIT: Not on the part of @theodorekent

stillinit ago

Get your downvotes ready boys.

rootdivide ago


antiracist ago

Shut up.

enotsr22 ago

This is Voat, I get to say what I want.

That is beautiful.

StillNewbie ago

Would look good as an official slogan.

Cameron ago

honestly It should be the site's subtitle

xbryn ago

It kinda already is.

TheRealDuchess ago


Firevine ago

Damn snow niggers.

Rb8623 ago

I thought those were Eskimos...

Quintus_Sertorius ago

Yes, yes they are

Viropher ago

If you hate them, @ ping them in all your posts. For example, @HenryCorp

Ina_Pickle ago

Because that's not juvenile at all. o.O

Cameron ago

something that couldn't be done on reddit :)

turtlesarepureevil ago

First 5 count. It's so heartwarming to see the most hated user's name spammed left and right.

leaffur ago

Yea fuck @HenryCorp @AntiRacist!!!

I'll shit post to cause inconvenience. That's what voat's for right?

antiracist ago


gazillions ago

"Efficiency demands compliance"

Hahahahahaha I is important.

ElectroGypsy ago

That's what I whisper to all my rape victims.

TheTrigger ago

Maybe we can get /v/iamverysmart going again?

whatisbestinlife ago


ashekchum ago

Well they were kicked out, you know. Maybe part of it was for other reasons as well.

DentHouper ago

Yes other reasons, e.g. because the site's CEO unmuted/unbanned all of the users the mods had muted and banned for violating the site's TOS, thus giving pretext for banning the entire sub. Allegedly.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Either they'll learn, they'll get triggered back to Plebbit, or they'll get triggered, throw a hissy fit, and provide us with endless entertainment whenever they pop up in threads. I'm fine with any of the above.

Dataanti ago

since he was talking about keeping his mods in line, i think what he said was perfectly valid. he is not talking about normal users, he was talking about the mods under his command. so whats the issue?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

What's the issue?

Well, for one, acting like a pretentious, passive-aggressive hipster like is so common on the site they're refugees from, and expecting the new community you've fled to to be perfectly okay with said douchebaggery without knowing a thing about the culture of the community you're emigrating to. Sure, we're a free speech platform, so you have the freedom to act like a pretentious douche...just as we have the freedom to call you out for it and call you a faggot for not knowing a thing about how the community operates.

Go onto any of the chans and post "i cry everyteim" and you'll face a similar reaction. Now lurk moar and git gud, faggot.

Dataanti ago

i think he was admitting his failure at keeping the mods in line, causing the subreddit to be banned, and he was simply stating that its better to just move on and focus on the issue rather then dwelling over his failure and arguing stupid stuff.

i dont see this as pretentious, just informative.

bikergang_accountant ago

Notice how they haven't zerged this thread. They haven't discovered /v/all yet. Thank goodness. We don't want to give the impression that we are ingratious hosts but they are going to have to learn moderation basically doesn't have a place here.

To any pizzagate guys looking this, we ban our moderators, not our users. Voat will tear a mod to shreds quicker than you think. Moderation is not a disagree button.

dontmindthemess ago

That's comforting. Thank you. And I just wanted to point out that the mod wasn't being bossy or an ass, that was all on the poster.

PizzaHunter ago

I'm from reddit and I found /v/all. Also I love this place and don't want it to be like reddit.

Ina_Pickle ago

Most people who got forcibly removed from that other site don't.

Donbuster ago

To any pizzagate guys looking this, we ban our moderators, not our users. Voat will tear a mod to shreds quicker than you think. Moderation is not a disagree button.

Sometimes I DO wish voat was capable of determining a difference between curation and censorship in regards to that. I want a sub filled with quality content rather than clickbait lies sometimes. But in the default subs? Fuck no. Give me the unfiltered uglieness that is voat for the defaults please.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

You can look to fph as a shining example of a well curated sub through heavy moderation. All posts there are on subject.

bikergang_accountant ago

I (under another account) along with kevdude before protectvoat existed were the two people who knocked out the first few moderators that needed to go. They did need to go.

I tried my best to have us articulate the difference between a sub that should be generic rules and ones that shouldn't. My point was that it depends on the defaultness of the name. I got some agreement but what we got instead was system subs. The problem is that there were and are subs outside of system subs that also need to be generically moderated so the community as a whole identified that they wanted generic moderation to reach beyond system subs. This is a correct thing for them to call for but what was missing was an articulation for an exception for smaller and less generically named subs.

So often on reddit /r/science will be heavily moderated and /r/science2 will be the open on. The point is to switch them. /v/science should be open to the most broad definition of what is science. /v/truescience should be for moderators who want an unpragmatic definition of what is science.

Extra: I just want to say almost any short and concise definition of science that you can write you will find exceptions already in industry to your definition and appropriately so. Science should be defined as honest approaches to understand the world as it exists or could exist, using any tool. Science is not limited to "the scientific method" because that removes the mathematical and theoretical aspects of science. There are additional tools science uses. Moderators who try to push that are fighting a culture war and don't really care about science.

Eualos ago

I mean that why we have small subverses. Quality content focused on a particular subject. The big verses are for the larger bs

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I frankly don't give a shit whether they think we're "gracious" hosts or not. When you're refugees, you assimilate into your new community-of-choice, or you get routed for not toeing the line. We ain't gonna be having any of that European "Welcome Refugees" shit, here. I say, call them niggers and faggots, and if they get triggered and start bitching about their feelings, call them something worse. If they can't hack it, they don't deserve to be here with the rest of us that have struggled and built up this community from the ground up.

The last thing we need is these retards turning our hard-won community into Reddit v2.0/Digg v3.0

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Fucking faggots* ftfy

Alias_Unknown ago

Man, if only we had done that when v/niggers arrived.

FPH wasn't that bad. But that coontown crew showed up a shit all over the place. They've single handedly changed what Voat is all about.

Voat during the spring of 2015 was unrecognizable when compared to Voat in August 2015.

Ina_Pickle ago

Are they still around? That ignore button is a handy thing.

Alias_Unknown ago

Oh yeah, as you can see I've triggered at least two.

Bunch of fucking hypocrites if you ask me. They talk a bunch of shit and shitpost all over Voat. But they can never handle it when someone calls them out.

I blocked that sub and the many many knock offs last year. But many have chosen that I don't like being ignored and instead spread their mindless hatred to everywhere from v/askvoat to v/legos.

jerry ago

That guy should kill himself. Case fucking closed.