I just learned about the shia he will not divide US capture the flag thing. Holy shit thats funny. Here's a video about it for anyone else that has never heard of this (videos)
submitted 6 years ago by GishKnots
I don't follow internet stuff so never really I knew what this was all about other than hearing shias name a lot. Funny shit! https://youtu.be/vw9zyxm860Q
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16922963? 6 years ago
How do you feel about surround sound?
SearchVoatBot 6 years ago
This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @draaaak.
Posted automatically (#24681) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
GishKnots 6 years ago
Why is everyone so obsessed with surround sound around here? Care to fill me in?
16931768? 6 years ago
How you feel about the PCT?
The Pacific Crest Trail? 7.1.2?
16934337? 6 years ago
Mmhmm. Well if you are who I have an inkling you are - hope you're doing well. If not. Surrounded sound is pretty cool.
What if I told you about jail socks?
Hfienfhdjrsurroundnridkskqmenfhfjskemrjfiskwmsurroundrhfidjenfidkemrjidirmddodkrmsounddkfhfnrjfkfnroritnrjfi jfjdjrjdmkdkdkdkfkgkgkgkgksoundjfjfjfjfmfmfjfjjailnfjfjfjfjfmfmfjfjfnfkbeheyrhtngkgksockhrnrifjfnn
16934815? 6 years ago
Lol I broke it! :P
I do not think you read my last post close enough
16934962? 6 years ago
I'm on my cellphone and had a hard time.
If you are who you are - hope the shoulder is doing better.
Do you know what an anagram is? Think that over for a while
16935970? 6 years ago
A word that can be scrambled up to make another word.
Don't play games with me just take care of yourself so I can torture you next year in my basement after I pick you up from off of the PCT.
Penis skin
16936429? 6 years ago
I can poop out of my pee hole
16938069? 6 years ago
I'm actually glad to hear back from ya. Just take it easy, especially with that shoulder of yours. Next year, we got a pizza date Ima hold you to.
16940203? 6 years ago
Dolby... 12.1? Lol like I fuckin know.
So you do this as a sort of experiment on voat community?
Im putt
16941034? 6 years ago
We're all Putt.
I'm drinking a nice cup of hot cocoa
16941213? 6 years ago
I'm watching the Sharks game.
I got some new speakers
Good as new ; )
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16922963? ago
How do you feel about surround sound?
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @draaaak.
Posted automatically (#24681) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
GishKnots ago
Why is everyone so obsessed with surround sound around here? Care to fill me in?
16931768? ago
How you feel about the PCT?
GishKnots ago
The Pacific Crest Trail? 7.1.2?
16934337? ago
Mmhmm. Well if you are who I have an inkling you are - hope you're doing well. If not. Surrounded sound is pretty cool.
What if I told you about jail socks?
GishKnots ago
Hfienfhdjrsurroundnridkskqmenfhfjskemrjfiskwmsurroundrhfidjenfidkemrjidirmddodkrmsounddkfhfnrjfkfnroritnrjfi jfjdjrjdmkdkdkdkfkgkgkgkgksoundjfjfjfjfmfmfjfjjailnfjfjfjfjfmfmfjfjfnfkbeheyrhtngkgksockhrnrifjfnn
16934815? ago
Lol I broke it! :P
GishKnots ago
I do not think you read my last post close enough
16934962? ago
I'm on my cellphone and had a hard time.
If you are who you are - hope the shoulder is doing better.
GishKnots ago
Do you know what an anagram is? Think that over for a while
16935970? ago
A word that can be scrambled up to make another word.
Don't play games with me just take care of yourself so I can torture you next year in my basement after I pick you up from off of the PCT.
GishKnots ago
Penis skin
16936429? ago
GishKnots ago
I can poop out of my pee hole
16938069? ago
I'm actually glad to hear back from ya. Just take it easy, especially with that shoulder of yours. Next year, we got a pizza date Ima hold you to.
GishKnots ago
16940203? ago
Dolby... 12.1? Lol like I fuckin know.
So you do this as a sort of experiment on voat community?
GishKnots ago
Im putt
16941034? ago
We're all Putt.
GishKnots ago
I'm drinking a nice cup of hot cocoa
16941213? ago
I'm watching the Sharks game.
GishKnots ago
I got some new speakers
GishKnots ago
Good as new ; )