RarryLeeDacted ago

1880 called and thanks Mediterranean slaves to bring their top-tier technology to the fight! Godspeed foreigners!

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Is that heathen not wearing any socks?

heygeorge ago

Probably should have donned some pants, no?

reason247 ago

South paws...

Afterlife ago

Guess he wasn’t kidding


Plant_Boy ago


He is 1 frisbee to the head away from a missing foot.

itsachicken ago

Is Lindsey Lohan's stupid night club still in business there? What a vapid CUNT she is! Thinks she's queen bee too!

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RockmanRaiden ago

Most of you have no idea what you're talking about and it's sad.

Bushtaco321 ago

Aim high

Derpfroot ago

Fanny-pack pilled. Based.

Gopherurself ago

Let's go boys

Doglegwarrior ago

in greece they need to remove anyone who cant show 3 generations of greek citizenship... get rid of all non greeks and send them back to their own country. period end of story and if you are muslim you go no matter what.

downvoatmachine ago

a few weeks of borders being defended with lethal force will nearly completely stop the flow of people trying to get in, the coyotes will find an alternative source of income very quickly though.

fightknightHERO ago

are guns legal in Greece? i know they sell battle ready swords, armor and even bows/crossbows

Goys-R-Us ago

Plato for the win.

ConcreteGaloshes ago


You're going to need it if you walk around with your finger on the trigger.

Crikes ago

A pistol is something you use to fight your way back to your rifle that you should never have left in the first place.

Gopherurself ago

Who cares faggot at least he's doing somthing.

Crikes ago

The person who coined the phrase, the framers of the Constitution, libertstians everywhere, those requesting his help, and anyone who would care about what this person claims to care about.

Basically anyone who has any interest in justice.

stbelmont ago

I'm not gun savvy. Why? Potentially faster rate of fire? Shoots longer distance?

Crikes ago

Pistols are usually not lethal, believe or not. Rifles usually are. Pistols are only meant to be convenient and concealable. Rifles can have a range of a mile or more, and far more accurate, consistent, lethal, at every range.

A society of riflemen can be citizens. Everyone else is human capital for their owners to spend as they see fit.

RodentLord ago

General effective range for a handgun is around 30 yards max. Yeah sure, at the range you can get some great long-distance shots, but when the pressure's on, you won't take that shot, you'll wait for a better one unless you have no choice. 10-30 yards is ideal for a handgun in a live encounter.

wanderingblade ago

More powerful, more accurate, easier to control recoil, usually more stopping power, larger magazines


faster bullet = better penetration and range

Longer barrel = more accurate

mag-size = more shots before reload

better optics = accurate

AR47 ago

It doesn't jam.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

The only thing this larping faggot will shoot is a load in his sock.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Yeah a load of 357 magnum, right into his foot.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

His finger casually on the trigger like that, you're probably right.

FrodoMeister ago

The gun is fake. That's a Smith and Wesson C02 revolver, it shoots little plastic/metal balls.


How has no mentioned the cargo shorts and fanny pack?!?

GunnarGoatson1527 ago

I was about to say what a Greek thing it was to be rocking that fanny pack lol

Otter5000 ago

It only takes 1 shot for the muslims to stampede and they'll most likely rush the Greek army, when that happens the army will shoot back and hopefully end the situation for good.

Chuga ago

Nah. The un will send in their brown army to invade

Otter5000 ago

Yeah I'm sure you're right

gazillions ago

If they do, then the UN has to go down directly by the people for the people and not any fake government in office.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

They'll need more than tear gas and bullets. Something scary... and big... with fire.

Napalm should do well. Let's see them rush through a wall of fire and over a pile of their screaming, writhing, burning brothers.

gazillions ago

They probably should be stocking up on jars of gas. I doubt Greeks have the personal arms they need. They need US gun runners. Fuck the government.

ConcreteGaloshes ago

Sometimes you just have to go back to the basics, I guess.

Who is making good steel near Greece these days?

gazillions ago

Good question. Offshoring everything to China wasn't just for increased profits.

Gopherurself ago

Greek fire

BushChuck ago

Isn't that a lost technology?

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Get your booger flicker off the bang switch!

ManchesterT ago

There is no bang when it's an airgun

Prepackaged ago

Good luck.

Phantom42 ago

Honestly, it sounds plebbit-tier when people gush over trigger discipline, but FUCK man.... Have some fucking discipline.

Also, why a fucking revolver? If the army needs help that bad they'll hand you a rifle.

SaxonWolfcock ago

How I plan to show up at the border:


gazillions ago

As long as he's there I'm grateful and they get my respect.

ForgottenMemes ago

I find revolvers significantly more accurate and reliable than semiautos. If I was going to snipe someone then just blend into the crowd leaving no trace I'd want what he's got.

Plant_Boy ago

If you fire that thing from a crowd, you're going to create a hole in the crowd... with you in the centre.

ForgottenMemes ago

If you fire it from a rooftop, then go out an alley into a crowd...

SaxonWolfcock ago

Agree on the trigger discipline. Its about habit. Just pretend the gun is always hot and treat it that way.

You knocking on a 6 shot 357 revolver is nigger bullshit, though. A lot of people are pocket carrying compact 9mms that only hold 7 or 8 rounds and you have to deal qith the possibility of jams and malfunctions on a polymer striker fired that would never happen on a wheel gun.

Very viable weapon dont be a nigger. And yes I love semi autos and rifles too

reason247 ago

I carry a. 357 revolver. Accurate reliable. Deadly

Phantom42 ago

You knocking on a 6 shot 357 revolver is nigger bullshit, though. A lot of people are pocket carrying compact 9mms that only hold 7 or 8 rounds and you have to deal qith the possibility of jams and malfunctions on a polymer striker fired that would never happen on a wheel gun.


I've shot a .357 before. A lot, actually. I know what it's capable of, thanks. If you are trying to hit a target at 200-300m, I wouldn't dare depend on a revolver. If this guy is going to defend a border, he's gonna need a bit more than a revolver. Revolvers defend yourself. Rifles defend nations. That's my main problem with his revolver decision. Maybe he's going to man a gate or something where they're all close. Not as bad of a choice then, but ammo and reloading will become more of a hassle than it's worth if they charge.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Alright. Youre an idiot.

Phantom42 ago


Gopherurself ago

Quit being a whiny bitch at least he's showing the fuck up.

Phantom42 ago

Quit being a whiny bitch

You have lost the right to speak to me. No insults are tolerated.

It is the principle behind it. Holding his revolver with his fatass finger wrapped around while taking a picture is borderline nigger levels of idiotic.

Reinhart ago

Lol when did you become such a complete faggot?

Neck yourself, cringelord

Gopherurself ago

The hammer ain't even pulled back

Seventh_Jim ago

  1. Know your target and what is beyond it.
  2. Do not point the firearm at anything you do not wish to destroy.
  3. Treat the weapon as if it is loaded at all times except for maintenence.
  4. Keep your fucking boogerhooks off the goddamn bangswitch until ready to fire.

sionblade22 ago

Hey reddit homo.

The hammer isn't back. You could throw it in a purse and shake the bitch around and it won't go off.

Synxsynxsynx ago

That's a double action trigger. Just playing Devi's advocate.

RodentLord ago

It isn't called "trigger safety". It's called "trigger discipline".

Also known as "best practices". You do things the proper way, every time, so that the proper way is the only instinct you have when it matters. Following "best practices" is also what distinguishes the best employees from the only-okay ones.

Seventh_Jim ago

No, faggot. You don't know to handle weapons. The four rules are absolute basic level, that I expect out of a fucking 5 year old. You are less than a child.

sionblade22 ago


Seventh_Jim ago

No. Fuck you. Pissants like you are the kind of stupid mouth-breathing fuckups that the left points to to justify the anti-gun push.

Go ND into your fucking leg.

sionblade22 ago

I agreed with you thou

bbqchipz ago

You ever hear of a double action revolver? You can literally pull the trigger and the hammer comes back.

sionblade22 ago

Ever fire one?

Usually a lot of resistance

bbqchipz ago

Plenty, would I put my finger on the trigger when I don't intend to shoot something like this dumbass taking a picture? NEVER.

Phantom42 ago

The hammer isn't back.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Everyone knows. It's the principle behind having your fucking finger curled around like that.

Hey reddit homo.

You will not insult me. You have lost the right to speak to me.

sionblade22 ago

You have lost the right to speak to me

Ok edgelord

Omae wa mou shindeiru

spreadthosecheeks ago

for real. this dude is cringe incarnate

ConcreteGaloshes ago

Maybe he already had one on the ground?

Maybe he only wants to get a few then go home.

ClAsockPuppet ago

If every Greek took out 6 invading shitskins, it would be very helpful.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

their army might give orders through cryptos and freemasons. kinda like our army.

Diggernicks ago

You misspelled catholics

kingdomhearts123 ago

You can be an army of one!

Ask me how!

Sh-shh-shaaa ago


kingdomhearts123 ago

Here's a hint:

I can't tell you how. But you can.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

All talk.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Pretty clearly just said talking was bad.

When you talk, ears can hear you.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Pretty clearly just said talking was bad.


When you talk, ears can hear you.

Are you the teenage oracle of the blatantly obvious? Glad I found you, great Tootbo, shower me with your wisdom.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Maybe the real army was

points to heart

in here the whole time.

ChickenExterminator ago

don't tell me you are Breivik or Tarrant

kingdomhearts123 ago

the key to being an army of one is actually not telling another person about a single fucking thing ever.

silence is golden ;)

MuzzieJuice ago

Peace be upon his name