marketWaltz66 ago

Why are you linking to youtube?

Pointyball ago

Removed by Youtube

mleczko ago

shoah'd already

fritz_maurentod ago


DixieCup_13468 ago

bitchute /video/v48k2jSCAahS/

fritz_maurentod ago

Thank you. Fucking bitches cheering are the worse.

BalfourYourFace ago

Video banned everywhere even bitchute....

Bigdeal ago

Anyone have a working link? When they censor something it makes me want to see it even more.

Bigdeal ago

Youtube already deleted it🤡 got to hide reality.

Zinnsee ago

Aaaand it's gone.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Thanks I wonder why Bitchute removed it:

angryspin ago

Thanks, arrived late and that is the only working link.

boekanier ago

They are feral, nothing can stop them than a bullet.

THSenior ago

French are notorious pussies.

eatorganic_gasemetic ago

I had to text this to my bluepilled gen x French teacher family member who obviously loves France and its culture but won't admit there's clearly an immigration problem, even after watching Notre Dame and hundreds of other churches magically burn throughout the country just this year. I told her what if that was your boy? No response. I hate being this blackpilled sometimes. I don't think I'm ever going to have a healthy relationship with my family members ever again

86USSLiberty ago

Videos like this always get me going. I think what if it was my boy then delve off into thinking about stringing them up hanging them above somewhere of significance to them.

UneducatedGuess ago

Should have shot them like Joker on the subway

registeretakes10s ago

Funny thing is it's not new at all. It's just slightly more mainstream now. If you went to these schools 20y ago you'd avoid blacks and Muslims and you'd get beaten prolly once or twice in your school life, cause there's always this time they come with 10 people while you're queuing for school stuff or waiting for the bus

mralexson ago

Niggers lack any form of morality, courtesy or social boundaries. They’re beasts that seek nothing but to swarm and devour

CryptoBard ago

No honor, no shame, smiling at the pure pointlessness of the whole endeavor.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Lol what a faggot. Every time I see this shit I think (1) why didn’t he protect himself (2) why was he there to begin with (3) where are his friends to support and defend him (4) where is his common sense? (5) why does he look so fucking gay (6) where are his parents and why did they raise a bitch (7) and lastly, what the fuck did this little prick learn from the situation?

Full disclosure, as a kid, I moved to a city, got my ass kicked by a bunch of niggers, stole my bike (yes literally), came home crying (was in grade school), mom kicked my ass again, moms boyfriend kicked my ass for a third time, then spent the summer teaching me how to defend myself, then I started beating the shit out of niggers everywhere - won many, lost some, but never backed down (except for obvious death or dismemberment scenarios, in which case my smart ass did not stick around to participate - you got know when to fold your cards sometimes)

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Yeah, I used to fight with the black kids in skrewl.

The really weird thing is that, years later, they still respect you for it.

But back then we didn't have the phenomenon of roving bands of feral niggers.

I was visiting a friend's house a few years ago, and there was a Section 8 rental about 75 yards down the street, and one day, a roving band of feral middle-school apes came into the yard and started getting very aggressive.

I had to go back into my friend's house and lock the door [my shotgun was out in my pickup truck].

blit416 ago

finally I understand what you and DucktalesoooOoo mean by transportation cuck

HKob ago

Dindu nuffin. Good boys n girls.

Whiteflourguy ago

This video is fake. Niggers are not violent people and would never join in such violent actions.

beefbrains ago

so sad

0011000100100111101 ago

looks just like Queens NY in the early 1980s. niggers.

skanderbek ago

The Japs are ok

SoOutraged ago

Make sure to teach your children at a very young age to never relax when around blacks. In most cases they will be able to prevent themselves from experiencing something like this.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Look, we have to be willing to meet people at least halfway if we expect any real change. I tell you what, we just load them up into these massive boats with just enough fuel to get to the middle of the ocean and let them figure it out from there. According to every show I watch on the electric Jew, all blacks are genius doctors and engineers, shouldn't be to difficult for them to figure something out to get them themselves the rest of the way.

obvious-throwaway- ago

We take the billions of dollars we currently send freely to Israel and all the nog countries and use it to build ships, or even better, we confiscate all those (((Disney))) cruise/rape ships, as the jews won't be needing them anymore. Helicopter rides also come to mind.

Vc83 ago

Linking directly to yt >:(

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Has his family burned down all the places where they dwell yet?

Doglegwarrior ago

if the race was reversed the title would be...

rise of alt right french nationalist kids literaly nazis rizing! and it would make national news or international news

Bigdeal ago

Is this video so bad for diversity that even bitchute removed it?

4841400209 ago

Growing up in the South I was never prejudice. Wasn't until in my 20's when I moved to SF and learned how mean and rude blacks are. Trying to get off a bus was difficult because they would storm in without letting passengers off first. Walking down the street with females they would say horrible sexual things to them even with a male present. Going to a movie was horrible if there were blacks in the theater because they talk loudly through the entire movie. No peaceful dinner in a restaurant if there were black patrons because they have no consideration for others.

But I do have compassion for them, just as I do any other animals.

Granite_Pill ago

You were sheltered by Southern Manners. Same here. I was never racist growing up in the South and had plenty of black and hispanic friends. Of course there were plenty of niggers, but they were isolated in their own ghettos or and you only encountered them every once in awhile. It wasn't until my 20's when I visited California and Northern states where I had my first encounters with niggers sharing the same space as regular people.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

But I do have compassion for them, just as I do any other animals.

Precisely why the entire situation is fucked to begin. They're beneath animals. They deserve zero compassion, zero empathy and zero assistance.

Holonomic ago

Dem niggers just be havin' fun wiff da locals n sheeit.

SparklingWiggle ago

It's because of socioeconomic conditions caused by slavery and years of systematic racism by those who lost the Civil War. Wait, this was in France. My brain is melting. Oh my! It's because they're niggers!

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Kill. Kill. Kill them all.

changz ago

What do you mean Goy? I only see French boys!

whitesilk ago

Off with their heads.

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

I hope he feels properly enriched and takes away a valuable lesson.

StarbuckAndCasey ago

His mother will tell him it's "not all blacks". And he'll probably believe it. Maybe until the next beating. Or the one after that.

Anson ago

hmmm, on one hand you have a frenchie who probably thinks it's great to let negros into france in unlimited numbers, and on the other hand it objectively blows that negros are there

Herbert666Marcuse ago

"hmmm, on one hand you have a frenchie who probably thinks it's great to let negros into france in unlimited numbers, and on the other hand it objectively blows that negros are there"

If a White person's Amygdala doesn't kick into action at the site of adult feral chimpanzees smashing a juvenile White child's skull into the pavement, then that White person might as well be six-gorillioned along with its Frankfurt School masters.

Anson ago

exactly. this is the conflict.

but you see it in america all the time. the people who stand to lose the most from these brown people want them there the most. i don't get it

19810708321b ago

It’s time to pick them up the groids and drop them on their heads.

The end.

HeavyBrain ago

Atlest they are dumb enough to film their crimes.

Sure maybe they will not face presecution or sentencing because of the videos they produce....for now.

AnotherGrayman ago

Prosecuting criminals isn't what makes these videos important.

Waking up white people is what makes them important.

HeavyBrain ago

Weaking up will lead to presecution, which the vids will help with.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Imagine how beautiful our world would be without niggers.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Imagine how beautiful our world would be if the White boy's FATHER had been accompanying him with a loaded 12-gauge shotgun.

If [in any nation currently controlled by the Frankfurt School] you aren't home-schooling your White children, then you are guilty of sending off your White Children every day to the most excruciatingly vile & obscene child abuse.

tl;dr == If I were that boy's father, every last one of those niggers' corpses would long since have been fed to the fishes.

Nonymous608 ago

Fucking great diversity...i hope that homophobic misogynist, racist white kid becomes more tolerant now...

Fucking hell

Feelslikeclownworld ago

Hopefully this wakes that kid up to what will be his future if all nonwhites continue to move into his community

chirogonemd ago

If it does what these sorts of experiences do to many liberals, it ironically just further embeds their retarded views. They find ways to blame the behavior on intolerance, prejudice, and systemic racism or some internalized racial hatred that resulted from white power structures.

I've been staggered by how many parents whose children were injured or killed by the barbarians turned around and tried to blame racism for it.

BalfourYourFace ago

My cousin got his face beaten by a pack of niggers because he walked into the wrong party bus, he thought it was his since they parked next to each other. They beat his ass, chased him down the street and he had to beg a bouncer to let him in.

He gets mad at me when I say niggers...

con77 ago

In 20 years he won't take prisoners

Patrice_oneal_ ago


MrPank ago

If he lives that long without getting cut down by a hyper-aggressive machete wielding animal.

HeavyBrain ago

Or some reeeing masked fucktard.

AnotherGrayman ago

Or propaganda that educates him to apologize for being offensively pale.

psilocyb ago

Imagine not carrying a handgun in public

HeavyBrain ago

why not just carry one not like the cops will do or even are allowed to do any....oh you mean for law abiding whites. Never mind.

Shotinthedark ago

You probably can't in france

psilocyb ago

That's the joke

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

I'd love a rational person try to explain to me why we shouldn't kill every single nigger.

SadMacKabaam ago

Try it, white boy.

AR47 ago

Because a white man is going to be cleaning that shit up.

Garglemysac ago

Would you settle for a rational person agreeing with you?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Absolutely! Ha!

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Sure; get rid of the niggers—but then who's going to steal all the bicycles?

You people really need to think of the long-term implications of your actions!

1anddone ago

Because Nigger Zoo. A multi million $ idea

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Sometimes they're charming and capable of opening doors.

TypicalVoaters ago

You have got to be a sock puppet shill fag trying to diminish the charecter of this web site even further than it already has. There is no way that you are that fucking ignorant.

Only the sixth deal in absolutes.

JustFuckingDoIt ago


Then they proceed to ignore any other statements.

LurkedForever ago

Ok here you go: Despite being wildly disproportionately responsible for murder, property crime, rape, theft they're still people. Rude, ugly, mostly unintelligent people, but people nonetheless. Murder is wrong. So is collective guilt.

Also, the number of posts where you're calling for violence (along with your over-the-top username) makes me very suspicious of your intentions. [looks down at Geiger counter] click.......... click, click....... click

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Also, the number of posts where you're calling for violence (along with your over-the-top username) makes me very suspicious of your intentions. [looks down at Geiger counter] click.......... click, click....... click

Is the concept of hyperbole lost on you?

SearchVoatBot ago

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LurkedForever ago

Thank you for the thoughtful reply.

I'm with you, you're preaching to the choir that they're a different species or at the very least sub-species as we can (unfortunately) interbreed with viable offspring. If biologists were consistent that should be taught in school. But with respect, they're still people. Neanderthals, heidelbergensis, Denisovians and possibly even Erectus were people. The black is not the same as us, but they have the concept of self, volition, will. They're people. Often they're shitty people, but not all of them.

If you were being hyperbolic, I apologize for misunderstanding. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, except when people talk about violence.

Repent ago

Sterilization is what I have advocated, both in the United States and in Africa itself.

Vc83 ago

No, stop all foreign aid and intervention.

Repent ago

Yes, that would end all foreign aid eventually, because the African population would die in fifty years. This is honestly very reasonable in my opinion.

vastrightwing ago

We don't need to. They'll do it without our help. We just shouldn't stop them from obtaining guns or drugs.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

Because we need like 150 of them for caged displays at zoos. That's about it.

Shotinthedark ago

Because white people have empathy and want to save the animals

Landrictree ago

Feed em to the fish then.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

"Because white people have empathy and want to save the animals"

Thread winner.

Suicidally pathological altruism is burned deep into the Inner Hajnalian DNA coding.

Sadly, in the modren world, the Frankfurt School is making it look like a bug rather than a feature.

obvious-throwaway- ago

How about we simply take every Kike in the world and every nigger in the world and put them all in Israel next to the sand people. As long as they all stay there, I say let them live out their days in piece and harmony together without da ebil white man mucking everything up. -NotAGlowNiggerCallingForViolenceOnVoat

American-Patriot ago

No, send them all to the moon.

DefinitelyNotaJew ago

I'm not sure all the world's niggers could actually fit into Israel, but I get your point. 100 foot walls to keep them in, and endless estrogen into their air, food, and water so they can't breed. Let them die of naturally, since genocide is wrong...ish.

Penguinpecker ago

They'll fit. Just put em in a blender and set that bitch to puree. It'll stink, but it'll work.

Landrictree ago

Putting a billion niggers in any concentrated area would count as a natural blender. Nothing would survive.

MrDarkWater ago

Jewish bio-mass doesn't abide by the laws of physics: it'll work.

obvious-throwaway- ago

We'll make it work, we can fit them. Heck, we can put the Mexicans there as well if they don't learn to stay in their own country.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if 99% of humanity died.

In fact, I hope it happens.

MrDarkWater ago

Ok Bill Burr, what's next? Another baby mongrel?

itssomatic ago

Naw, buy another truck and pay a Mexican $300 to change the oil.

70times7 ago

It will. In your lifetime.

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

"let someone else do it"



You're going to get yourself killed during the boogaloo if zionism is the only thing you bring to the table.

TechDumb ago

Nah, Jerusalem is there which, even if you're not a Christ-tard is still a very cool place for old religious buildings.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I think you miss the point... what do you think is going to happen when you put a couple billion refrigerator IQ nogs and inbred child raping kikels next to millions of sand niggers. Things would work themselves out.

maaaxheadroom ago

They’ll crossbreed like rabbits into ultra shifty super niggers. Just kill em all.

obvious-throwaway- ago

We currently send billions of dollars to both Israel and many nog countries, how well do you think either will fair without the white slave providing for them? Neither Kikes or nogs are capable of physical labor. What are the filthy jews going to do, get all the niggers to take out high interest bank loans and get rich off the interest? Nigs don't pay back loans and the only thing jews know how to do is setup complicated systems in order to fuck over the working class, which won't do them any good in a society where nobody works.

Repent ago

"Religious buildings" like churches?

TechDumb ago

Yeah, but the mosques and the synagogues too. All the semitic religions are garbage but the buildings and artworks made are extremely valuable.

itssomatic ago

Islamic geometric designs are cool, no denying that. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

derram ago