ideteststicks ago

For those who don't know Carl Frampton is a Protestant married to a Catholic, he's from a hardline loyalist (pro British anti-Irish) estate his wife is from a nationalist republican (Pro Irish native) housing estate, and if I remember correctly the same area Bobby Sands grew up in. The religious political divide in the north east of Ireland isn't a joke and can be deadly. Framton prides himself on representing both sides which means his own management team could have had the union flag wearing supporter ejected.

I'm only guessing but it could be a possibility.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that no one is going to do anything about this.

rhymer ago

His waistcoat license was out of date.

Awesome_trump ago

This sounds like he is having trouble integrating into the moslem society. If he does not want to respect the local society and customs in the UK then he should simply get out of the country.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Couldnt just let the guy turn it inside out? Fuck were in a bad spot globally right now

4647386382 ago

United Kuckdom

redmanjbj ago

Wth? American here... Could someone explain this one to me. What does Union Jack represent ?

DawnPendraig ago

That's their flag. Would be like an American getting kicked out for a Stars and Stripes shirt etc

NietzscheanMind ago

Meanwhile, youtube removed the "Black crimes matter" video we discussed there :

If you downloaded it, it is time to do your duty and reupload it everywhere, and give us the links !

Chasmaniac ago

What's more troubling : The fact that cops and security actually did it, or that 10,000+ fans didn't stomp the cops into a blood soaked pile for even trying to ?

Whichever, its pretty clear (((they))) are the cause of so many ills like this.

NotHereForPizza ago

If those british fucks ended up letting those security guys take him out, they all deserve to get invaded and cucked out of their breed.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Notice that 2 of the yellow coated "Security Staff" are shit-skinned arabs.

Jimmydean1537 ago

First they are a minority, then they take over quickly and throw you off building rooftops. Its a slippery slope

drozzxd ago

I would be okay watching these faggots get curb stomped for imposing jewish orders.

Diggernicks ago

Brits have been fucktarded about people wearing the flag for decades. Remove your heads from your rectums.

fatmattmassa ago

He took a dump on the floor which is why he was chucked out. Animal. Pure and simple.

Doglegwarrior ago

They are inciting the white man hoping for them to fight put them in jail for defending themselves them they get kid in jails full of muslims. Lesson learned white man if you try to defend your culture we will kill you. We need ww3 to start now take out jew media first.

andrew_jackson ago

They are inciting the white man hoping for them to fight put them in jail

Naw, their plan is probably not that sophisticated. Most of the time that they get expelled they just cry about it then leave.

Hail_Bill_Riccio ago

And they want to make fun of Trump

NeedleStack ago

I doubt those particular guys do. Real men know what's up.

con77 ago

1 person made the decision that his vest was unacceptable. Find the jew and burn it.

kevf4 ago

There is a sandnigger leading the charge. Germans are ashamed of their flag and have a lot of white guilt.. I would expect it from them, but it looks like the UK is getting emasculated to the same level.

Phantom42 ago

If my flag looked like a drawing from a three year old if asked "What does Fall look like?", I'd be ashamed too.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

UK is the definition of cucked well before Germany

Maroonsaint ago

Uk is a police state peppered with Islam. What a terrible place to be these days

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Germany at least tried to fight the Jews. USA on the other hand has been the Jewish promised land ever since it formed.

Your ancestors under Jewish orders fought against true Aryan heroes, and a true Aryan leader Adolf Hitler.

You have no right to speak

Maroonsaint ago

I tell everyone about Israel and Jews n shit but I’m only person

derram ago :

Man Ejected from British boxing title fight for wearing a Union Jack Waistcoat!! - YouTube

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