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MercurysBall2 ago

Okaaaay... starting to get bizarre now...

Complex Adaptive System of Systems (CASoS) Engineering Applications Version 1.0 [2011]

authors: Theresa J. Brown, Robert J. Glass, Walter E. Beyeler, Arlo L. Ames, John M. Linebarger, and S. Louise Maffitt

John M. Linebarger

Husband and father, Anglican priest, computer scientist at a National Laboratory, once-and-future guitar player.

MercurysBall2 ago

Theresa Brown

Dr. Theresa Brown’s technical expertise is in conceptual model development and decision-making under uncertainty using vulnerability and risk analyses and probabilistic performance assessments.

From 2005-2010 Theresa served as the Technical and Program Lead for the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC) work at Sandia, managing a $10M yearly budget. In these roles she guided and coordinated 8 technical teams and 60 staff. NISAC is a joint program with staff at DHS in the Infrastructure Strategy and Analysis Division, at Los Alamos National Laboratory and at Sandia.

In 2007, Theresa’s work was acknowledged by Sandia and Lockheed Martin with a NOVA award (the highest that can be given) “For exceptional leadership of a complex multi-technology, multi-laboratory mission, and masterful integration of cross-agency requirements to produce a high-profile program with significant national policy influence." In 2008 she was promoted to Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, a special promotion reserved for the top eight percent of the laboratory technical staff.

..Theresa has a Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, an M.A. in Geology from the University of Texas at Austin, and a B.S. in Earth Science and Secondary Science Education from Adams State College. She has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of New Mexico, the Wellhead Protection Project Coordinator for the City of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, a Geologist for Associated Drilling in Austin, Texas, and the Crew Leader on a National Geographic Society paleontological dig. Theresa has been a Sandian since 1994.

Honors include: Invited member of UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium External Advisory Board, June 2011

People involved with ITRC

Prof Doyne Farmer

Related voat Post:

Are the Event 201 Coronavirus Simulation and Jeffrey Epstein's Harvard program of Evolutionary Dynamics linked? I think so..

And then I found a link between Bill Gates and the Santa Fe Institute : From left, Bill Gates, from Microsoft, Michael Dell, from Dell Computer, Bill Joy, from Sun Microsystem/Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Doyne Farmer, from Prediction Company/Santa Fe Institute, and Esther Dyson, from EDventure Holdings, sit together at a table during a dinner at the annual PC Forum, Tucson, Arizona, February 23-26, 1992. [Source:]

..While still in graduate school, Farmer and his childhood friend Norman Packard formed a group called Eudaemonic Enterprises.[1] Their goal was to beat the game of roulette and use the proceeds to form a science commune .. [That's a whole other post]

.After the roulette project Farmer switched his dissertation topic to chaotic dynamics and joined together with James P. Crutchfield, Norman Packard, and Robert Shaw to found the Dynamical Systems Collective (subsequently known by others as the Chaos Cabal

..Joshua Epstein (no relation to Jeffrey) is an expert on swarm theory and one of the things he's interested in is how to 'nudge' large groups of people into certain patterns of behaviour.

At the Santa Fe Institute (SFI), we have here a conference where Joshua Epstein and J. Doyne Farmer attended as an example to show that they are work colleagues: Annual Applied Complexity Network and Board of Trustees Symposium: New Complexity Economics Speakers

On this page which is dedicated to collating articles which are agent -based modelling related we see the connections between Doyne Farmer, Joshua Epstein, Johns Hopkins, the financial sector, the Insitiute for New Economic Thinking, George Soros, the Santa Fe Institute, infectious disease outbeaks modelling

Agent-based Computational Economics News & Articles -

  • Oxford Professor Doyne Farmer is working with central banks to improve stress testing using agent-based models.

  • June 2015, The renowned Institute for New Economic Thinking (founded in 2009 by George Soros and others as a result of the global financial crisis) has launched an Agent Based Modeling Working Group to model complex economic systems from the bottom-up.

  • January 2011, Simulating worst-case scenarios :Johns Hopkins University has launched the Center for Advanced Modeling (CAM) in the Social, Behavioral and Health Sciences. The center, led by professor Joshua Epstein, is aimed at research and applied work in the field of agent-based modeling for simulations that could help predict how societies will react to disasters such as infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters or economic turmoil.

Esther Dyson, from EDventure Holdings (in the image with Gates and Doyne Farmer

Esther's father is Freeman Dyson of the Dyson Sphere.

Esther Dyson, an entrepreneur and angel investor concentrating on emerging markets and technologies, is principal of EDventure Holdings. She is a board member of numerous companies, including 23andMe, Eventful, Meetup, NewspaperDirect, Voxiva, WPP Group, XCOR Aerospace, and Yandex, and was an early investor in such notable start-ups as Evernote, Flickr, Mashery, Medstory, Omada Health, and Square.

MercurysBall2 ago

I wasn’t the only one who took Barry’s admonition to heart. As ABC recently reported, “President George W. Bush was on vacation at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, when he began flipping through a … copy of a new book about the 1918 flu pandemic [given to him by Health Secretary Mike Leavitt]. He couldn’t put it down.” Bush and Leavitt then worked to pass a multi-billion-dollar pandemic-preparation bill.

So what are the big lessons from the 1918 influenza pandemic?

First and foremost, leadership matters. Scientific leaders like Army Surgeon General William Gorgas stepped up. And so did some, but by no means all, governors and mayors. In St. Louis, for example, the city mobilized quickly and staged effective responses that saved many lives. In Philadelphia, in contrast, the mayor ignored the advice of experts that he should cancel a massive parade in support of the war effort. A few days later, the bodies started piling up. “Undertakers, themselves sick, were overwhelmed. They had no place to put bodies…. Undertakers’ work areas were overflowing, they stacked caskets in halls, in their living quarters,” writes Barry.

I wonder if he means The Great Influencer?

MercurysBall2 ago

Yes, this is our Laura Glass. So, after all those scientific papers she did at high school with daddy re computer simulations.. she went in a completely different direction at Harvard.. cough..cough...

A desert child at heart, at 18 I left my hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico for the rural Midwest to attend school at Grinnell College in Iowa. After spending four years running around cornfields with the cross-country team and admiring the prairie sky, I traveled to a small village in Nepal to work as an English teacher with preschool to seventh graders for a year. Upon returning to the States I couldn't resist the familiar pull of the Midwest and made Chicago my home. I finished my master’s degree at Harvard Divinity School in the spring of 2017 and now work as the Student Program Fellow at the Memorial Church here at Harvard alongside my work also as lead CARE proctor with OSAPR. I love to be outside and hope to continue exploring the beauty of the Northeast this year. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and hearing your stories!

Harvard Divinity School = New World Order

MercurysBall2 ago

Another paper by Robert (Bob) Glass and his daughter Laura :

Social contact networks for the spread of pandemic influenza in children and teenagers. (2008)