Fetalpig ago

Is Trayvons parents and Obama going to come out with statements? Bet they will.

CeasarSalud ago

He a gud boi, just openin up pipe to get day watah, watah be a right n sheet.

Maddmartigan ago

So all this video was reviewed before the two men were arrested...

tom9152 ago

They're hiding something. Full video anywhere?

ScreaminMime ago

I suspect this as well, the video is supposed to be 3 minutes and all we've seen is the same 10 second loop.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Welcome to Monday, slowpoke.

trans-tranny ago

the youtube comments are gold

ScreaminMime ago

Love the username.

greydragon ago

Anyone remember initially when the jew media said the goodified was mistaken for a burglar in the area that just happened to match exactly his description? Endless lies. When one lie is discovered and refuted, the jew media creates two more lying heads. And the jew comics have the gall to make the Nazi's secret organization named Hydra. Projection.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Not caught. Seen casing.

auchtung ago

Wait to thwy had already reviewed the footage, it is completely obvious he attacked the guy with a shotgun and still arrested them. Wtf is going on? This shit should make everyone nervous, blacks and whites.

Deplorablepoetry ago

No, dumb dumb. The ex-pig and his retarded son hunted down a trespasser, safari style and murdered him in cold blood.

They will be sacrificial pigs served a sentence for possibly first degree murder, likely second degree murder conviction.

The old commie pig faggot will die in prison but not before he gets to watch his queer son get beaten and gang raped on a daily basis.

Yes I know, all the low IQ scum like you on voat will cry and cry.., I’ll be laughing so hard at you retards when verdict is announced, I’m sure it will be an epic chimp-out of communist scum.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You are literally a nigger and a felon. Why do you even use this site?

Deplorablepoetry ago

I hunt scum commies like you, fucking puke.

You can slit your own throat or I can do it for you.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Honestly, you should have been hanged for your felony.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You will scream for mercy and receive none, pig.

AntiMason ago

Dumb dumb?


Deplorablepoetry ago

Die pig

Ask me how your family dies, commie pig.

C’mon, brave faggot, ask me how your filthy family dies scumbag.

auchtung ago


Deplorablepoetry ago

You sound smart enough to be in law enforcement, retard.

BoomerHater1488er ago

He's smart enough to not be a felon lmao

Deplorablepoetry ago

You hero is gonna hang, retard.

Kill yourself, retard

Die commie scum

BoomerHater1488er ago

Silly uppity nigger. No one cares when you chimp out. Keep throwing your feces and screaming. You're a monkey in the zoo that we all enjoy mocking.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Your commie is gonna hang pig faggot.

I wouldn’t hang you pig, I have a shitload of power tools just for you.

BoomerHater1488er ago

I have a shitload of power tools just for you.

You steal 'em from construction sites, nigger?

auchtung ago


Deplorablepoetry ago

Die faggot

auchtung ago

Hope you take care of your depression.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Happy to slit your throat, pig.

Nothing would thrill me more.

auchtung ago


BoomerHater1488er ago

Guy is literally a nigger and a felon. It's almost surreal to see that such a person actually exists. A nigger that broke the law and ruined his own life now rages out against police every chance he gets.

auchtung ago

Ah, would explain alot. I just always try to take account the type of shit cops are constantly coming in contact with and he is a good example.

FannyCraddock ago


derstoyvsky ago

Those youtube comments give me hope.

ToFat2Fish ago

The comment section on that video is a gold mine.

Brain_Spasm ago

Jogger lives splatter was a good one.

Usernamenameuser ago

So, English recieved death threats for nothing other than building a house. He didn't know the McMichael, he didn't call the police, and he wasn't there. He simply owned a piece of property and decided to build a house there.

Reverse-Flash ago

All those "frequent burglar" points down the drain. That's the real tragedy here.

am1n0rex ago

And we can all see that he never committed any crime, or behaved in a manner creating probable cause. Now we have proof that his killers were engaged in felony false arrest, making the killing a case of felony homicide.

itssomatic ago

I think it's racist that you're implying niggers can't run backwards.

ansuz ago

"probable cause" = pilpul

"felony false arrest" = pilpul

the fact is he ran 100 feet down the road and attacked the other guy. last I checked assault is a crime. go spew your nonsense somewhere else

XSS1337 ago

Go back to reddit.

Have a soy bar.

Just fuck off , nigger is dead and rightfully so.

13% plus welfare

HiJoker ago

They are desperate for a race war.

BoomerHater1488er ago

So am I.

AntiMason ago

Fight goyim!


green_man ago

The media might, but the niggers are too dumb to understand the concept or the fact that they would be chucking spears at each other if whites were gone.

greydragon ago

I read something from /pol/. It was a White teacher describing the teaching of niggers in an extremely long post. At one point in the story, the teacher asked something like, "What would happen if you all got your wish and all Whites were gone?" A black student supposedly said, "We're fucked."

The post seemed sincere to me. I think some of the niglets know.

greydragon ago

Huh. I thought there was a chance that this was photoshopped (his jacket seems feminine). It's real, but I came across this 9gag -- archived thread.

"There are more atoms in the universe than there are bicycles in your garage." - Albert Einstein, probably

There's a couple of laughs in the comments.

moosethenoose ago

Niggers barely understand the wheel......

Unless they are chrome and 22"+ and rollin' on some rusty 80's piece of shit.

"Are dey spinnin'.....?

ardvarcus ago

They still don't understand it, they just like it because it's shiny.

green_man ago

Adolf__Fitler ago

Urban jogger follows trail through someone else's house. Over and over. What's the problem?

ScreaminMime ago

Instead of cross-country it's cross-city. Urban racing, I like it!

500five ago

That jogger must have been part of the National Interleague of Goodness Gracious Elite Runners Society.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

My right ear feels informed.

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=Q7N6bC5cnVU :

GBI reviewing additional surveillance video in Ahmaud Arbery case - YouTube

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