Black Woman Raging Mad Iraqis Won't Let Her Loot Their Store (
submitted 4.8 years ago by dayofthehope
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foodieboy 4.8 years ago
It's a black Karen.
Also known as a "Shaniqua".
Glipglup 4.8 years ago
Why is this 2 year old Voat account copy pasting YouTube comments?
toobaditworks 4.8 years ago
MarauderShields 4.8 years ago
Nice, I like it. Gamify it. "Collect 'em all!"
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foodieboy ago
It's a black Karen.
Also known as a "Shaniqua".
Glipglup ago
Why is this 2 year old Voat account copy pasting YouTube comments?
toobaditworks ago
MarauderShields ago
Nice, I like it. Gamify it. "Collect 'em all!"