Reminder that it was only white men and women protesting the commie Covid-1984 lockdowns. The Karen shit is definitely an anti-white-woman psyop by kikes, because MOST white women vote conservative already and they want you to turn on them.
It's used by niggers and niggerlovers in an anti white manner but Karen is not inherently an anti white meme. Dumb soccermom cunts and busy body zealots that are super religious or super puzzled tyranny clowns etc are real and while most of them are white lots of them are M iggers and even more of them are kikes
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foodieboy ago
It's a black Karen.
Also known as a "Shaniqua".
SlimeSGT ago
this shaniqua thing isn't gonna stick bro at least you tried
blumen4alles ago
Which I why I disagree with anyone that says Karen is a racist meme against white women.
foltaisaprovenshill ago
Reminder that it was only white men and women protesting the commie Covid-1984 lockdowns. The Karen shit is definitely an anti-white-woman psyop by kikes, because MOST white women vote conservative already and they want you to turn on them.
blumen4alles ago
I don't know about that. I thought most voted liberal.
Killnigs3 ago
It's used by niggers and niggerlovers in an anti white manner but Karen is not inherently an anti white meme. Dumb soccermom cunts and busy body zealots that are super religious or super puzzled tyranny clowns etc are real and while most of them are white lots of them are M iggers and even more of them are kikes
Glipglup ago
Why is this 2 year old Voat account copy pasting YouTube comments?
toobaditworks ago
MarauderShields ago
Nice, I like it. Gamify it. "Collect 'em all!"
blumen4alles ago
Maybe cause they thought it was a good comment.