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Violentlight ago

Or we could treat him like an adult. Give him some personal responsibility. He could talk about this with the community. He doesn't need to have a fit and try to disrupt us to get his own way.

You know how in Reddit, you got a few SJW's screaming racisim and "I'm so offended, so you change everything for me". Then rules were changed for this very loud but small group? This is along the same lines. Instead of supporting his tantrum and demands for attention. How about we tell him to discuss it like everyone else. How about we support his ability to act like an adult.

This did not come from nothing. We recognized that he was a legit user of the sub. So thats why we put so much time and effort into discussing this with him. First explaining how spam was defined by the community for this particular sub. The reason v/videos came up with a different detention then the rest of the site was to protect our Original Content posters.

If you notice in all of AOU's posts in PV, he simply goes on and on about how we are protecting spammers. He does not talk about his ban. He kept misusing the spam report button, so he could get banned. So that he could go to PV and show you something you could all get upset about.

I'm going to link you some of my other responses to this situation, simply because they are spread out all over the place. I tend to create long responses, and would prefer to not have to rehash them. Since I'll probably be writing a novel to do so.

First Second Third

I guess thats the thing that bothers me. I signed up to be a mod to try and help protect Voat from the same fate as reddit. But then I see AOU gain traction by screaming the loudest. We never dismissed his complaint. We told him all the ways he could talk to the community about it. We also asked him to please bring it up in the next sticky. We tried so hard to help him use the methods that would actually see results. Because we need the community to tell us what to do. Not just him.

@THC @InnocentBystander

Disappointed ago

There have been a couple of other users ask for the question to be put to the community if this particular ban is reasonable or not , since I last looked. How many users of the site are enough before you ask the community if what you are doing in this case is the right thing? Some have been dismissed by @InnocentBystander already but I'm asking that you and THC take a look at it. I think at this point its reasonable to ask your community. Most of those users are questioning this specific ban and are happy to let the other situation be addressed in a month time from what I can see. Are you willing to open a dialogue with your community now?

InnocentBystander ago

I have noticed a couple of genuine users express an interest now.
That was lacking before. It is still a smaller number than what we would usually put a sticky up for, however it may reassure people that we're not full of shit, and could stymie aou's next attempts to troll.

I am greatly disappointed in the failure of all who have been aggressively hounding us without ever taking the advice of making a post and asking the community themselves.
That will not be forgotten Disappointed, you chose to push the drama route when a simple post in /v/whatever would probably have been enough.

What do you think @THC @Violentlight? Put up a sticky?

Violentlight ago

Sure lets do it. Lets make the sticky now. We can hold a new sticky in the sub every single time someone starts screaming about how they don't like the way things are. So after we have this sticky. Whatever the decision is; when someone else starts flipping out about the changes or lack thereof, lets have another sticky. Right? Lets just keep doing that. Stickies all the time till no one looks at them anymore and we lose our connection with the sub.

Sure. Lets do that. Apparently thats how some people want it to function. But how about we bring that up in the sticky too.

How many stickies, are too many stickies. And how often do you want us to make a sticky when someone starts screaming bloody murder?


Disappointed ago

Just make it clear this sticky is an extraordinary one to deal with concerns from a number users about this particular ban and you will have another scheduled sticky as per usual(I think you said next month) where people can discuss relevant concerns about who is or isnt a spammer. Thats my two cents but I'll leave it to you guys. Thank you all.

Edit: Well nvm @Innocentbystander said basically the same thing.

InnocentBystander ago

I was thinking just a sticky to ask about the ban, the rest can wait.
We will not address Aou's concerns, or anything about him at all.

Just iron out our ban policy. See if the community agrees with our current interpretation, or if it need to be modified.

Aou won't even be mentioned.
I agree that caving to someone who is just starting drama to force their views, would be a mistake.

Disappointed ago

I tend to think that putting up a post in v/whatever would be escalating the drama more than waiting to see if others users weighed in on the situation of their own accord. Thats why I'm asking you here in your area because you've said PV might not be the best place to do it. It wouldn't have been hard for me to make a thread in v/whatever and get some people to also ask for a thread. I believe I've handled this without escalating as much as possible and by giving you mods every opportunity to act yourselves and with time to give it some thought as well. Thats been my motivation here anyway. @kevdude I notice you are also engaging in discussion on this. Would this be a solution you'd be happy with, at least in the short term? @Atko @PuttItOut its your sub, so courtesy ping.

Edit: I also wanted to see if the user would agree to stop the reports which he didn't.

Disappointed ago

Meant to ping @THC there