Dalmo ago

I see your brigade follows you around constantly. Makes me assume you just have a bunch of Alts with how consistently people are downvoated. Always the same amount, always when they make comments against you. Thought policing fuck. You are what's wrong with Voat. You are the cancer of any group you join.

R4WX ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1431003 Additionally to this, please upvote this thread. We have to change the TOP page. At the moment it's waaaay to confusing. 20 different topics, not normie-friendly. not everyone is so dedicated to this like we are. We're slowly losing credibility.

Black_Phillip ago

Hows this for high school? Keep up this shit and you'll get a bat to the head.

Antiracist10 ago


Nekochan11 ago

Upvoat the good quality posts, downvoat shitposts and report spam and the signal to noise ratio on the front page of this verse will sort itself out , that is how the system works.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Eh. As I said, It's actually a lot more technical than that. I'm not personally familiar with this end of VOAT, so I do my best not to advise people about it, but there are official subverses where members of a community can petition to have the mod-team replaced (the subverse names elude me, but I'm sure anyone in /v/askvoat would be happy to elaborate).


This is mod cancer. Fuck off back to reddit

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

The basic logic is: "It's their subverse. Don't like how they run it? Either ignore it (block button), or make your own (create subverse button)."

Of course, in practice, it can be MUCH messier than this....and has been...but I think I speak for all of VOAT when I say that we'd ALL prefer to avoid another @She debacle.

Antiracist10 ago

Check out @SarMegahhikkitha's account. He is a hardcore Jew. On Voat. He is a Jew in the Land of Anti-Semites, yet he still posts here. Why do you think that is?

cuz he gay

NicolasCage ago

Efficiency demands compliance.

You dun fucked up there.

piratse ago

Would you say he..... goofed?

Voopin__Voopin ago

not sure if hypothetical or not, but to answer your question:

You'll probably get told to kill yourself. A lot.

heili ago

Well look at you being the big dick.

heili ago

Efficiency demands compliance.

You can fuck right off.

heili ago

I think he thinks that this is Reddit with a different URL.

thefloodcontrol ago

Been following this elsewhere and I must say it is hilarious you feel the need to say this.

Cameron ago

who are they?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

No. I like those threads. "We did it" threads give hope. You're just a negative whining cuntarse.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Spoken like a 12 year old. Grow up man. Nobody gives a single shit about your edginess cunt.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Nobody gives a single shit about your edginess cunt.


Trying to act edgy in that same comment.


PrideOfOshtekk ago

Swearing at someone isn't being edgy dumbass. Randomly spewing shit with no clear direction for the sake of being a cunt is being edgy. Spewing nigger and faggot just to make a statement along the lines of "fuck society!!!1111" is edgy. Calling someone a cunt isn't edgy you retard.



That's your new name.


Holy shit this mother fucked linked to URBAN DICTIONARY that's like playing the internet argument trump card! Game over man, game over.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Where else would you find a definition of slang that nobody uses? I ain't gonna find it in the Oxford Dictionary. Lmfao.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

You're right. It's a fucking pathetic excuse for trying to be edgy. Shut your cunt-flaps, kid.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Except I am not trying to be remotely edgy. Edginess implies one is trying to go against the grain for the sake of it. That is not what I am doing. Save your bullshit for the pedophiles you elected, Americunt.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Save your bullshit for the pedophiles you elected, Americunt.


Still totally not being edgy



PrideOfOshtekk ago

Relearn the definition of edge and then come back to me.


"Usually referencing the act of or being of a person that is 'trying' to be or may 'be' on the cutting-edge of something specific, or in general (very obscure music, extravagantly violent Asian horror movies, etc.) to be cool and ahead of the norm, and is usually used as an insult in most contexts."

"Trying to be cool and ahead of the norm" -> uses "lel" and thinks people who use "nigger" are cool i.e. textbook edgelord


Now I don't have time to waste on beta males like you. Gotta work.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

Kiddo...I don't know what the morons on that garbage-site you just linked me say about being "edgy", but saying shit like "...nobody gives a single shit..." is the essance of trying to be edgy.

Take your crybaby bullshit elsewhere.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

"essance" - what the fuck dude? My dumb-detector is going off the charts son.

That being said, I admit it. I am THE edgelord. Its just when I do it, its so much better than when you lot do it. It just doesn't have the cringe-factor added to it, which is important.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

LOL okay, kid. "Oh thank god, a spelling error! Home in on that cause we've got nothing else!"

Go fuck yourself, crybaby.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Whose crying? You are, faggot. Were you not the little bitch that got triggered? Lmfao

Fuck outta here nerd.

chronos ago

I appreciate your sentiment, but you need to understand that Voat is very much against moderation except in the case of spam etc. We normally downvoat things that we don't like and move on. That is one of the costs of having a true free speech platform. There is more noise. But at least you can rest assured this subverse will not be banned and posts / threads will not be just deleted.

I don't know how many migrated here today, but just give it some time and the noise will die down. Welcome to Voat by the way!

Dalmo ago

You are the problem. People like you who refuse to progress past calling eachother faggots and niggers. Great you are free to do that. You can say whatever you want. But it doesn't allow you to distract from the issue at hand. They are trying to use this sub to get to the bottom of pizza gate. How about instead of whining like a little bitch all the time, you just don't visit this sub. If the sub wants to set specific rules they are allowed to. He is asking people to post concise information since right now is a critical time to disseminate ACCURATE information. So instead of getting in the way with your bitching, help out.

You are the problem with voat. You and all the brigades that follow you around. Protect voat has destroyed this fucking website with their constant policing. Any rule anyone makes is automatically "censorship". It's not censorship it's a specific verse with specific views. If you don't like it go to a subverse that caters to your needs.


don't know voat, pretend to care about it by arguing against its most important values

concern trolling with nigger logic

lol fuck off you faghot

Zen-Zinxe ago

Nice fucking try alabama pizza shop owner! I AM ON TO YOU!

whisky_cat ago

the deeper redpill if the_d is worth a shit at all. he's already been given the memo if anyone didn't notice

Voopin__Voopin ago

what memo?

whisky_cat ago

the memo where he isn't all that much in control and will be off'd if he tries to achieve certain campaign promises. gee, he's already backing off Hillary, he claims he'll reveal the truth about 9/11 but I guarantee not. we'll see more of it.

The memo is the zapruder tape.

Voopin__Voopin ago

thank you :)

nottashill ago

Please stick to FUCKING RIGHT OFF.

LostandFound ago

Sorry but this is a load of crap, people who work in child protective services have to have an appointed psychologist with regular psych evaluations and mandatory rotation of role to stop you getting fucked up. All we got is each other, if theres a meme or an emotional post from someone genuine as an expression of their omfingG whats going on, I for one will upvoat it.

nottashill ago

Oh fuck no. I knew this shit was going to happen. Get the fuck out or it's your kids that'll be going for pizza this weekend. Fuck off faggot.

pleasedontsuicideme ago

Thank you. We need to actually do shit and not just post memes. Yes, memes can actually help our cause sometimes, but here you are preaching to the choir.

There is work to be done and your memes are clogging up the sub for people that post legit leads.

Beast-mode-freak ago

Yayyeh, we did it guize!


SarMegahhikkitha ago

All the new people need to know this isn't Reddit. Reddit culture is meaningless here. Don't export it here. Pun threads, low-effort jokes, and memeshit are cancer and will be treated as such.

Didot ago

Yet the user of the top-voted post in this thread posted a thread criticizing the OP for this this very thing. The hell is this. So far I've read two submissions from /v/whatever claiming low-quality posts are frowned upon—the very thing this OP is criticizing—yet he gets criticized by that same sub. At this point Voat users are making themselves out to be hostile to any newcomers, regardless of what they post.


The community decides, not self righteous mod faggots. if you want to download a neatly curated news feed directly into your brain then voat I'd not the place to find it

Didot ago

He's not a mod, nor is this even about moderation. Jesus Christ get a grip.


Grip yoself bitch. I didn't say or think that he was. Changing the expectations of migrating reddit enablers of mod cuntery is more important and worthwhile than chastising a mod that wants to play dictator.

Dalmo ago

That's a small group of people. The protectvoat subverse is full of thought police. They claim to fight censorship by censoring others...

SarMegahhikkitha ago

@TheodoreKent and I are touchy for the same reason: 8-hour old accounts already trying to enforce their culture here. Strict moderation is Reddit culture. It's less necessary because there are fewer low-information idiots killing the signal-to-noise with movie references (again, Reddit culture). Voat culture is to say "Fuck you" to Reddit culture but not concern troll that "something needs to be done" about it. Because when you do that /v/SoapDoxBanHammer uses it as a pretext to further consolidate control of the site for SRS, and that's bad for everyone.

Tzitzimitl ago

what OP posted isnt even that bad, hes just trying to focus the zerg rush of offtopic posting that was previously fucking our /all

furthermore OP hasnt extended this to outside /v/pizzagate before we jump his shit whereas we let /v/fatpeoplehate and /v/soap___banhammer do far worse within their own territory.

...what even happened?

Cameron ago

jesus what was that subverse that you linked?

Didot ago

It's less necessary because there are fewer low-information idiots killing the signal-to-noise with movie references

It's only been like that as Voat has had extremely low traffic until such migrations (which is obvious from nearly every sub on the site). With a mass migration the same issues that faced the Reddit sub equally apply here. And it's not an issue of censorship but both one of noise and also because this community is coming under closer scrutiny for its claims now that the mainstream media is aware of it and trying to make out the controversy has no strong evidence—hence the OP's call for more focus on evidence bases leads.

Someone suggesting that users could be more thoughtful in their posts is not censorship. Heck, I'm not even sure if anyone claiming it is is even a part of the pizzagate community, it seems they're just coming in to police the community–again, why does this even concern others on Voat? Voat is supposedly mean to have sub communities which work out things on their own.

In my parent post I'm explaining the hypocrisy of some Voat users who will simultaneously claim they shun low-quality posts while also whining on another sub about the very thing the OP is criticizing. It's like they're both in agreement yet because one is a newcomer they want to find something to criticize. Yes, the OP could have had better responses to some things but that doesn't invalidate the OP's original thread post.

hafen ago

Hope he doesn't bring moderation to all of Voat? You mean bring it to just one subverse that could stand to benefit from proper moderation considering the set goal it has in mind? How come I don't see you complaining about any of the other moderated subs on the site?



Save it.

Possibly_a_Carrot ago

This is the standard knee-jerk reaction from all old VOAT users when a new community migrates here.

Please don't take it personally against your community, but we have had several cases where former moderators of Reddit came here and thought they could enforce Reddit style censorship on the posts they didn't like by being Mod-Team-Cancer (@She, anyone? Wasn't there also speculation about @Amalek at one point or another?).

Moderating this verse in whatever manner the mods deem fit is perfectly fine (Take /v/Soapboxbanhammer...please! -rimshot-). It's when they start trying to enforce it on other verses that it becomes a problem.

Also, criticizing other communities is generally frowned on around here. If you don't like a certain verse, there is a filter button on every verse for a reason. Not to say you personally are doing this in a rude way, but just saying it as a general informative statement to all new VOAT-Goats.

Edit: For Example :)

justfuckmyshitupfam ago

Well, because it's jarringly barren of content compared to the way r/pizzagate was left.

justfuckmyshitupfam ago

He's kinda right though. There's a lot of garbage posts on the front page right now.

nottashill ago

Shut the the fuck up and get the fuck out. Now.