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CalibanFresco ago

The plot thickens. Also, fuck off, Pim Tool.

RM-Goetbbels ago

That guy is a homo. What I mean to say is that he rides the bologna pony. He sucks the snake. He cuddles the cock. He's a hohhhhhmo.

fishknees222 ago

the media is so mad America isn't more overtly racist they have to create this bullshit.

Yuke ago

That video could have been 5 minutes long, max.

SexMachine ago

I just wanted to see the video from inside the house, but I can't find it.

observation1 ago

Common, Tim. He ran up on a guy holding a giant shotgun.

Carpools ago

You can't conflate the authority of the state to execute people, or "the death penalty", with the individual's right and duty to defend themself when attacked. This criminal attacked others and got himself killed. It would be an imposition on the father and son if it weren't all our right and duty to perform likewise when the time comes.

This was justice. They didn't go to kill him. They had ranged weapons, and could have done so easily without getting into a grappling match over the SG. They didn't expect this criminal to be so desperate and sick to be willing to attack them while they were armed. He did. He's dead. The world is a better place. We all win. Best case scenario.

Understand that every time we hear about a crime committed, we wish it were like this instead. We wish that every single time a criminal tried to violate someone, they perished, and the majority of the crime was averted.


captainstrange ago

"This was justice. They didn't go to kill him. They had ranged weapons, and could have done so easily without getting into a grappling match over the SG. Understand that every time we hear about a crime committed, we wish it were like this instead. "

Couldn't have said it better myself.

krosen333 ago



Where is the gofundme for these guys legal defense?

killkillkill ago

Lmao, more and more footage just keeps coming out.

Attac ago

Tim Pool, professional news paper reader.

illsithereandlaugh ago

The only reason I listen to him. I do not have time for this shit. Thanks to Tim I know the lies and can laugh at my leftist, progressive virtue signaling, liberal hypocrite boss. But God, I want to slap Tim whenever he says shit like 'I can not tell you why this is happening.' Still, good for getting ammo against liberal normies.

anticlutch ago

(((Tim Pool)))

That faggot seriously goes on to say the legal self-defense those men were forced to use is manslaughter.

SexMachine ago

Please do kick off the race war.

Niglick_LaTard ago

I'm ready to stand with my brothers and make things right.

ToOnMaN ago

They make up 12% of the population, MAYBE 4% would be able, or willing, to fight. It wouldnt be much of a war.

captainstrange ago

Don't kid yourself.

Thats what lead to many wars. People thinking that it would be 'easy' and 'over quick'. People started it because they thought they could win without any major struggle. 'over in a day' as it were.

On second thought, I have no problem with your post.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Based bald hapa man has me thinking that maybe this one did do sumfin.

anticlutch ago




the anti-White loxist controlled oppo that is spewing anti-White rhetoric is based goyim!!!


The Fecal Fixation Of The Chosen Ones

Armpit_and_Ass ago

schizophrenic rambling


trying to greentext


somewhere other than an imageboard


using more than two lines


using the line break with horizontal line


has bookmarks saved in his browser about poop but some guy's name on an irrelevant two-bit reddit knockoff is the real sin


everyone i don't like is a jew

Post hand with time stamp or you're a fucking retarded nigger.

0011000100100111101 ago

i hope that eventually the father and son are released.

TheyLie ago

It's on his jogging path.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Arrest of who??

SparklingWiggle ago

He condemns the citizens doing their duty of attempting a citizen's arrest. Fuck this piece of shit. Is he controlled opposition? We have an absolute right two protect ourselves, call a militia, and arrest people who've committed crimes. If that had been a LEO, he would have shot the nigger before he could have grabbed the gun. What a cuckold.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

That is the case law that will be used against the prosecution. It's fair to even pop someone fleeing after they have fired upon your location.

ChiCom ago

This has never been about anything other than removing citizens arrest before the coming Boogaloo

bonghits4jeebus ago

Also, Georgia doesn't have a "hate crimes" statute, and they're trying to drum up support (with white women in the suburbs lel)

midnightblue1335 ago

Georgia also allows you to follow a criminal and even confront him. They aren't supposed to chase him down and shoot him- they're supposed to kinda keep him around until the police arrive so they can do an investigation.

That's how simple this incident should have been. If Armed Robbery had simply stood there till police arrived, not only would he be alive, he probably would've walked away without any charges. Well, once the footage of his several break-ins were reviewed, he might get arrested, but I don't think he would have been arrested if he just hung out and waited a few minutes.

But he didn't want to wait for the police, probably because he knew he'd end up in jail. It seems he decided he'd rather try to kill his way out of this situation, and he needed the weapon of the citizen who was trying to stop him.

You know, I might feel a little different about this incident.... if the shooters were brandishing their guns by pointing them at the nog. But they were not, they were holding them pointed at the ground until the nog attacked. Holding a gun is not a threat. Pointing it at someone is a threat. Also, a lethal threat is trying to rip the shotgun out of someone's hands. The ONLY reasonable thing to do if someone is trying to steal a weapon from you, is to kill or disable them. A sane person's assumption would be "If he takes this weapon from me, he will use it to kill me."

bonghits4jeebus ago

I predict the shooter walks and they riot in places that had nothing to do with it

RevDrStrangelove ago

On one hand, fuck that nigger.

On the other, if I'm out and there's civilian dudes blocking the road with guns that have setup a roadblock/ambush is a pretty sure indication that you're about to have a bad time.

I'm a middle aged white guy and there'sno fucking way I would have stopped for them.

I wouldn't have charged anyone, I would have attempted to evade.

Best case you get robbed. Worst case is a really bad time.

midnightblue1335 ago

I'm a middle aged white guy and there'sno fucking way I would have stopped for them.

They wouldn't have tried to stop you unless they just saw you snooping around a house and then sprinting away like you just stole something.


MSM does not give full context when they report on this shit. They called him a "jogger" and say he was "ambushed for no reason". Just like the Germans wanted the jews out of Europe for no reason, right? Think, man.

RevDrStrangelove ago

What I'm getting at is the whole "if he had stopped for the armed guys at the ambush/roadblock everything would have been fine" argument is a little disconnected from reality.

If my straight arrow lily-white ass isn't gonna stop it's ridiculous to expect him to have stopped. No one in their right mind is going to stop for that - good guy, bad guy, White guy, black guy and damn sure no Mexicans because they know exactly what's up with that.

SparklingWiggle ago

Oh goody, we can just dispense with calling the police and the arrest. I should buy a hog farm.

ChiCom ago

Hogs eat nigs n kiked pigs?

SexMachine ago

Yeah, I hate that dude, but I can't find the original video

Carpools ago

I knew this old case was a setup. They picked a case that the zombies would freak out about, and withheld evidence so that it seemed like a good pretense to do so. They took the bait. All the race baiters swooped in to try to divide us. Now they're slowly releasing all the evidence that this was a criminal who attacked good people, and got himself killed.

By the time all the proof has been released, the targets of the communist race baiters are going to plainly see how they try to divide and use us.

midnightblue1335 ago

The timing is interesting, too.

The weather is about to get hot. What happens every year when it starts getting hot?


This summer is going to be horrifying. It might be the bloodiest summer in decades.

Sierrastarship ago

The (((media))) already knows all the facts and they're slowly releasing them. These 2 white men's trial will probably kick off right before the elections. I knew this shit was coming. There hasnt been a nigger killed by police anywhere in the country since the 2016 election!

SpitsMonsters ago

In addition, he wasn't outright murdered, he charged at the gun owner. If I choose to play chicken with a Mac Truck, everyone knows the outcome is 99.9 % death. Why do black people charge gun owners and LEO's? This is the REAL question that needs to be answered.

CalibanFresco ago

Because their ability to resolve conflicts caps out at 'fight it'. Your order get screwed up at a fast food joint? Shoot it. Someone dissin' your fly shoes? Kill them. Woman turn down your advances? Punch them, then punch them with your dick.

Man with a gun telling you to put your hands up, and you're unarmed? Now, he may have the upper hand, but hear me out. Punch them.

Jiggggg ago

Like a feral animal

AnothervoatAcc ago

They cannot reason beyond fight or flight.

midnightblue1335 ago

Why do black people charge gun owners and LEO's?

I remember back when the gentle giant, Mike Brown of Ferguson, got killed by Officer Darren Wilson because he charged at the officer after hitting him several times.

Morons were saying "NOBODY WOULD CHARGE A GUY WITH A GUN, THAT'S JUST STUPID!" Well... now we have lots and lots of footage of people (and niggers) charging at armed men. It almost always ends with a dead/maimed retard.

zum ago


Also Fuck Tim Pool, he is a centrist who often leans left, and is claiming opposite of reality, and wants these innocent white men held in prison without bail for two years.

Fuck Tim Pool

sneakythrowawaysnek ago

Because blacks are literally retarded and incapable of regulating their aggression.

Mouse-Ball-Z ago

Some. Don't make the mistake of underestimating someone because of skin color. If you do, they'll use it against you.

Also some white people have emotional control problems too. I'd wager a good amount of voat users have some stunted emotional growth.

Gitmo_money ago

I'd argue that 99 percent of goats likely can't be baited into a fist fight through words, but your average black can be easily taunted into a fight and rarely is able to walk away and shrug it off and continue their day - even if their staring down the barrel of a gun.

Ranlent ago

Or they do walk away ONLY to come back with Reinforcements.

ALIENS2222 ago

IQ 68

GoatSufferage ago

Double digits, for a jogger?

ALIENS2222 ago

Well, they are generally considered the smartest animals. There are a few parrots who are better at math but overall the joggers are definitely smarter than a tapeworm though. Similar morals to a tapeworm but smarter.

GoatSufferage ago

At least a tapeworm doesn’t kill its fucking host while screeching for reparations, but I see where you’re coming from.

ALIENS2222 ago

Tell that to the stomach lining that it is latched onto...

GoatSufferage ago

One kills you as a consequence of its parasitic nature, the other is a sub 80 iq sub Saharan savage with no higher brain function than to destroy and consume.

ALIENS2222 ago

One kills you as a consequence of its parasitic nature, the other is a flatworm.

GoatSufferage ago

Parasitism in a negroid is unrelated to its internal drive to maim and rape, gibs are merely a consequence of an advanced society too fed up on being politically correct, rather than defending itself and it’s wealth from these incapable fucking jogaboos.

ALIENS2222 ago


peacegnome ago

isn't that an average? so half are below that. Judging by this guy's dad and his performance on TV i'd say chances are very good he's sub-60.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ChiCom ago

If niggerbery had been white nobody would care

Deplorablepoetry ago

Why don’t more pigs commit suicide by jogger?

LMFAO! scum pigs in prison, filthy dead jogger....., it’s a fucking great day!

midnightblue1335 ago

Hi chink. How are you?

Did your "re-education" work? I see you are back to trying to subvert American patriotism again.

How much do your chink overlords pay you? Lol j/k I know that you do this as a slave.

ruck_feddit ago

We know they'll end up dead as the hammer he was carrying. The real question is how do we get them all to do it?

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Well. I know of this african marathon were we all could have own jogger..

performance ago

It doesn't need to be answered lol. I don't give a fuck. It only speaks to how low IQ and violent niggers are.

webrustler ago

Get rid of the beanie Tim, it's pathetic.

SparklingWiggle ago

You think that's the only problem with that faggot?

webrustler ago

Far from it.

SparklingWiggle ago

I wonder if he is hiding a smaller beanie under that beanie.

Deplorablepoetry ago

..ya, that Cartman-with-glasses look is rather goofy...., where’s the Pom-Pom?

JohnGaltApproves ago

The cuck is damning the hero property defenders, who have been exonerated by the county DA, as “murderers,” while admitting that Ahmed Robbery was clearly doing something “he knew he shouldn’t,” but “wasn’t necessarily illegal.”

This is intended as a “Look, guise, I’m reasonable. He’s obviously doing something wrong, but he didn’t deserve to be slaughtered by those evil wypipo.”

Ocelot ago

Tim Pool is a cuck.

In_Cog_Nito ago

I stopped watching as soon as he said they should be charged with murder. Fuck Tim Pool.

erietemperance ago

If you keep listening, he immediately rules out Murder 1, 2, and 3.

Then basically rules out voluntary manslaughter.

peacegnome ago

He is right more than 90% of the time, and does a lot of research so that I don't have to, BUT when he is wrong he is really wrong.

midnightblue1335 ago

Yeah idc if you're right about 90% of things if the 10% of things you're wrong about are so absurd.

This guy just states the obvious as he reads it directly from articles, peppering in his "commentary" a bit. The 90% is just the facts that he is reading. The other 10% is a skewed, malformed load of bullshit thought. "Guys, did you know that the corona virus reaction is a load of bullshit? Also, niggers aren't monstrous creatures with zero impulse control."

The second statement in that fake quote above demonstrates that the only reason I'm correct about the first statement is because someone else told me.

peacegnome ago

Yeah, if you watch him for his distillation of the news (which is pretty much what I do) then he is great. I'm not going to read cnn, fox, buzzfeed, etc. but he will, and then I can watch him.

His actual commentary can be (but isn't all or even most of the time) very shallow, and mainstream; he won't touch race realism, the jq, or even simple things like the wage gap. This could have reasoning behind it; I won't stop watching him if he is an idiot on these topics, but many people would if he was truthful.

Deplorablepoetry ago

One dead jogger, a pig and his piglet going to prison to get raped by more joggers is fucking awesome!

There is no down-side to this story, only delicious drama covered in salty tears of queers who consider anyone a victim in this first-rate soap opera.

Gunk ago


BoomerHater1488er ago

He literally is a nigger. And a felon. If I cared enough if search his comment history to find the post where he admits it.

midnightblue1335 ago

Look at his comment history, don't go back looking for his admissions- just look back like two weeks or so.

There is something very odd about that account. It's clearly shared by multiple people.

His postings have always been stupid, but right around the time we started making fun of chinks a lot, suddenly he started making what looks like bot posts. He'll say something like "AlL pIgS shuD diE iN A DitCh" on a submission about a photo of a flower.

And his name.... he is a Trumpcuck, apparently. "Deplorable", give me a fucking break. u/Deplorablepoetry is a bitch.

Deplorablepoetry ago

The only good pig is you dead commie fucking faggot.

Die scumbag.

Kill yourself pig.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Shhhh, go back to Africa, nigger. There's no laws and no cops there.

Deplorablepoetry ago

LOL! awe..., poor little piggie wasn’t wearing his badge of shame and is now going suck jugger dick till the day they bust his skull in.

Hahahaha! So fucking awesome! next, pig.

Kill yourself commie coward pig scumbag.

Die pig.

BoomerHater1488er ago

You were born a nigger and you will die a nigger; you will never, ever fit into white society and your rage at police is misplaced; it is yourself that you should hate, nigger. It's easy to not commit felonies. I don't know why you had a difficult time obeying the law, but you are to blame, not the police.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You were born an ugly, stupid coward and you will die a a fat worthless parasitic sack of shit, pig.

So funny your scumbag retarded is going to prison!

Fuck you!

You next.

Gunk ago

You're still a nigger.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Dead pig still lays in a ditch with its throat slit, dead pig.

Gunk ago

lol. just saw this.

Guess what?

You're still a nigger.

ranch-othelioma ago

Yeah, that faggot says they shouldn't have gotten their guns. Fuck that. ALWAYS carry

GoatSufferage ago

“Oy vey, no weapons for these obviously criminal whites goyim, these poor defenseless men of color are the ones who need weapons.”

ChiCom ago

He might've killed them to get away they didn't have guns

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Knock off the jewish buzzwords. We already have language which expresses the point: “race war” and “Day of the Rope.”
  2. There will be no day of the rope.

captainstrange ago

"There will be no day of the rope."

Exactly. People always mention "day of the rope" like it just fucking happens. It occured toward the middle-end of a long drawn out conflict that had already been raging for some time.

People don't fucking read anymore.

ChiCom ago

Sadly, It will be over nigs and jews but it will be whites against whites if it happens - just like WWII, civil war, etc...

Phantom42 ago

Nukes are an absolute bitch ya know? It'd be a shame if we just so happened to raze the entire Earth if even one of us is killed.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Armed with a hammer, very likely.

ranch-othelioma ago

Yup. I think he sized up the scenario and maybe dropped that hammer and tried to run around the truck to get the gun away. Don't get caught bringing just your dick to a hammer (or worse) fight.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

He thought he couldn't be shot if he was unarmed so dropped it when it because useless.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Doesn't matter criminal trespassing iseithet criminal or not. Certainly prowling.

Here is the thing, justice is gone. What separates one crime.inal act from another. Nothing, if he's let off on prowling I deserve to be let off on treason, vice versa is what you see. Treason bleeding from the bench.

derram ago :

Video Emerges Showing Ahmaud Arbery Entering Home At NIGHT Several Times, GBI and FBI Make Arrest - YouTube

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