SearchVoatBot ago

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I would say that I'm going to start t pretend that i'm a nigger, butno, fuck all socialist media!

SumerBreeze ago

They are semites, you retarded cuck.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

According to the Bible, Edom (Europe) is the son of Isaac and brother of Israel. Ishmael (Arabs) are a cousin. That means Christians are more "sons of Shem" than Muslims.

If you really want to make NPCs bluescreen, tell them that "anti-Semitism is an anti-Jewish trope that Muslims and Jews are two sides of the same coin." If people would repeat this talking point enough it would utterly destroy all Muslim attempts at attacking complicit Reform synagogues and then using it as a pretext to push for anti-blasphemy laws (i.e. anti-Bible laws) masquerading as laws against this fictitious thing called "anti-Semitism". What are anti-Semites against, Ethiopian Christians???

FalsePseudonym ago

Tell me more. What does this supposed Muslim trick "anti-Semitic" have to do with US politics and culture? When I hear that phrase here, it's always being used by a Jewish person against a White Christian, often times unwarranted. I personally don't care about either side of the sandbox feud(s), but I do care about propaganda being employed by either side against the culture I am a part of. I won't be going back and forth like your friend here, so please include any intended response without expecting to be prompted further; I am a lurker.

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Only 10% of people in the US who self-identify as "Jews" are Orthodox Jews. Why? Because we told them "Go back to Israel so we can nuke Israel," and most of them did, out of respect for their host. The remainder said, "well they don't speak for all Americans and Trump proves that," but over half of that remainder have some plan to move to Israel rather than overstay their welcome.

The other 90% of people who self-identify as Jewish are almost universally not legally Jewish, for several reasons. One is that their gold-digging German oma married a Jewish guy and her children aren't legally Jewish, another is that each generation re-intermarries with other non-Jews or fake Jews, another is that they haven't been observant for 3 generations (which disqualifies someone from being legally Jewish). When you have people who never cease from shilling for Islam like AOC and Claira Janover saying they're Jewish, you really have to wonder what that even means. Only secular Jews think Jewish is a race. Ashkenazi is a race, Jewish is a religion.

SearchVoatBot ago

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FalsePseudonym ago

Thank you, and I will consider what you've said.

SumerBreeze ago

Sanhedrin 54b and 55b

jews are the synagogue of satan

SarMegahhikkitha ago

You're talking about a fake translation that gets passed around by MUSLIMS on the internet. That's the reason you can't quote those passages. If you read the actual text, it's not related at all and totally divorced from context. Discussing whether the crime is pedophilia or homosexuality. Under nine, it's pedophilia, boys and girls are not sexually dimorphic. Discussing whether a divorce is required if, heaven forbid, a criminal has sex with a minor to make her his wife. The answer is no, we don't consider his intention to marry her as valid, since you can't marry a minor. If they had ruled that you can marry a minor, Muslims would have simply mistranslated it even more disgustingly.

FalsePseudonym ago

Thank you for sharing your views and relevant knowledge. I don't know if you're right, and it's something I'll look into further, but would hate to see one of our last popular channels,, become a useless echo chamber of catch phrases and confirmation bias. I'm for the USA and Christianity, period, but I'd sure rather be informed than be as vaporous as your Summer Child friend here.

SumerBreeze ago

found the faggot pedophilic jew

SarMegahhikkitha ago

See, the bot is unable to intelligently process requests like "quote me the text you're talking about and tell me how it's offensive", it just keeps repeating stock phrases like "found the jew" and "whatcha doin rabbi?"

SumerBreeze ago

See, the jew becomes frightened, even offended, as you call it out.


Sanhedrin 54b and 55b will be the end of you kikes. 😃

SarMegahhikkitha ago

What is pilpul according to you?

Why are you not able to quote the text from those links that's supposedly offensive if you're not a bot?

Why did you respond to the OP (which wasn't even visible unless you're searching /new) in seconds and respond to every single comment I make within seconds?

SumerBreeze ago

Why are you so adamantly defending PEDOPHILIA? What the fuck is wrong with you?

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Why are you not able to answer my questions if you're not a bot?

Why would discussing a text that's describing the death penalty for faggots, pedophiles and furries mean that I defend pedophilia?

SumerBreeze ago

Do you ever answer questions without a question? I asked you the first question, so shouldn’t that mean you get to answer the first question? Do you realize how often I’ve come across a perverted JEW that uses the same technique to avoid accepting GUILT AND SHAME?

We know about your holy books. The synagogue of satan will fall. This won’t be the FIRST time you jews were found out and KICKED out of the country! 😂 LOL

SarMegahhikkitha ago

If I don't answer a loaded question ("Why do you support pedophilia" when I just proved the text is against pedophilia) then it's "pilpul". Got it.

Since the bot uses my comments as a prompt, and I'm not asking questions, the next reply won't have questions. It will probably begin with "If" or "You".

Notice how the bot does sentiment analysis and then adds the appropriate emoji to the end of its responses, when over five years I've never seen people using emojis on Voat (besides a handful of spambots).

SumerBreeze ago

the text encourages pedophilia, and here you are saying the opposite

got it 👌

Ive been here longer and have NEVER seen someone as apologetic to jewish pedophilia as you - fucking disgusting pieces of shit

SarMegahhikkitha ago

I said the script would use "you" in its opening and write emojis after its text and it did. Weird lack of self awareness if it's really not a script. If it's not a script then it should be able to tell me something complex to prove its real, like if Ariel Sharon supports Iran or Iraq. I've used this query before to jam up scripts and force the operator to escalate the response to higher-tier support. If it's not a script then it will answer, if it's a script then it will completely ignore the query and just keep repeating the words "jew" and "pedophilia".

SumerBreeze ago


larping as a computer whiz when you haven’t even learned any coding languages, let alone the English language.

Will you answer my original question or not?

SarMegahhikkitha ago

I said script several times, so their NLP analyzes it to be the subject of my post, hence why it begins with a nonsensical angry tirade about script kiddies.

Noninstant response means operator override, meaning he erased the emoji after LOL and the pedophilia comment after Sanhedrin 54b (which it's still unable to quote). Problem is, operator needs to escalate to higher tier support to answer my query and it's night in Muslim Cyberbad right now. Only if I ask the same question another 10 times will the bot say "one moment please..." and escalate the request to a response queue.

If he still doesn't answer my question to prove he has flesh then everyone I've shown this is pretty convinced at this point that he fails the test of Tur ING.

SumerBreeze ago

The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their tactics in debate. At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents; but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out, they played the trick of acting the innocent simpleton.

Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counter-arguments and feeling themselves cornered, hastily transferred the discussion to another field. They uttered truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, took this acceptance as applying to other problems and matters differing essentially from the original theme.

If you cornered them on this point they would escape again, and you could not force them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried, to get a firm grip on any of these apostles, one’s hand grasped only a slimy jelly which slipped through the fingers, but coagulated again a moment afterwards. If your arguments were so telling that your adversary felt forced to give in on account of those listening and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day.

The Jew would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened.

SumerBreeze ago

Damn whoever can write that deep of a script must be hired immediately.

Not you, though - you are a kikesucking pedophile apoligizer. Now answer MY initial question and maybe I will answer yours.

That’s how it works!

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Soros is really the puppetmaster and not just a whore for the pro-Iran faction of the Saudi royal family, huh? Well then, name me one "Satanic Jewish mastermind" that wears a kippah. I'll wait. Oh you can't? Because those are the only people who follow Biblical Law.

SumerBreeze ago

Sanhedrin 54b and 55b

Those kippah wearing child fuckers are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN

SarMegahhikkitha ago

See, I broke the bot's script, he just repeats the same thing again. He can't even quote me the Sanhedrin 54b and 55b that's supposedly offensive because it's scripted.

SumerBreeze ago

read those jewish holy texts

you are an accomplice to depraved faggotry