NoKiddin ago

Some niggers never die, they just smell that way! 🎶

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

Drive through a ghetto neighborhood and you can smell the filth.

noob_tube ago

@Mt_Wannahockaloogie knows, he lives in the ghetto.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

I do.

noob_tube ago

Nigger confirmed.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

Better than being you.

noob_tube ago

No, it isn't. Being so low IQ that you actually believe the shit you write? That's misery.

New-World-Ebola ago

no shit niggers stink... they're apefreakcoons.

SheaButterVaseline ago

Coconut scented products for nigger hair should be made illegal. I cannot stand to smell them on niggers.

OyGoy ago

Well, yeah.

fritz_maurentod ago

30 participants isn't much...

obi ago

from paper, with statistical math odds also calculated and shown :

Overall, our findings suggest that an individual's ethnicity has a significant impact on human axillary odor production

The correlation is profound and genetics based. Blacks stink 4 times more than any other race.

fritz_maurentod ago

I know you won't get any funding for such research, but the figure of only 30 participants is laughable. Probably the best way to approach the subject is to study the kinds of deodorants being sold to the different races. Similar to the study comparing dick sizes indirectly by the taking a look at the condom sizes sold in the different regions.

obi ago

Its a COMPARATIVE race study, so even less is good enough.

comparative race study, not quantitative alone study.

SoSickOfBlacks ago

Only needed one.

Zulu2Oscar ago

Niggers stink so blind people can hate them.

I had to say it.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

That never gets old!

PhilKDick ago

There's a cure for nigger smell. Just bring the popo around, and they'll run, if thet have warrants. . . or drugs . . . or they've done something wrong.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

Best cure for nigger smell is rope. It takes a couple weeks to work, but it's permanent.


'Science' proves what blind people knew all along.

Killnigs3 ago

science again tells me what my innate instincts have proven long ago

binrobinro ago

Did they also prove that water is wet?

areyoumygaffer ago

what do you want to bet? niggers smell to show predators where they are, stay away. Whites don't smell because we need to track prey.


500five ago

niggers smell to make their predators nauseous.

NineInch ago

What exactly would eat a nigger?

Buzzards eat road kill, but I doubt anything would eat a nigger.

Oh wait, Dahmer ate niggers didn’t he?

PeckerwoodPerry ago

I think they smell because they're wretched fucking beasts. That's as scientific as I care to get.

ravensedgesom ago

they are a cursed race change my mind.

BoltAction30-30 ago

I agree with this, but the retard who typed it needs to at least get a GED.

Shotinthedark ago

They also think they're the best dancers

SoSickOfBlacks ago

Wide noses breathing all the white man's air.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Well they do have rhythm. My mother told me so I know it's true!

ItsOk2bArian ago

Your mother is a race traitor whore, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you

TomRectum ago

Over here we have haitian niggers and they smell exactly like a mix between hot peppers and vinegar, oignon and garlic, feet, old cow leather, dirty underwear and of course transpiration.

New-World-Ebola ago

yes... they always smell like shit mixed with vinigger

obi ago

science paper agrees with you :

  • Acetic Acid (vinegar smell)
  • Valeric Acid + Butyric Acid + Hexanoic Acid + Propanoic Acid (broken down red blood heme feces smell)

you have a good nose

european ago

What a combination. You have a delicate pallette to distinguish all those subtle aromas.

obi ago

He has to nuzzle his face deep into their underarms, asking them to patiently stop moving for a minute, and slowly breath in 8 long sniffs.

Its a lot of tedious work, to sniff 50 hatians, but science is not always testing every possible chemical stench, so those researchers like @TomRectum are the true heroes of science.

They call him "TomRectum" because sometimes he needs to sniff lower undergarments of Jews to detect a Jewess vai their racial scent. From famous Fun Fact #873 on educated noses detecting Jews :

BlackGrapeDrank ago

pajeet street shitters smell like that too

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

This from a guy with rectum in his name...just sayin! 😂

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago

We didn't really need a scientific paper, but it's comforting to have SCIENCE on our side.

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ravensedgesom ago

the science is settled!

ARsandOutdoors ago

I heard this one in a bullshit communications classes I had to take years ago. This Asian chick said that white people smell like wet dogs. All the poc agreed.

PeckerwoodPerry ago

I've heard niggers say that white people smell like bologna. I don't get really. It was explained to me that we smell like we're processed or something. Whatever they mean, at least I don't smell like a nigger.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Should've replied with something like "Interesting, I've noticed a very similar smell coming from Chinese butcher shops, yet no white folk were ever in sight."

HbMcNutt ago

And then everyone would have clapped

european ago

$100% true

TomRectum ago

That's why dogs are so loyal to the white race.

Ken_bingo2 ago

You are doing God's work, OP. Don't let anyone tell you different.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

one of my most favorite nigger jokes:

why do black people smell?

so blind people can hate them too

areyoumygaffer ago

why do all blacks have nightmares?

because we killed the only one with a dream.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

That one took me a second but was worth the effort!

areyoumygaffer ago

woman interviews Stevie wonder. she asked, Stevie, your life has so many additional difficulties, how do you keep on? Stevie doing his typical motions says "well at least I ain't black".