MrBateman ago

It looks like it creates on average 2 threads per hour so it isn't sliding. It appears that on average 1 post per day is getting around 20 upvotes so at least one post per day is probably making it to at least the 2nd page of v/all . It seems that ever since it started, any major new topic that is posted to gets reposted here and then that repost goes to the front page. To me it seems that there has been a lot more activity and more quality activity since it started.

Voat users that were never exposed to and never left voat are now exposed to pol posts if people feel they are worthy and are upvoted.

MadWorld ago

It has a lot of data, but the view count, within each submission, seems quite low. The 8chan bot is doing its thing, but not many users are interacting within /v/8chan subverse.

PuttItOut ago

Thanks for sharing. Hmmmm... A few sides to this.