Antiracist5 ago

I argued my point when confronted. I pointed out flaws in his arguments pretty consistently. Uhm...

AHAHAHA!! @Crensch only ever made claims and never provided arguments.

He dismissed arguments as evidence.

He fucked up the vocabulary about arguments.

He falsely identified numerous logical fallacies, whilst committing them himself and not admitting it. This is all documented here:

He claimed the prime mover argument was absurd, and he couldn't support that claim. I demonstrated it wasn't.

He claimed the prime mover argument was question begging. I demonstrated that it wasn't.

He denied logic is applicable to reality. He'll try to lie and say he's talking about before the big bang, but he utterly refuses to address any logical argument. Proof:

He also utterly refuses to give examples of good philosophy.

Also, No, I won't read about "arguing about gods". There's so little point or usefulness to it, I can't be bothered to waste that kind of time. ~~~ Idiot Crensch

"Philosophy is garbage for the weak-minded." ~~~ Idiot Crensch

It's clear Crensch knows nothing.

@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh @bojangles

Antiracistfuxvoat ago

All idiot @Crensch has is: Lawrence Krauss and Stephen Hawking say atheism is the case, therefore atheism is the case. See all of @Crensch's support for atheism:

I linked to him atheist philosopher of science criticizing Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss for their shoddy philosophy.

I linked him George Ellis' criticism of Krauss, and idiot Crensch dismissed Ellis because Ellis is a Quaker. So I can dismiss Hawking and Krauss for being cult member atheists. Ellis, by the way, published a book with Hawking, but idiot Crensch is quick to call Ellis a loon.

I clearly know much more about math, science, philosophy, and logjc, than idiot Crensch. I have archives of proof showing Crensch's severely limited knowledge. For example, he didn't even know about cardinality when he was claiming tobe able to conceive of more levels than I could conceive of. What an idiot.

I also patiently explained that two things are not 0 things. But crensch pretends I don't get it, and he's utterly incapable of elaborating. Even though 2 things obviously aren't 0 things, @Crensch still desperately clings to his authority. He'll believe anything he's told, even if it obviously makes no sense, because he's an unthinking cult member.

@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh

Antiracistfuxvoat ago

Ask idiot @Crensch to respond to Whatever is Changing is Being Changed by Something Else.

He can't.

Simply understanding what a physicist means when he says that positive and negative virtual particles effectively equal zero, or nothing is beyond him, and gets him to feel awful about his limitations.

Ahahahahahaha! The universe came from nothing because it came from two things, one positive one negative. Two things are nothing. Teehee!

Idiot @Crensch can't even support his claim about Harry Potter.

And he definitely can't rebut premise 2.

@SarMegahhikkitha @eagleshigh

whatisbestinlife ago

*most of the time? sometimes?

Crensch ago

Oh, dude. That's a tall order. Let's see:

I posted to /v/niggers. I argued my point when confronted. I pointed out flaws in his arguments pretty consistently. Uhm...

I guess the big one is that I understand physics, and called out his bullshit when he tried to argue for a first-cause or first-mover, since the entire idea is based in a reality that doesn't exist.

Simply understanding what a physicist means when he says that positive and negative virtual particles effectively equal zero, or nothing, is beyond him, and gets him to feel awful about his limitations.

Teasing him about his assertions that his biology is special because Jesus DNA, or how he uses biologists and neurologists in an attempt to debunk a physicist on the nature of reality tends to work. Also how he thinks philosophers know about reality better than physicists do.

There's probably almost a year's worth of shit that I took from him and destroyed.

Good luck at getting the target on your back. If you need some help with a response, let me know.

antiracist ago

Check out this sweet anti @Crensch post:

Your atheism is idiotic, cheerleader bitch.

Sean Carroll. Scott Aaronson. That's two atheist physicists.

Jerry Coyne. Atheist biologist. Massimo Pigliucci. Atheist philosopher of science.

And George Ellis, and David Albert.

The Big Bang was first proposed by a Catholic priest. A theologian coined the terms physicist and scientist.

Funny how aristotle and godel didn't figure out that their logic wouldn't work where the laws of physics don't work... oh wait, they didn't have physicists to point out that ~~~ Idiot Crensch

Freeman Dyson.



Albert Einstein was also living at Princeton during this time. Gödel and Einstein developed a strong friendship, and were known to take long walks together to and from the Institute for Advanced Study. The nature of their conversations was a mystery to the other Institute members. Economist Oskar Morgenstern recounts that toward the end of his life Einstein confided that his "own work no longer meant much, that he came to the Institute merely ... to have the privilege of walking home with Gödel".

You lose, stupid bitch.

Also check out ALL of @Crensch's support for atheism:

Fuckvoatantiracist ago

Fuck you.

whatisbestinlife ago

i kinda want to upvoat so it stays? because i like laughing at it

gl7 ago

Here is the great example, sane people will see who is the vile one. And corruption from leaks, so call charity Foundation, colluding in Justice system.

TrumpGS ago

You know that Trump just put a Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager and Soros employee in charge of the Treasury right? Ahahahaha.... Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Trump just put a Goldman Sachs hedge fund banker who's also a Soros employee in charge of the Treasury after he donated tens of millions of dollars to his campaign who's also employed by Hollywood.

" More recently, in October 2014 Mnuchin became co-chairman of the board of the Hollywood studio Relativity Media"

You think this is the only shady stuff? His campaign manager Steven Bannon is an ex Goldman Sachs banker as well.

Trump's campaign is being run by Stephen Bannon an ex Goldman Sachs banker and Clinton's ex CIA director James Woosley that works for the Rothschilds in Genie Energy. Zionist Sheldon Adelson offered Trump 100m to fund his campaign and there are a bunch of Goldman Sachs bankers working within Trump's campaign.

All of Trump's adult aged children are married to Jews and every single one of his grandchildren are Jewish. His daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism as well. Within one generation the Trump family will be entirely Jewish. Trump is in with the Jewish bankers.

And here's sourcing for every one of my claims regardin who's running his campaign. Notice Breitbart is a source.

These aren't my words. This is Breitbart and ZeroHedge reporting on the facts.

Trump supporters cannot accept that Trump is being run by Goldman Sachs and the Rothschilds. The same people back Hillary btw.

Bannon running Trump's campaign.

Bannon Goldman Sachs ( One of many Goldman Sachs associates working for him)

Clinton's CIA director James Woosley working for Trump.

Woosley working for Rothschild

Breitbart :

Bannon running Trump's campaign.

Woosley working for Trump.

Crensch ago

Thanks for still correcting the record. .02 shekels have been deposited into your account.

antiracist ago

Your atheism is idiotic, cheerleader bitch.

Sean Carroll. Scott Aaronson. That's two atheist physicists.

Jerry Coyne. Atheist biologist. Massimo Pigliucci. Atheist philosopher of science.

And George Ellis, and David Albert.

The Big Bang was first proposed by a Catholic priest. A theologian coined the terms physicist and scientist.

Funny how aristotle and godel didn't figure out that their logic wouldn't work where the laws of physics don't work... oh wait, they didn't have physicists to point out that ~~~ Idiot Crensch

Freeman Dyson.



Albert Einstein was also living at Princeton during this time. Gödel and Einstein developed a strong friendship, and were known to take long walks together to and from the Institute for Advanced Study. The nature of their conversations was a mystery to the other Institute members. Economist Oskar Morgenstern recounts that toward the end of his life Einstein confided that his "own work no longer meant much, that he came to the Institute merely ... to have the privilege of walking home with Gödel".

You lose, stupid bitch.

antiracist ago

Did you know @crensch and @bilbo_swaggins eat shit?