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25019090? ago

Gates interest in computers began at age 13. To avoid the draft, Gates was enrolled at Harvard at 17; he dropped out in his sophomore year when Selective Service registration was suspended early in April 1975. He moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico and set up a storefront outside the gate of Sandia National Laboratories under the name Microsoft in July. There he purchased from a government employee on Kirtland airbase, where Sandia labs is housed, what he later patented as MS-DOS.

William Gates, Sr., Bill's father, was a patent attorney. Under the DARPA program, technology developed through public funds is public property. By law, the United States Government cannot own a patent. Gates father also served as the head of Planned Parenthood.

IBM hired Bill Gates because his mother was friends with the chairman. She was with United Way, IBM claims.

Apple and Microsoft both stole the GUI from Xerox. Xerox never sued because they were hiding the oligarchy.