themoreyouknow ago

One down....

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Bushtaco321 ago

Did not see one chick. Shame

LususVerus ago

I really don't know what the EU are waiting for to declare war on turkey.

Don_Tomaso ago

To bad it wasnt soros!

boekanier ago

I'm waiting for the sad picture of a 'dead' child that will emerge in the msm. They are good at that kind of fake 'news'.

DucatusSanctiSabae ago

Bravo for our Greek brothers and just keep fighting for what's yours! Killing those subhumans would be the same as killing animals even if they weren't invaders

AnarchicAlpaca ago

mass immigration is a weapon to destroy strong (typically European - origin) communities.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Oh boy, they started yelling "allah akbar"

This is where it begins.


quick_and_dirty ago

I’ll take a W when I can get one, no matter how small

anticlutch ago

refugees randomly have a body bag hanging around

this isn't staged

he's actually dead


Damnpasswords ago

Why the fuck does the volume control on bitchute videos randomly disappear?

Proudarmygal1 ago

Good. You don’t have a right to invade another country! They act generally shocked to face consequences.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Lol what a bunch of dumbasses

ChimpEvader ago

I see one less invader. May God protect Greece.

Benji1369 ago

Nobody was just standing there if people were I call bullshit

neuschwabia ago

Good start, now shoot the remainder of the invaders.

These are enemy combatants.

Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

Invaders don't fall under the jurasdiction and protective laws of the countries they wish to penetrate and should be ready for this.

Come to think of it, what other country shoots any who get near? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Starts with an I

And ends with an israel did 9/11

Traveler ago


Chimaira92 ago

The footage looks more like a Greek local dead at the hands of Muslims who, at the end of the clip are all clearly chanting "allahu akbah"

It's also posted from Zionist Tommystein so I wouldn't hold my breath about the legitimacy of the title.

FoundingUncle ago

Thermopylae, take 2.

300 Greeks face an invading hoarde.

I wish I was a young though guy again and that I spoke Greek so I could join the fight.

These are the battoes that make legends. You will when the invading horde is mosly unarmed and disorganized, or you lose your country.

Pray for Greece, the cradle of our civilization.

Garglemysac ago

Everything they touch turns to shit so fucking kill the virus before it kills the host.

Smallest_Skil ago

about time.

DanaNordic ago

They are invaders, not migrants.

Rellik88 ago


Duke_Nucleon ago

Will this be like the "300" movie?

AdmiralEnchilada ago

War Is Not Caused By Bankers

War Is Caused By The Choices Of MAN

Bankers Just Tricked Us Into Believing We Needed Permission

Power Does Not Lay At The End Of A Barrel

It Lays In The Choices Of MEN

God Has Granted Those With Sons A Martyrdom As A BioBomb

To The Sonless Whom See No Good Women

May The West Be Reborn Of The Ashes

Let The Fire Rise

ImmaLueserBaby ago

Look at all those working-age MEN. They surelook vulnerable and deserving of protetion /s

Inaminit ago

Looks like Napalm is needed to me...

headfire ago

There's no reason to let them in. All they would do is rape, murder, and take public funds which have taken from Greek Citizens.

But one dead muzzie won't stop them from trying. There will have to be more.

PeeNutButtHair ago

The top comment on that video is savage.

Vc83 ago

Fuck off we're full!

hillbilly_guy ago

Homeless refugees, all of them have a cell phone.

Only one shot, step it up.

wallofsilence ago

That's looks like a suicide. He may have been despondent over all the forms he had to fill out and dammit, no pen.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Slaughter the rest of them. Anyone who thinks they have the right to invade someone's country, deserves to die. Fuck them.

MuzzieJuice ago

Inspiring. Videos like this fill me with hope. Like the videos where brits and irish are beating the fuck out of nonwhites that abused girls. I saw quite a few on either dissidentright or another RW sub on reddit. I should find them and share them here.

Naton369 ago

Stop linking to this Zionists shills channel.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Somebody watched their family member die so that they could get some free gibs from some other country

Conejo_loco ago

Why only 1 shot?

Matador_Pants ago

I was wondering the same, but more so because it seems very odd that in that huge crowd only one person was hit, and in the neck. Where was the shooter? I'm thinking another clown plant shitskin necked him for optics. All the bleeding hearts will see is a person bleeding out and immediately catch the feels because "nobody is illegal", but of course will never engage their frontal cortex and ask why or how this happened and why the Greeks are so absolutely opposed to these invaders.

There's something amiss here

Bigdickedelf ago

Shoot them all

Valcgo ago

Eventually, examples have to be made and a bullet sounds the same in every language.

jthun2 ago

A few gatling guns would have solved this entire mess.

metricisokay ago

They'd probably still come, ultimately they just want to die fighting the kaffir. The whole time that this was happening the libs would shit themselves non-stop.

con77 ago

allahu akbar indeed. Its a jihad. Kill them all

Plant_Boy ago

Well, they need to learn the world is not all theirs.

People are barely getting by and living peacefully in the countries they're intruding on and them imposing themselves only adds to the burden of the country's residents.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Their government wouldn't just let them invade them for gibs. Not sure why we are.

privacy_first ago

It is not just migrant, it is ILLEGAL, bullying invader

They are not just asking permission, they are INVADING

SearchVoatBot ago

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ZerRoyalXir ago


dingus44 ago

Holy shit. The unified chanting of alluah ackbar is telling. Hopefully Greece can repell the invasion. I'm more worried about the UN storming in to put and end to "the violence perpetuated by Greece" or some shit.

gazillions ago

NAT went in to Bosnia to "keep the peace" and killed a whole lot f people. They used bombs containing depleted uranium, so NATO is still killing them today and into the future with cancer. The UN called for that NATO intervention. Of course NATO and the UN were protecting muslims from evil Christians as always, but even at that they managed to fuck up and herd about 6000 muslim men into a holding pen where they were killed before they could rape and kill anymore Christians or their dogs.

RockmanRaiden ago

Why isn't Tommy calling them invaders?

Why do they all have brand new phones?

Is everyone still acting retarded?

SimonWest ago

"Tommy" ...Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson, and having previously used the pseudonyms Andrew McMaster, Paul Harris and Wayne King.

midnightblue1335 ago

Why do people trust all these fucking shapeshifters?

Name changes and aliases baffle me. This kind of shit is for CON ARTISTS OR SPIES. Normal people just keep the name they were given, unless their parents were insane and gave them some absurd name.

Lennon doesn't want you to know that Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is a person. He wants you to know this "Tommy Robinson" character. Why? What about the name "Stephen Yaxley-Lennon" was a problem for him, so much so that he needed to have his name changed?

There was no problem. LENNON IS A FUCKING CON ARTIST WHO PROFITS OFF OF THE RAPE OF BRITISH GIRLS WHILE PRETENDED TO BE SOME KIND OF HERO. He pretends he is the only person who reports on these rape gangs, and that the world wouldn't know about it if it wasn't for his stellar journalism. This is a load of shit.

He's using an emotionally charged subject (the rape of White children by foreign muslim savages) to keep people from thinking too much. Instead of pausing to consider "who is this guy, and what has he done with previous donations?", people just throw their money at him. Fucking shameful. No wonder we have a kike's boot on our collective throats.

It was back when Tommy Robinson intentionally got himself arrested when I lost a lot of hope. Voat was spammed with bullshit about him being some kind of martyr, and I kept trying to tell everyone the facts and show them the pictures.... I got called a "shill" and all kinds of other nonsense.

Imagine the vindication I felt when he announced his kike movie using the donations for his "legal defense" a few months ago. It was short lived- "Hah! I was fucking right, I knew it, all those morons wouldn't believe me-... wait... all those morons... that was like 3/4 of active Voat users...."

This created a moment of existential terror in me that I still haven't quite shaken. Sometimes, I feel like I'm in a herd of sheep that is marching towards a cliff, with a (((shepherd))) driving us forward. I see the edge of the cliff, and start shouting to the rest of the herd "GUYS! STOP! THERE IS A CLIFF! THE SHEPHERD IS TRYING TO KILL US!!" And nobody fucking listens. Another sheep goes over the edge.... SPLAT!! "We're dying! Stop trusting this shepherd, he's going to get us all killed!" From the center of the pack, I hear a sheep with an oddly large nose shout "Shut up, shill! The Shepherd is /ourguy!" SPLAT!! goes another.

I realized I may be a fucking genius surrounded by barely functional idiots, even among my own race. Perhaps "idiots" isn't the word, but "easily emotionally manipulated" is how I would describe White people. I have a rare ability to objectively assess things, after processing the initial surge of emotion. Most Whites seem to just act while still in the grips of this emotional surge.... making kike boot lickers like Lennon rich men. Disgusting.

I feel like Roddy Piper in that scene of They Live when he's trying to force the nigger to put on the glasses and see the truth:

fuckthisshit12 ago

In the modern area of mass surveillance by tyrannical governments, changing your name occasionally will become far more common than it has been in the past, just saying.

Kind of like how you use an alias on the internet, instead of using your real name....yeah there are a myriad of reasons.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

I have a rare ability to objectively assess things, after processing the initial surge of emotion. Most Whites seem to just act while still in the grips of this emotional surge....

Mass media is designed to encourage actions without thinking though, and is constantly being refined to become more effective by shortening the average persons attention span even further. The kikes play the long game, it's more than a little churlish to blame people for reacting to the world they've been placed in.

Your "rare ability" isn't all that fucking rare either. All successful people stop to think about the consequences of the decisions they make, large and small.

midnightblue1335 ago

All successful people stop to think about the consequences of the decisions they make, large and small.

What do you define "successful" as?

I would argue that this "ability" is perhaps not rare, meaning people don't have it- but it is absolutely being suppressed and conditioned to not be used.

I think most of us are born with this, but from birth we are conditioned to ignore this and focus on how we feel, and then act immediately on those feelings, rather than "I accept that I feel this way. But let me examine the facts closer, now that I have come to terms with my feelings on this subject".

Maybe I'm just autistic, and that's why I don't get all caught up by con artists like Lennon.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

I would argue that this "ability" is perhaps not rare, meaning people don't have it- but it is absolutely being suppressed and conditioned to not be used.

Yes, I pointed out this in my original reply.

What do you define "successful" as?

A successful person is one who desires an outcome for oneself, is able to weigh up the steps necessary to achieve it - including honestly examining their own capabilities in relation to the outcome - then formulate a plan, overcome obstacles that arise during the execution of said plan and then ultimately achieve the outcome they originally desired.

Maybe I'm just autistic, and that's why I don't get all caught up by con artists like Lennon.

I don't think you're autistic but I do think you are probably over estimating the percentage of people who are taken in by the likes of Lennon. The kikes have many tricks, but fooling all of the people all of the time is definitely not their go to. They rely on distraction and conditioning. I'm surprised how many people see through much or all of the bullshit, the sad thing is awareness is nowhere near enough. People are conditioned to think that despite knowing niggers commit all the crime, despite knowing that pajeets are lazy street shitters who'll lie to your face to get what they want, that despite knowing the jews have all the money, despite knowing that transgender people are actually mentally ill freaks who need help - despite knowing all of this and more - the biggest trick is that they believe there's nothing they can do about it.

It's conditioning, the use of media to misrepresent reality, and a society that increasingly and deliberately aims to shorten peoples attention spans to the point they can't be bothered thinking for themselves and will rely on their cell phone to do much of it for them.

midnightblue1335 ago

On the subject of conditioning- I am absolutely not above that, and I don't think anyone really is. Some do appear to be more vulnerable to it, and some do appear to be less likely to shake it off, though.

I have admitted this in the past, and will freely do so again- when I was in early high school, I was 100% libshit moron- I bought all the typical talking points, such as "gay marriage isn't a slippery slope- only Christian bigots say that!" or "USA/White people are so horrible!"

But I sorta began to snap out of this in late high school, and then after a few years of military service, I was COMPLETELY different.

Maybe this ability to shake off conditioning is what is rare? What I found to be the hardest part of this- ADMITTING THAT I WAS WRONG, AND HAD BEEN FOOLED BY SOMEONE(S). That's difficult to do as a young man, especially when you're saying "My entire life's philosophy and outlook is bullshit". It hurts, it's humiliating. But that's when I built myself back up into the monster I am today.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Acknowledging mistakes and gaps in ones knowledge is an essential part of personal development. We all know that person who knows everything, and never makes a mistake. It's literally always someone else fault, all the time.

People like that are insufferable and incredibly immature. Only by owning and realizing where we went wrong can we progress. Many goats would have similar experiences to your own, myself included.

It's not easy to be a free thinker. The whole point of social media and sites like Reddit is to lead a collective group think. Thoughts equal behavior and the converse is equally true. Seeing all your "friends" like something on Facebook subtly pressures you to like it too, even if you really don't. There's a reason Reddit upvotes the fuck out of politically correct bullshit and truthful statements on faggots or climate change get buried in negative votes. It's to subtly stop you next time posting that sensible statement, it's to condition you that "everyone" thinks tranny rights are a big deal or Greta is a wunderkind.

The fucking yids have been at this for a long time. They know what they're doing.

midnightblue1335 ago

It's not easy to be a free thinker.

I frequently describe it as a "lonely" feeling. (((They))) are absolutely aware that we'd feel this way, and they gaslight us to make us feel like we're insane for being the only one noticing patterns.

theoldones ago

tommy stole funding that was supposed to make a documentary exposing the grooming gangs

instead he made a holohaox guilt documentary. that's all you need to know.

RockmanRaiden ago

I saw that. Pretty hilarious. He fooled alot of people. He thinks getting locked up will boost his numbers again but I think everyone is wise to his act.

notajew69 ago

Because the NSA wants everyone to have one so that they are easily spied on. The US has literally dropped one-shot shitty liberator pistols into enemy territory. You don't think that they would give them cheap cell phones too?

Marbolo ago

Tommy is a zionist. A lot of these types of reporters are put in place to gatekeep people from seeing the jew problem.

RoundWheel ago

Correct. Don't forget he previously led both pro-nazi and white nationalists movements.

They always control both sides.

jthun2 ago

Yep. He's great at standing up for abused girls, but at the same time he doesn't oppose mass immigration in general. If the muslims were behaving nicely and taking over the country by reproduction, Tommy would have no problem.

He's fine with the Kalergi plan.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Its called. Picking ur fights. Cant fight it all at the same time. And i guess he tried to be more moderate to really get that girl rape thing fixed. But no.

midnightblue1335 ago

He's great at standing up for abused girls,


You know what he's using that money people donated to him for "legal defense" on? HE'S USING IT TO MAKE A MOVIE ABOUT ANTI-SEMITISM IN THE UK.

Fuck you and anybody else who doesn't see Tommy Robinson (TRUE NAME: STEPHEN LENNON) for what he is by now.

Anyone who changes their name is inherently dishonest. Stephen Lennon doesn't want anyone to know that he exists- HE WANTS YOU TO KNOW THIS "TOMMY ROBINSON" PERSON, NOT HIS TRUE IDENTITY. If you trust someone who changed their name under any circumstances besides "married woman takes husband's surname" or "parents gave child ridiculous name, which they change upon adulthood in order to avoid ridicule", then you're a fucking fool.

Marbolo ago

Just thought this video was relevant.

Gopherurself ago

Because none has questioned THE JEW

That owns the media and central bank

fightknightHERO ago

Tommy Robinson

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Here you forgot these

((( )))

Argumentative ago

was post v/HDLunited/3685152 related? :^)

Spectral ago

"They are not terrorists"

God I am so glad corona will kill all of these fucking cunts.

1F4A9 ago

You don't understand. Corona will kill off the elderly. Then our governments will use the freed-up resources to support these animals.

ninjageek97 ago

sadly this is looking to be the plan

Spectral ago

I doubt it only kills the elderly.

kingdomhearts123 ago

*let someone else do it

Gopherurself ago

Lol Coronaviruses. The common cold.

he_found_wepon ago

Not even that, common cold literally has 220x more kills per year.

NoBS ago

When the drug OD epidemic is not enough to kill all the whistle blowers and dissidents, invent one that is also tactile.

Control the fear with effective advertising. Use emotionally triggered useful idiots to do all the heavy lifting.

This ain't our grandparents OSS anymore, these fuckers are sick.


AR47 ago

Que angry dune coons speaking that skiddly diddly, and then unison chant of Allah Akbar.....

What no one else will say, but on voat is how I didn't notice any women or children....weird isn't it?

KingMortales ago

De donde eres?

D'ou etes?

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Yeah, think about this though. If they were refugees, they are the most worthless peice if shit cowardly men on earth. They leave their women and children to die. They are bellow dogs, not even worthy of an honorable death

Go to an islamophobia training course, and bring that up with a fuckton of arabs and normies, but say it like an sjw all pity filled and condescending.

I did that by accident in college, honestly one if the most amazing experiences pissing them off. All the little hijabi bitches looked at the sand niggers like a dumb bitch realizing she doesn't love her man. The dudes wanted to kill me though, but they couldn't do shit.

Fuck sand niggers and niggers. The only Race wirth shit is the Race of Man.

They're just human animals

1F4A9 ago

Whites: women and children to safety first.

Muslims: at the first sign of trouble, get out of there yourself and leave the women and children in harm's way.

drakesdoom2 ago

Unless there is a mine field, make the women walk in front.

white_male30 ago

Should've shot them all when they started chanting, fuck that..

Run_away_angel ago

The entitlement with them is astounding

PizzaphilePodesta ago

shoot a couple more and the invasion does a 180 back to shithole turkey.

Butterbread ago

The problem may be that Turkey is more willing to use its bullets than Greece.

NoBS ago

With psychological warfare it is who controls the data. Turkey can control the "local" staging and crisis actors, but here in the States Silicone Valley controls the public comms. Denial is why they hold all the cards.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

Exactly you could even have a few fake killings on camera and they'd go back

NoBS ago

Start robbing stores of mannequins to catapult the hollow body parts (stuffed with animal viscera and rotten beef) onto the boarder facing fence.

Drone air drops if need be, but make it a community type thing every week end.

Titanbikes4ever ago


Ihateyuppies ago

Don't tell Tommy that's what the Jews are he's a shabbos goyim, babe. You know what shabbos goyim means, right?

magameme ago

He's a jew himself.