boekanier ago

But that is 'antisemitism', it'll never happen.

LaRiver001 ago

This dude even said Osama Bin Laden lives in D.C. quietly:

LaRiver001 ago

Holy crap! As soon as I pasted the URL, it shows "this video no long available" upon clicking. I went to YouTube and it's gone too. Talking about real time censorship!

LaRiver001 ago

I find it hard to understand the situation with Iran, because a lot of Iranian leaders, like Ahmadinejad himself, are Jews themselves. The majority of Iranians are Aryans though.

uvulectomy ago

Well, now we know the real reason the kikes keep pushing for a war against Iran.

ice007 ago

Destroying Iran is part of the "Yinon Plan".

Written by an Israeli named "Oded Yinon", the Yinon Plan calls for Israeli's neighboring countries to be broken up into small, weak, states.

This will cause them to be underdeveloped, weak, and in a state of constant sectarian conflict with one another. They will therefore be unable to resist Israeli domination of the entire middle east.

More on the Yinon plan in section 5:

doubleanalbypass ago

one of the last countries where since, media and ultimately truth can't be corrupted by central-bank financing and funding. every country with a jewish/zionist central bank is a lost cause.

Equilateral ago

idk why i thought of red skull

Bac10us ago

The Iranians are our allies in the global struggle against the Jews

jthun2 ago

albeit once we take out the jews, we should take out the turks, iranians and arabs as well. After all, they did invade greece in the past.

AntiMason ago

We already studied it enough.

Its an obvious overblown lie that makes zero sense.

Some so called survivors have even been caught in their lies ike the guy who said his wife threw him apples over the fence and even said "It was true in my mind".

ice007 ago

We already studied it enough

Maybe we here on voat have studied it enough.

But the other 99% of Americans are completely indoctrinated into the secular pseudo-religion of holocaust-ianity:

derram ago :

Ahmadinejad: Holocaust Needs Further 'Studies' - YouTube

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