QueensNewYorkGuy ago

In my early 20’s, yes, but back then I would have fucked anything mammalian.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

It would have been great if he just slit her throat, then walked away

Merlynn ago

I'd expiration date her.

It_was_the_juice ago

I forgot how fucking annoying drunk women can be.

PsychoticBreak ago


Granite_Pill ago

That's gonna be a no from me, dawg.

Fetalpig ago

So desperation does have a smell?

PatrickFullen ago

Stop lying cunts. Everyone in here would fuck her.

Inaminit ago

Yes, for scientific purposes and to film her reactions for the internet.

Nosferatjew ago


MarauderShields ago

What a fucking wreck she is.

whatisbestinlife ago

is that laura loomer?

MomsDontMakeGoodDads ago


Sympozium ago

How about no

SpreeFeech ago

I think making jews do physical labor is much more enjoyable than the gas chamber.

ChosenUndead ago

Gas that ugly cunt.

murface ago

I'd find her a nice nigger, and hope it goes well on the way home.

hollywood2020 ago

she acts like Feinstein making a "suggestion".............her obvious desire to get fucked is so desperate

RoundWheel ago

They actually work to inject external genetic material.

Wowbagger ago

Listen to that voice. Tells you all you need to know. Geeeez

ScreaminMime ago

9 times out of 10 when a chick brags about her big tits - she is overweight.

crazyjuan ago

10/10 would gas again

Reich_or_Wrong ago

I just found out her age yesterday. How the fuck does someone in their twenties look like one of the late-stage hags in Death Becomes Her?

WMFrizzle666 ago

Shitty, inbred genes

jthun2 ago

it's true, they suffer from a shit ton of genetic ailments

the hasidics look like the most sickly people on earth

kevo7777 ago

God, the way people talk, including that how that white guy talks, is so depressing. It's just such reddit-tier cringe faggotry all around. Speaking in stupid cliches while being over-sexualized.

jerkwad152 ago

Drunken alt-leftist with a valley girl voice, and probably five kinds of crotch rot? Who wouldn't?

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

She's on the Trump brigade bro

jerkwad152 ago

If so, then damn, that's some good acting. 😀

I'd be all over her.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

People who say “joooooos”

Are jews.

Floppyhorsecock ago

Fuck no. A desperate sounding chick at a bar or a night club is probably a giant whore.

I prefer my tires to have some tread left on them.

MetalAegis ago

Fuck no, I would've said something like, "See you on the next train to auschwitz." then just walk away.

ConanLibertatem ago

No fucking way!

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Yeahhhhhh, I'd say Laura loomer is the exception to the khazar milkers stereotype


StankMouth ago

That’s because she is a transgender

VAT ago

No! And not because she claims to be Jewish, or her ugly nose, as seen in the video.

I would not date he because of her odd jew smell, proven by scientists.

Jewish Women, to all humans, even jewish men, smell LEAST attractive in double-blind science tests based on rating and ranking soiled cotton t-Shirt undergarments.

No one knows why, but jew females give off "your sister" smell mammal repellent , and are unwholesome to consider fucking.

All males excreting enough testosterone, have undergarments attractive to all females, even male jews undergarments, but the more genetic similarities to a females 6 core immune system markers used in organ tissue matching, the more familial, the more "smells like a brother" ... then the LEAST attractive the man. Too much genetic similarity.

Mammals , especially female hominids, seek out interloper invader sperm, invading the hominid troop, not just in Pan troglodytes, but ALL apes, lions, most mammals with colonies, etc. The females fuck highest testosterone virile temporary invader, so long as the females can use local pair bonding with a cuckolded male to raise and provide for the bastard.

The famed 'fun fact' reiteration of the above :


FUN FACT #873 : Humans have about 6 chemical signature markers to prevent attraction to siblings, yet ironically, a non jew ranks a sweaty shirt worn by a female jew as LOWEST in sniff sex attraction tests!

Some scientists think it could be lifestyle related (herbs, garlic, unknown), but it is a FACT : JEWISH WOMEN UNDERGARMENTS are rated LEAST ATTRACTIVE SMELL to all men, in many studies.

Most mammals have various anti-attraction chemical pheromone-like chemical markers. Its a freak of nature that human jew females trigger all males to stay away.

The "jew repellent" is discovered whenever smell attraction tests are performed on groups, then the fact shoah'ed. :


The author and her jewish face violently repelled men with her double-blind sweat odor test, but large papers also concur. She , Mandy, wrote with shock :

"The vast majority of smell daters sniffed me, and passed"
Her ✡ face (hidden from odor test subjects) :

The germans knew of this subtle jew smell and wrote about it , then book publisher got executed by allies for this WW2 era german book : “Der Giftpilz,” a children's book published by Julius Streicher. Julius Streicher was executed by (((allies))) in 1946 for being editer of "Der Stürmer", a publication that enraged Jews. In the book it stated :

"Jews often have an unpleasant sweetish odor. If you have a good nose, you can smell the Jews."

Read it yourself from that book that got the editor executed (Crimes Against Humanity as a Book Publisher!) for printing the truth on Jew Smell : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Giftpilz

When you are executed for printing childrens books, you know you are over the target.

JEW SMELL IS HISTORIC to many science papers :

And modern 21st century science tests confirm this... for female jews.

By the way , in the 1700s, scientists called the smell of the Jew : ..

foetor judaicus

in journals on Jewish detectable body odors. "Foetor Judaicus" :


Also nonfiction treatises : Foetor Judaicus (The Other Jewish Question) (Jay Geller):


archived :

In the periodical Forschungen fur Judenfrage (Researches on the Jewish Problem), Baron Otmar von Verschuer wrote, “It has also been claimed by various sources that the Jews are characterized by a particular ‘racial scent’ "

Science ruled out Jewish cuisine (incessant cabbage and garlic farts wafting from their anus), and focus on t-shirt garment tests.

I wonder if for 5 days a month a Jewess smell is semi-attractive or not? Ovulation trigger smell along lower stomach skin.

According to research published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, women are actually most attractive to men when they're at their most fertile due to a special scent released by the body:

When women are at their most fertile time of the month, they SMELL BETTER to men:


Even strippers get up to 50% as much extra tip money when ovulating over a 5 day range.

Ovulating Strippers Make Bigger Tips:


But though THOSE science papers get to be mentioned in Scientific American, the WELL PROVEN FACT THAT JEWS SMELL UNFUCKABLE will never be printed often in (((media))) nor in ((academia))).

The fact regarding Jew Women odor repulsing men is shoahed, despite trivially proven again and again in studies.



1999: "The Evolution of Mating Preferences and Major Histocompatibility Complex Genes":


TL/DR: For a non-jew, The female jewess' body smell would put you off. Science concurs. Recent science research papers, and past science papers all concur.

SearchVoatBot ago

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KillYourTelevision ago

Girls from Saychells... I'm just saying their snatches smell like sandalwood.

I wrote in my diary: "Discovered the source of sandalwood incense."

Phantom42 ago

Mammals , especially female hominids, seek out interloper invader sperm, invading the hominid troop, not just in Pan troglodytes, but ALL apes, lions, most mammals with colonies, etc. The females fuck highest testosterone virile temporary invader, so long as the females can use local pair bonding with a cuckolded male to raise and provide for the bastard.

Women are fucking pathetic. 😂

POTUShasnoballs ago

Sperm chimera

Phantom42 ago


Disloyal whores. When artificial womb tech becomes widespread, they will fall in line.

Granite_Pill ago

Goddammit, Voat. Never change.

SocksOnCats ago

I always thought the jew smell was urine.

Plant_Boy ago

No one knows why, but jew females give off "your sister" smell mammal repellent , and are unwholesome to consider fucking.

It's because of all the inbreeding and the jewish fetish for incest. Probably by either the forbidden love with their sister or the vanity of them viewing their own genus as superior.

satisfyinghump ago

This comment and you, are one of the reasons this place is so damn interesting.

Warnos44 ago

Do jewish men find their women's smell unattractive also? I would think so, but considering they're both the same species, maybe not.

VAT ago

All men, even jewish men, rank the smell of undergarments worn by female jews as least attractive. Male jews however smell attractive based upon testosterone concentrations and less effect on negative smell to females.

But , it is an odd quirk of nature that in countless tests, the smell of a Jew female is least attractive even to other Jews.

Granite_Pill ago

Schiksappeal is a thing. Jewish men being attracted to gentile women.

Maat4u ago

A simple comment that Jewish girls are manipulative and smelly would have been okay too.

VAT ago

Heh! But the smell is not technically a disagreeably horrible smell, just that it makes your body highly not attracted to a jewess, for some odd reason. (Damaged genetics?).

6843153 ago

Underrated informative post. Screencapped.

RoundWheel ago

Odors are frequently associated with immune system function. Jews are more prone to many genetic diseases.

Odors tend to subconsciously make one not perceive that person as a viable mate. In part, because different odors are associated with different immune function. Healthier humans with higher survival rates (childhood disease survival) occur between individuals with different immune system capabilities. This is why siblings don't like each's odor as they likely have the same immune system. It's an indirect warning of genetics.

Long ago, some jews genetically collapsed below viability. I wonder if the odor is a signal to not breed because of the damaged genetics? They claim Jews I've reached 300 individuals. Once you factor in their proclivity for incest and how common it was for 20% of men to mate with 80% of women, it would seemingly explain a lot.

VAT ago

I wonder if the odor is a signal to not breed because of the damaged genetics?

Astoundingly profound. Imponderable, but might be a mammal mechanism to avoid damaged lifeforms, even if the lifeforms are not from your colony. So , though novel DNA interloper, the creature is shunned as "unfuckable" to almost all of that species on earth.

For a MALE to pass on fucking a fertile female, who happens to be a jewess, that is indeed some shocking quirk of nature. (cost/benefit mating yadda yadda yadda).

Ocelot ago

Wow, didn't expect to see such a long comment about the smell of jewesses today.

AntiMason ago

A garlic aroma that could level Tacoma.

pimplepeter ago

jewish princess... LOL

fuckyourownface ago

The tacoma aroma

VAT ago

Just don't date a Jewess and smell her undergarments! egads! The horror.

Ocelot ago

You really don't have to tell me not to date a kike. I'm only interested in dating women I would marry.

RoundWheel ago

The message many need to hear.

Argumentative ago

get that wet bread lad :^)

AltUserMe ago

I was talking to a girl in a bar who told me she was Jewish. She didn't look Jewish at all and so that was the thing I said immediately. "I thought you were <insert name of country we are in here>", I couldn't tell. This seemed flattering to the shapeshifter. I got out of there.

Maddmartigan ago

She sounds desperate and annoying.

repoman ago

Video is blurry; which democrat congresswoman is this?

broknspyrrI ago

Laura Loomer. Don't be jealous of her ashkenazi IQ

big_fat_dangus ago

LL's tits are nowhere near that big.

ReAwakened ago

I would date her... as in... giving her an expiration date.

jthun2 ago

they've got those beady eyes and an overly broad mouth, just like goblins.


I thought it was loomer in the video

MarauderShields ago

Eeeh gads!

prairie ago

She may be female but her nose is a guy.

ScreaminMime ago

Is that her?

ISaidit1 ago

Yes, I took the pic straight off some site after a search. Probably when she was in College or sumthing....She's a beast, ain't she?

Tandemlee ago

Jesus Christ

Maroonsaint ago

Wait holy shit is that really who it is

ISaidit1 ago

Says so in the file lol.

Monstrum ago

Nose so big you can see it from the front

broknspyrrI ago

Is she honest and would she date him? I thought jews don't date non-jews, but I only know that male jews take it serious, not sure about female

BordelonLoop ago

female jews are like faggots. they always wanna turn a straight.

Reich_or_Wrong ago

Jewish lineage is matrilineal, so it doesn't really matter to women.

RoundWheel ago

Same with Canaanites.

Non-satan worshippers follow lineage through the father; patriarchal.

bruddah ago

Canaanites were not fully human they were giants, and sons of the serpent as per the etymology of cain, khan, kairn etc. they were likely human/annunaki hybrids

Floppyhorsecock ago

There is a reason you are considered Jew only if you get it from your Mother. (this is not a mom joke).

This is because their women are fucking sluts and their men are cuckolds. They EXPECT their women to become pregnant from just about any other race, so the offspring are automatically jews.

AltUserMe ago

Female Jews lust after the Arian. We are the envy of the world

watts2db ago

I think that’s how crypto’s are made

Covid14 ago

Kike nose confirmed


10/10 would gas, oven and holocaust.

HolePunch ago

you can smell the soggy matzi from here

last18500 ago

Sounds like an attempt at infiltration. Classic honeypot. Avoid.