feckyerlife ago

Joe Rogan is half a jew

enormousatom ago

Where is @nosebergshekelstein? I need you to verify this for me.

EnsignPossible ago

TO a Jew. perhaps, NOT in reality. It's like saying if you're not white, you are a nigger. OBVIOUSLY not a fact. In fact a lie. Don't forget there ARE evil Jews. Just not ALL of them.

KosherHiveKicker ago

The Jewish Double Standard !!!

ardvarcus ago

Jews have two qualities that forever render them inferior to white Christians.

One -- Jews are incapable of understanding spiritual things. Judaism is a materialistic religion. The focus of a Jew's life is to amass wealth and to have children. Jews believe their heaven is on this earth. They don't really have a clear concept of the afterlife. The Talmud, a book that dictates actions and behavior, is more important to them than the Torah, the Word of God. They conceived their Annointed One as a king who would rule over the world on an earthly throne -- a kind of Alexander or Napoleon. That's why they rejected Jesus -- his message was spiritual. They worship a place, Jerusalem, a physical place on the surface of the earth. Yes, the Jewish Kabbalaists are somewhat mystical, but they are ignored or mocked by the vast majority of Jews, who are secular humanists or atheists, but above all else materialists.

Two -- Jews are the most superstitious people on the face of the earth. Maybe it's because they lack a true spirituality, but they latch onto whatever superstition rises up in front of them. Their religion is a collection of superstitious beliefs driven by greed and fear of punishment. The Holocaust is a mythology that was built on hysterical rumors and outright lies, such as the lie of soap made out of Jewish fat. Their religioous prohibitions are ridiculous, but even more ridiculous is the hypocritical way they get around following them. They don't mind cheating and lying and breaking their word, but they are horrified at the idea of eating salt that isn't "kosher."

Goys-R-Us ago

Nice post.

Mosley ago

Their proclivity for the material over the spiritual explains their meagre morality. Their greater concern with kashrut over the the needless cruelty of kosher slaughter exemplifies their irrationality and sickness.

satisfyinghump ago

If Joe was truly free, hed of yelled his iconic "bullshit" right in her face. Like he does when he hears other bullshit.

SoOutraged ago

Fuck this jew and fuck Joe rogan.


I really am sick of these psychotic semites...what is going to be done to get rid of them?

Mosley ago

Amass evidence against them to amass the people against them.

poly ago

This is excellent. We need to save this for future reference.

Id like to start making the disingenuous argument that since race and gender are both social constructs, that white men can transition into black women.

With a straight face, but laughing hysterically inside, while the NPCs try to think their way thru the nonsense

boekanier ago

Since it's a jew who says that, it must be true.

Mosley ago

I'm convinced.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Jews are demons.

Mosley ago

Synagogue of Satan.

illuminalto2 ago

Disgusting people.

Doglegwarrior ago

watch the video after anne franks supposed step sister says the auswitz photos she has seen are all fake because there was snow when she was there when it was liberated... basicaly all the shit we see is recreated she also said their were no children when it was liberated

Dr3dpierat ago

I'm so sick of this jewess bitch spreading her lies

Mosley ago

She's prolific.

PolfgangWetersen ago

Even jre loyalists can spot the peculiar reason why he'd have a guest on that nobody likes. Cos his (((team))) said so

Mosley ago

Rogan recently endorsed (((Bernie Sanders))).

ardvarcus ago

If Rogan wants a commie Jew for President, that's all you need to know about Joe Rogan.

Mosley ago

Says it all.

PinealVision ago

It's a religion when convenient, then it's a race when needed.

Goys-R-Us ago

I remember being confused by this when I was in uni. I asked a jewish guy if judaism was a race or a religion. He went into some long diatribe of pilpul that never answered the question. Slowly I began.

brandon816 ago

And it's a nationality whenever US politics becomes involved.

PinealVision ago

Yep, basically whichever suits the situation.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

A parasite by any other name ....

out-o-sight ago

America's Most Famous Rabbi (as well as Israeli scientists) admit that Jews are a Race, not a Religion


Doglegwarrior ago

i describe jews as a parastie virus hybrid... the parasite is the genetic jew the actualy physical jew who walks around with their mental disorders and insecurities that a geneticaly there... the religion judiasm is the virus the parasites spread that makes the already fucked up physical form feel justified in doing all the evil psychotic shit they end up doing and the two combined means they keep coming back even after being removed 109 times. hitler was right humanity needs a final solution mine would be to give the half of isreal and build a gigantic wall and keep them in there

GrizzlyDark ago

Spot on DLW. Fuck off retards who don't understand.

satisfyinghump ago

This is a great set of observations. And it partially answers what ive been trying to discover, which is what is it genetically that gets them to behave as they do, repeatedly in history and is there a way of blocking their influence?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Seems you and @Hebrew-Virus are of the same mind.

Mosley ago

Eternal chameleons.

KobeBurger ago

Well then, it is impossible (according to her) for racism to exist except for Jews.

Mosley ago

By their God's decree they're racially superior to us yet they're the victims of racism.

KobeBurger ago

I would expect superior beings to look better than everyone else.

satisfyinghump ago

And not have genetic disorders that cause them to have upset stomachs or loose diarahea when they eat the native food available here...

the_upgoated_III ago

The background circus music is perfect. It should be used every time a jew or Peterson talks. I love it.

illuminalto2 ago

Hes /ourguy/!

Just like Taylor Swift was so fawned over by pol...


Her entire interview, and how DMT Meathead ignores the obvious anti-Gentileism, is why I unsubscribed to his podcast.

Goys-R-Us ago

He's likely a crypto.

justregtoasku ago

rogan is controlled op imo. Glad you unsubscribed

Mosley ago

He savaged her on circumcision. She tried to claim ignorance but revealed her expertice by using terms like "intactivist".


satisfyinghump ago

Regardless of what people may dislike about Joe, if he takes a firm stance and starts throwing facts, you know the opposition fucked up.

PraiseIPU ago

Or he was just letting her hang herself

Thats actually his greatest gift

Just let people talk, they will show their true colors over the 3 hours

Goys-R-Us ago

No, if he said something to counter her bullshit jew narrative, I'd give him props. Letting somebody yak without challenging their assumptions and presuppositions is called propaganda.

Full disclosure: I stopped listening to TOE Rogan years ago, right after he had an "ex" CIA agent (Baker) on to hash out all of the typical prop talking points.

You're an idiot if you think this guy is bringing you anything but approved propaganda.

Barfin ago

yeah i understand not liking him but why unsibscribe specifically for this, letting someone talk and dig a hole?

PraiseIPU ago

People are so finicky

I support you for as long as I Agree with you. as soon as you do something I don't like I'm gone

great way to stay in an echo chamber

ggolemg ago

Holy shit we need being white as its own religion, not Christian, not pagan, not xyz, just being white.

CryptoBard ago

Ethnostates for each European race, we must preserve diversity by enabling the races to perpetuate unaltered

Mosley ago

Trump done just that for the Jew last month.

Trump signs executive order to define Judaism as a race, ethnicity

satisfyinghump ago

Im still at a loss that he signed that garbage. I mean i knew he was in bed with them but... fucking hell.

gazillions ago

We're so fucking speshiull. You're teh cattle we farm.

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Mosley ago

A physically, mentally and spiritually inferior tribe appoints themselves as the arbiters of humanity. What could go wrong?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

The Shoah they've always wanted.

crazy_eyes ago

What the hell is a shoah?

I've heard them say, it's another shoah, but I don't know what the hell they are talking about

Rawrination ago

[Shoah](Shoah (ˈʃɔɑː) n (Historical Terms) (in secular Judaism) a Hebrew word for holocaust2 See also Churban2 [literally: destruction]) = Holocaust in kike speak.

crazy_eyes ago

So I was right

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

And so was I 😘

crazy_eyes ago

Yes you were, and thank you!

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

I think it means genocide of some sort. So, since Jewish people internally hate themselves so much and their entire life purpose is to project this self hatred onto others. their end game whether they would ever admit it or not is to shoah themselves as it were.

I'm also fully ready to accept the fact that I'm completely wrong on this, I figured I might try for you

crazy_eyes ago

I was thinking it's just another way to say show. Since the Holocaust has been an elaborate production piece with all these actors playing their parts over the years to keep the lies alive. It's all a show. None of the testimonies are real. Just the most horrific stories they could come up with. A big elaborate show

WhatAgain ago

It is strange that jews do not see themselves as anti semites. It is one of the biggest jewish lies, that only white people are "anti semite".

Jews are the BIGGEST anti semites by far.

Semties are a language based tribe from the Palestine area. Palestinians and Arabs are semites.

Who the fuck is shooting semites? Who are stealing the houses and land of other semites? Who exactly are bulldozing schools belonging to other semites.

Who is shooting other semites?

And yet, they call you antisemtic?

What a fucking con game and (((they))) are getting away with this lie on a daily basis!

CryptoBard ago

The zionist state of israel is so antisemitic they also bulldoze over young women trying to defend the human rights of Palestinians.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

TBH, I don't care about mud-jews at all. They are just brown jews.

Mosley ago

It's a daft misnomer but Jews are no less satisfied that they're verifiably genetically distinguishable from the goyim.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Only due to inordinate amounts of inbreeding. Not because of race. Even lots of white Europeans are loaded with ashkenazi DNA.

letsfindout ago

t. mutt

DeadBeatNigger ago

Think about it like this: could "Jews" actually make an honest to God, gene specific, anti white virus, without wiping themselves out too? No, because they're just inbred Europeans, so they'd never risk it. Even their Khazarian genes are insignificant, and there is too much Khazarian admixture among way too many Europeans. Even if Jews somehow managed to pull it off, by identifying their specific inbred genes, it'd end up evolving immediately, and attacking them too, because Jews aren't Jewish. Jews were wiped out thousands of years ago, and what you see today is a goofy LARP.

Mosley ago

January 21, 2020: On the Joe Rogan Experience show, Bari Weiss, a Jewish writer and New York Times editor, argues that race is just a construct. Contrary to this, she hypocritically announces how exceptionally proud her and her family are to be Jewish, besmirches white people as supremacists, bemoans Jews being the greatest victims of racism and draws the distinction that Jews are not white despite looking white.

Her claim is contradicted by news reports this week that the Israeli High Court ruled against a petition to prohibit discriminatory DNA testing to prove that an individual is ethnically Jewish, meaning that according to Jewish law, ethnicity, specifically the Jewish ethnicity, is a real biological fact and not a mere construct.