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TomRectum ago

Over here we have haitian niggers and they smell exactly like a mix between hot peppers and vinegar, oignon and garlic, feet, old cow leather, dirty underwear and of course transpiration.

european ago

What a combination. You have a delicate pallette to distinguish all those subtle aromas.

obi ago

He has to nuzzle his face deep into their underarms, asking them to patiently stop moving for a minute, and slowly breath in 8 long sniffs.

Its a lot of tedious work, to sniff 50 hatians, but science is not always testing every possible chemical stench, so those researchers like @TomRectum are the true heroes of science.

They call him "TomRectum" because sometimes he needs to sniff lower undergarments of Jews to detect a Jewess vai their racial scent. From famous Fun Fact #873 on educated noses detecting Jews :