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AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

If my wife cheated on me, I'd kill her and the guy without thinking twice.

CrowUp ago

Tone it down officer.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It was a hypothetical. Chill out NPC

CrowUp ago

Your script is stilted and your username even screams shill.

LurkedForever ago

@AlphaOmega @CrowUp

[–] AllLibsAreEvilDemons 51 points (+51|-0) 8 days ago

I'd love a rational person try to explain to me why we shouldn't kill every single nigger.

From here

I gave him the benefit of the doubt the first time when he said it was hyperbole, but every time he types something he's talking about killing someone. Just look at his comment history.

If it is like you say AllLibsAreEvilDeamons , you're really choosing the wrong strategy. Maybe don't threaten death every other post? I like giving people the benefit of the doubt, but it's pretty difficult for you right now.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

It's pushback against the genocidal globalist agenda of Kalergi Plan, Replacement Theory, Globalists Open Border Advocates, Race-Mixing, Cultural and Demographic Genocide, Jewish Bolshevism... the list goes on.

In a world where everyone is afraid to say what they feel, someone, anyone has to be willing to say the uncomfortable.

I don't threaten a specific person or place. I make sure I don't cross that threshold into terroristic threats. It's all big picture stuff, and I never egg anyone on to do anything either, so I'm not advocating for any one person to do any one specific thing.

Having said all that, it's my responsibility as a patriotic American to say the uncomfortable shit we're all thinking, but too many people are afraid to say.

Our founding fathers would be incredibly disappointed in our inability to freely express ourselves. So I won't let then down.