Cunty84 ago

Fucking jiggers

rspix000 ago

In the state of Georgia, under O.C.G.A. §16-3-24, a person is justified in threatening or using force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that such threat or force is necessary to prevent or terminate such other’s trespass on or other tortious or criminal interference with real property other than a habitation or personal property:

(1) Lawfully in his possession;

(2) Lawfully in the possession of a member of his immediate family; or

(3) Belonging to a person whose property he has a legal duty to protect.

However, the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to prevent trespass on or other tortious or criminal interference with real property other than a habitation or personal property is not justified unless the person using such force reasonably believes that it is necessary to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

0011000100100111101 ago

with the stupidity of the father and son regardless of what this ape was doing they will most likely get convicted of 2nd degree murder or manslaughter of some type. this is because ultimately the death was preventable all they had to do was sit and follow the nigger and wait for the cops to show up. had Tyron attacked the police during arrest then the same outcome but now it was all legal and tidy.

Tandemlee ago

Yes goy, yes.

Hate each other while we steal the fruits of your labor and rape and pillage your rights and economy.

Black man bad, white mine bad. Good goy. Good goy.

child_abuse ago

What would happen if 1000 whites jogged through the ghetto.

nubyplays ago

Well, I have to say I was wrong. Between this and the other video it's definitely looking like he wasn't out just jogging only to be met by two people in the roadway.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Right on; gotta spread this around the world

random128dsf321 ago

So the wearing boots part was false?

Jonesylightbulb ago

Maybe? Looks like it from the video from inside the construction house. But that's irrelevant. He clearly wasn't out for a jog which is what they were trying to say.

random128dsf321 ago

If he robbed the place, which it sounds like, then thats verification he wasnt out for a jog, imo.

I've seen countless lookie-loos walk into construction sites to look at home layouts when no one is working.

Jonesylightbulb ago

This house had been robbed of $2500 worth of material a month earlier though. So there was a history and he had a history of going to the house according to the 911 call.

dt1 ago

Damn Joggaboos.

Bigsweaties ago

Have any of you seen the interview with his father? Dude is straight Kenyan black. That explains the running part. Africans do love some marathons.

Jonesylightbulb ago

No, I couldn't stand the good boy bit I don't think.

Bigsweaties ago

Just strollin' until he came out. I've seen a video that shows a hammer in the road he allegedly dropped. Hammer jogging. It's a thing

SchwiftyJew ago

Do you guys think they will still try to push murder under the guies of vigilantism if this does not pan out for just plane murder like they are trying to push?

Jonesylightbulb ago

Manslaughter most likely. They'll cut a plea deal and do half time which is a thing in Georgia.

Teamgizzy1 ago

My jogga

KikesOnTrikes ago

Well fuck I was wrong about this one.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Chicago has a 21% rate for solving black murders. Why ain't they marchin' about that?

clubberlang ago

Oyyyyyyu veyyyyy mashugganah!!!! Only toxic white people commit all the crimes. This helpless brave ex slave was just checking to see if the property wasn't infected filthy goys!!!!

Jonesylightbulb ago

Notice how edited it is? 100% guarantee he took something and they cut that part out.

1Sorry_SOB ago

DA had this video at beginning of investigation. So everything backs up White man's story and nothing backs MSM narrative of a black boy out for a jog.

With one video showing the black boy charging the guy with the gun and one video showing probable cause to detain, no wonder there were no charges brought.

glassuser ago

That's racist!

EyeOfHorus ago

Only 18% of population jogs, but 53% of joggers are chased down and shot.

con77 ago

when was the last time you saw a nigger jogging?

1Sorry_SOB ago

Our investigative journalists haven't noticed this. The refer to him unquestionably as jogger.

con77 ago

A whore in a brothel has more professional integrity than a msm (((journalist)))

con77 ago

around joggers never relax

punchingtrees ago

My daughter better think twice before dating any joggers.

prairie ago

Despite making up just 13% of the population, joggers commit over 50% of homicides.

spaceman84 ago

As usual everyone is talking about joggers, when bikes are the real problem

ScreaminMime ago

Hey, don't let one jogger ruin a good cardio workout for all joggers on your daughter!

Jonesylightbulb ago

Omg all of these are cracking me tf up. The YouTube comments just had me dying laughing. How long till the word jogger is banned?

Cat-hax ago

Oh look at that niggers stealing construction equipment, just like the nigger that stole my boat propeller decoration because he thought it was brass, jokes on him it was some kind of cheap metal.

CheeBooga ago

oy vey he was a good boy he was just helping to water that honkeys house plants is all

andrew_jackson ago

After we win this particular fight, we should keep pushing this. We should call for the resignation of the prosecutor, and for his blood.

Budzilla ago

guess no-one noticed that he wasn't jogging til AFTER he was leaving the premises????

prairie ago

He was flying after he exited.

Fuckinginsanegoat2 ago

He was just taking a quick break. When the break was done, it was REALLY time to exercise.

SpiritExpedition ago

Not his fault. Evil yteman was building that house on his ancient tribal jogging grounds.

con77 ago


1Sorry_SOB ago

UK Mail has had this up 2 hours and they still haven't posted comments yet. The moderators are trying to find a couple they can print,

Jonesylightbulb ago

Link?? Oh I see. They are still using the sped up one that could be mistaken for jogging.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Right now there are 3. one has 124 votes. The moderation is HEAVY. This is a real crisis for the MSM.

Moln0014 ago

So the nigger was busted on camera. The sheboon nigger's family will still scream racial bias.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Dirty rotten, thieving jogger. They're all alike.

1Sorry_SOB ago

I got so sick of the MSM referring to him as a jogger. Wonder if that will change now.

Jonesylightbulb ago

Only if we spread this video. The rest are sped up to make him look like he's actually jogging.

BigTrucker ago

People don't jog in boots

Mcoli ago

Noggers gonna nog.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago


He was preparing for a unique fitness event that recreates the last 5 minutes of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

tony2shirts ago

Dey wuz havin' a marathon n shieet... Da paf waz thru the construction site n shieeeeet....

AIRY9 ago

Looking to steal copper.

AlphaOmega ago

In my mind it was never a question. He was never a jogger. The question is if the (((media))) can turn this into a Trayvon level, anti-white circus with their lies.

Really, I don’t fucking care. They are trying to incite a race war between blacks and whites when everyone needs to be solely focused on Israel, it’s unregistered foreign operations like the ADL, and the rest of their fucking spies.

Don’t get distracted.

ScreaminMime ago

At least white people did it this time. That's progress... right?

Jujubean ago

I am not a nigger and am capable of multitasking

RM-Goetbbels ago

It doesn't look like he was jogging. It looks like he was nigging.

Moln0014 ago

That's how niggers work out. Breaking down doors, windows and running away with arms full of things.

ALIENS2222 ago

Joggers... Fucking JOGGERS.

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Zed_Leppelin ago

Probably looking for copper wire to steal and sell for drugs. No way those guys are going to get murder 1 then we'll have a good old fashioned chimpout. If you own a store you better start boarding up the windows now.

Cat-hax ago

They will be forced to charge them, they might get them on some discharge of a weapon law I bet.

Gorillion ago

Nah, just drag it out for month til the twitter nig-storm dies down as they go back to their usual meth and grape drank stupor. The lockdown is passing and they'll be doubling down on their regular vices soon enough to make up for lost time.

Zed_Leppelin ago

Honestly, after what they did to James Fields all bets are off.

fusir ago

All you have to do is associate the town with the incident until the people there are so fed up with being associated with it that their own self identity as a community is "that town where that evil person did that thing."

To be honest, I don't know the name of the town where this happened, but if you hear people refer to the incident by that you know what's happening.

rubberdougie ago

Wrong. He was looking for cordless drills and other power tools. I'd bet $10 he's pawned numerous power tools at the local pawn shop.

punchingtrees ago

Well how else is he going to pay for proper jogging shorts?

Sumeriansister ago

Wasn't he jogging with a hammer?

Zed_Leppelin ago

Well yeah, anything not nailed down basically. I just hear about copper theft a lot in my part of the country.

tony2shirts ago

I agree w/ both of you but copper has been a stolen good for many years now... It's hard to just dump it on a scrap yard unless you know the guy, otherwise they want ID and all documents to prove you "owned" the copper.

Harry_Areola ago

Not around here. They'll take anything with no questions asked. Hell, the local scrapyard got in trouble recently for taking city manhole covers that were marked.

AntiMason ago

Amazing that the timestamp is off thus giving plausible deniability to all the race agitators. I smell bullcrap on all of this.

sohelpmehannah ago

While the timestamp is off, everything else can be verified - ie, the police cruisers traveling down the road.

My camera recordings are off an hour for 6 months out of the year, because they are "set and forget" and don't automatically adjust for daylight savings time.

AR47 ago

Damn beat me to it....good work finding this before I did. Because I been on Twitter looking for this as I knew it would surface.

CalibanFresco ago

Ok, that shines a bit more light on things and makes him look a lot more suspicious than a 'jogger'. Not really sure I would call a 'burglary', though. Maybe he was scoping the place out to strip out the copper or steal some tools, or just opportunism finding an open house?

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

He's wearing cargo shorts, a tall white tee and some sort of dyke boots from what I can tell. No way he was jogging because you know he would have had his Jordans on and some basketball shorts.

CalibanFresco ago

Nah man, boots is heavy. Das what makes dem good for nig nog jig joggin'. It be like wait trainin' while you run, make your feet strong from liftin' dem boots.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

Lol the hammer too then?

CalibanFresco ago

Exspeshully da hammer. Hammers is jus waits on sticks.

ansuz ago

I'm going to try and work "jig joggin" into as many normie conversations as I can and see if it catches on...

Splooge ago

In casual conversation, I always refer to any niggers as “it.” For instance:

“Hey Splooge did you see the news last night? A black guy was shot by police!”

“No, I didn’t see that, what’d it do?”

I’ve been doing this for at least 5 years now and no one’s called me on it yet.

prairie ago

“Eh, you can’t really blame it for that sort of behavior. It probably lives in a similarly messy environment.”

Their habitat and instincts.

Jonesylightbulb ago

So accd to Wikipedia that house had 2500 worth of stuff stolen a month before this. And he was around a lot. Circumstantial for sure but that's the most likely connection.

Texpipe ago

Thank you for bringing this to my attention

TeddyJackson ago

The prosecutors office already saw this months ago and is why they didn't prosecute then. Then months later msm jews pick it up and starting howling.

1Sorry_SOB ago

The prosecutors office already saw this months ago and is why they didn't prosecute then. Then months later msm jews pick it up and starting howling.

A lie goes round the world while the truth is still getting its boots on - Mark Twain

crazy_eyes ago

Since when does the media run the courts?

LightestHour ago

Never directly, but they answer to the same (((people)))

Gorillion ago

Since always, which is why the globofags invested in it so heavily.

The movie Gladiator is literally about this. Bread and Circus is a powerful control tool. But an outsider can still seize the public imagine (and will) away from the elite with the right message.

andrew_jackson ago

People don't realize how insidious nagging is. It's part of the free speech problem. You might be tough, but a thousand idiots could nag a hundred fools into coming to beat you up.

connecteduser ago

The court of public opinion.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

He was just doing a warm up stretch.

Butterbread ago

He had already jogged 12 miles from his home though.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Mid workout stretch.

Butterbread ago

I think you have a career in news writing should you care to pursue it.

Maddmartigan ago

Joggers gonna jog.

Gorillion ago

Every time someone commits sodomy a jogger is born.

SpiritExpedition ago

Just when I worried meme magic had left us, the jogger meme comes in to save the day!

toobaditworks ago

I hate joggers.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Jogger stole my bike!

ScreaminMime ago

Walkers, helllllllp!

Alhambra ago

how long until the word "jogger" is censored on all jew media? i give it two weeks.

clubberlang ago

What's up jogger?

RM-Goetbbels ago

A google stole my bike!

Splooge ago

Damn skypes keep importing third world googles into my country.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Skypes gonna skype. What are you gonna do?

toobaditworks ago

A jogger stole my bike!

derram ago :

Ahmaud Arbrey entering construction house- GBI video, real time (NOT SPED UP)) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Shadowlight ago

Well look at that.

If that was a hammer in the road, could be he stole it.

observation1 ago

It would make sense that a construction site had one laying around.

Jury is out on whether or not that hammer-shaped hole in the street was actually a hammer.

Adminstrater ago

Where is hammer? I can't seem to find information about that.

Shadowlight ago

I saw a couple of threads pointing it out lying on the road. Close to the stopped truck.

I don't have a link to share but it was here on voat.

TeddyJackson ago

At the start of the short video of him getting shot. He drops its on the road about 30 feet behind the pick up truck with the two guys trying to citizens arrest him.

AinzOown ago

You can see him punching the shooter and going for his gun, but courts hate white people and love blacks now so expect a big lawsuit on top of jail time.

Sumeriansister ago

What a mess