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Violentlight ago

Right, but the reason he is doing that is because he doesn't want to wait for the community discussion. I'm just so confused why this has become our fault. Even now the only thing he is arguing about is our definition of spam. Thats why we are unable to stop talking about it in the same breath as his ban for spamming us. His spamming us, was his protest about our definition of spam. Our definition of spam is directly from the community. We had a sticky recently with no activity. So we will have a sticky in a month. It will be discussed then. That is the only thing that will satisfy him. But you want us to let him have his hissy fit, because it only affects us. But I dont understand that. If he would just discuss it with the community, there is no reason for him to spam us. There is no reason for him to try and disrupt the modding team. Its not personal. We simply want to be able to use the mod mail. Its not useful if we just have to ignore pages of reports. I'm not going to sort through 'new' and then sort though mod mail. I want to check mod mail for something I might have missed. Take care of that. Then sort through new.

We are not trying to censor him. Thats the thing. We were trying so hard to work with him so we could get the discussion with the community. But somehow this has some urgent emergency status for him. He doesn't like the community definition of spam. Totally fine. We will definitely be discussing it in the upcoming sticky. Thats it. Thats all he has to do. Don't spam us. We are listening to AOU's concerns. We are not ignoring them. We have told him how to bring this to the attention of the community.

The only thing that will satify AOU at this point, is for us to delete the posts he considers spam. We can't do that. You know we cant do that kevdude. Its not our rules.

Now, I've noticed that PV finds it really annoying that we keep talking about the community guidelines and community definition of spam. But just look at all of AOU's complaints against us right now. It's directly tied to that. It is his only concern. I understand that PV does not like the 1 month temp ban. But our temp ban has always been 1 month. Keeping it consistent is what removes the bias. I want everything to be consistent. Would be awesome if everything could be black and white. So when someone spams the sub, and they are a legit sub user, we warn them. We try to work with them. If they continue, they are told that they will get a 1 month ban if it keeps happening. If they do it more, then they get that 1 month ban. We have had to do that for some spammers before. Now PV finds the fact that his spam is not visable to v/videos to mean that he gets immunity. But consistency. We treat spammers as consistently as we can. So we tried to work with him. Think between the 3 of us, we put more time into explaining it to AOU then anyone else before him. We then told him straight up that continuing to spam would lead to the 1 month ban. As per every other time we have handled a spammer. He continued. I just don't see what else we could have done to avoid it. You might not see the spam, but its still spam. Its spam with the purpose of disrupting our modding.

If he said right now, he wasnt going to abuse the button. He would say his piece when we have the sticky. No problem. No need for the ban. We would remove it right now. No problem at all. But thats not what he wants to do. He wants the rules changed. He wants them changed now.

@THC @InnocentBystander