In my mind it was never a question. He was never a jogger. The question is if the (((media))) can turn this into a Trayvon level, anti-white circus with their lies.
Really, I don’t fucking care. They are trying to incite a race war between blacks and whites when everyone needs to be solely focused on Israel, it’s unregistered foreign operations like the ADL, and the rest of their fucking spies.
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AlphaOmega ago
In my mind it was never a question. He was never a jogger. The question is if the (((media))) can turn this into a Trayvon level, anti-white circus with their lies.
Really, I don’t fucking care. They are trying to incite a race war between blacks and whites when everyone needs to be solely focused on Israel, it’s unregistered foreign operations like the ADL, and the rest of their fucking spies.
Don’t get distracted.
Jujubean ago
I am not a nigger and am capable of multitasking