MercurysBall2 ago

UK, India tech firms call for Israel-style tech hub - (Nov. 2016)

Umbrella organizations representing technology and software companies in India and the UK have called on UK Prime Minister Theresa May and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to set up a joint tech hub in India inspired by the “pioneering model” of a hub set up by the British Embassy in Israel.

“The relationship between the UK and Indian ICT sectors has seen a step change in recent years and our shared goal of being global centres for innovation make the UK and India natural partners in technology,” Julian David, CEO of techUK, and Rentala Chandrashekhar, the president of NASSCOM, said in a joint letter to May and Modi on November 4, ahead of her visit to India.

“Our Governments’ commitment to emerging sectors such as FinTech, cyber security, the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities provides fertile ground for new joint initiatives between UK and Indian businesses. As such, techUK and NASSCOM encourage the UK Government to consider establishing a tech hub in India following the pioneering model of the British Embassy in Israel.”

..Last week Israeli cybersecurity startup BioCatch said that UK’s NatWest, part of the RBS Group, has successfully tried its technology with clients. RBS had no previous engagement with Israel, but over the past four to five years the banking group became exposed to Israeli technologies via the hub’s work, Krieger Carmy said. In another example of successful matching, the hub connected British pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline with the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology to cooperate on drug research, she said.

..The UK embassy in Estonia has set up a similar hub, modeled on the Israeli one, Krieger Carmy said, forecasting “many more” will be launched going forward.

MercurysBall2 ago

Start-Up Nation Central - The State of the Israeli Ecosystem in 2018 :


  • Artificial Intelligence

..Prominent funding rounds were raised by companies utilizing AI, including Trax Image Recognition, eToro, Sisense, and Gett, and also by core-AI companies such as which develops AI processors.

.. The biggest acquisition of the year was the acquisition of Datorama by SalesForce for $850M. Datorama utilizes AI to drive its marketing analytics platform. Other significant AI-related acquisitions that occurred in 2018 were the acquisition of the “virtual nutritionist” company Nutrino for $100M by Medtronic, and video synopsis solutions company Briefcam for $90M by Canon.

.. NVIDIA and Intel - announced that they will be opening AI research centers in Israel. Nvidia’s center will be led by Prof. Gal Chechik,

a former senior official at Google’s AI division.

MercurysBall2 ago

SUNC in the UK - Jan. 2020 article Israeli health tech startups to head to UK to showcase wares

A delegation of 10 Israeli heath technology startups will be visiting the UK next month as part of a bid by UK healthcare organizations to build more modern and effective healthcare services, and address the problems of overcrowded clinics and insufficient resources.

AstraZeneca, NHSX, Care UK, Walgreens Boots Alliance and Amazon Web Services will host the startups for a series of events in London.

The 10 startups, chosen out of 100 applicants, are a part of TeXchange program set up by the British Embassy in Israel that connects UK companies to Israeli firms with “promising digital solutions,” the embassy said in a statement.

The delegation consists of, an artificial intelligence firm with healthcare applications; Breezometer, a provider of real-time air quality data; EarlySense, a maker of monitoring systems to track patients’ well-being; Medial EarlySign, which has developed software to flag for diseases such as colon cancer, Medivizor, whose software allows patients suffering from chronic illnesses to create a health profile online and get personalized information about their condition;, a Swiss- and Israel-based startup that develops personalized healthcare solutions; Sivan Innovation, a developer of web applications for disease management; Selfit Medical, a developer of a digital therapy platform for the aging population; Vaica Medical, a maker of a device that reminds people to take their medications; and IMNA Solutions, which has created a patient management and data collection platform.

The increase in the use of data and AI across all sectors is a national goal for the UK, set out its 2017 Industrial Strategy White Paper. The UK government sees these digital healthcare tools as a way to fight diseases, the statement said, and Israel is one of the nations it is looking at for inspiration.

..The UK Israel Tech Hub, a team within the British Embassy in Tel Aviv, seeks to tackle the healthcare challenges faced by UK organizations by connecting the British companies to advanced solutions from Israel.

..The TeXchange program “is an important part of the strong, deep and modern partnership between Israel and the UK. Healthcare innovation has become increasingly important to the UK, and could benefit greatly from Israel’s medical technology capabilities,” said Neil Wigan, British ambassador to Israel, in the statement.

MercurysBall2 ago

Parkland Shooting:

The only American on the advisory board [of Gabriel] is Ryan Petty, the father of a Parkland shooting victim and friend of former Florida Governor Rick Scott.

Autism Speaks has connections with the Kasky family of the Parklands shooting too..AND Disney. Remember Cameron Kasky? .. Autism Speaks is partnering with Google .... connection between the Autism Genome Project and Porton Down in a thread on the McCanns

Royal Caribbean Announces First TV Channel at Sea Dedicated to Autism Programming -

MercurysBall2 ago


The HARPA Rabbithole.. the Child Mind Institute, Austism Speaks and Disney connections

Autism Speaks has connections with the Kasky family of the Parklands shooting too..AND Disney. Remember Cameron Kasky? .. Here's a thread about his father:

Jeff Kasky, Autism TV Channel and Touch-Map Tracking Systems

As well as being an adoption lawyer, Jeff Kasky is President of the Autism Channel

in 2014, a video from PGRS with Jeff Kasky and Disney  Spectrum At Law & Disney

Interesting to note the autism connection because …

Autism Speaks is partnering with Google

In 2014,  MSSNG’ Project, Partnership Between Autism Speaks and Google for Autism Research, Has Official Launch

AND there is a connection because I just posted about the connection between the Autism Genome Project and Porton Down in a thread on the McCanns

Here is a link further emphasising the connection between Autism Speaks and Disney:

And another post:

Cesar Sayok's former employer at New River Pizza attended a private military school where sexual abuse charges were lodged. His connections to military intelligence and the Democrat party are noted.

..In conclusion, I believe there is strong evidence of predatory adoptions and human trafficking being rampant in Florida and Jeff Kasky is merely one example and egregous case.

Father of media beloved Florida Douglas HS shooting survivor has newborn nudity and obscene videos of his kids on Youtube. Connected to corrupt adoption agency.

"Flying Pig Ranch Studios, located in Palm Beach County, Florida produces commercials, documentaries and does pro-bono production for not only the Achievement Centers for Children and Families but the United Way of Palm Beach County and Dogs and Cats Forever of Saint Lucie County, Florida."

Then there's a maritime connection:

Royal Caribbean Announces First TV Channel at Sea Dedicated to Autism Programming -

MIAMI: Royal Caribbean International will be the first in the hospitality industry to offer complimentary on-demand access to exclusive content from The Autism Channel onboard most of its ships. Starting in late October 2015, this new offering enhances the cruise line’s highly successful Autism Friendly program, designed to provide inclusive cruise vacation experiences for families living with autism and other developmental disabilities.

..“The Autism Channel is delighted that Royal Caribbean has chosen to make this valuable content available on many Royal Caribbean ships. For every one person on the autism spectrum there are six more persons directly impacted by that person. Complimentary access to The Autism Channel’s exclusive content will benefit many Royal Caribbean guests and bring more awareness to Autism,” said Jeffrey A. Kasky, president, The Autism Channel.

Royal Caribbean,you say? Voat posts:

Another 'suicide', wife of pop artist Peter Max with connections to the Park West Foundation, partners of Michigan Department of Human Services and the Prince's Trust International

Peter Max is a famous pop artist who has worked with many famous people from the Beatles to Obama, to Prince Edward.. He is considered a very large influence in the Counter Culture movement of the Sixties and Seventies … these days his work can be found in Park West showrooms on all of the major cruise lines, including Royal Caribbean, Carnival and Norwegian

Park West is still aggressively selling Peter Max aboard the world’s cruise ships. Just before Christmas, the gallery had some of the best real estate on the Mariner of the Seas, a Royal Caribbean ship drifting through the mint-blue waters off Coco Cay in the Bahamas.

Note the reference to the Michigan Department of Human Services. An important facet in the HARPA connections. Our other Voat posts on other Health and Human Services Departments will be highlighted in another post. Also note:

Royal Caribbean has connections to CocoCay and the Grand Baham Shipyard .. to be developed in another post

EDIT: See comments for Amway related posts.

Edit2 : Podcast - HARPA Proposes Silicon Valley Partnership in Identifying Violent Mentally Ill Citizens

MercurysBall2 ago

In the UK, people have begun to burn down 5G masts :

In the US, Qtards are praying for 'underground children being rescued' .. all based on internet rumour. Mossad-manipulated Ovids.

MercurysBall2 ago

We have evidence of how MOSSAD are playing BOTH sides of the gun control debate, thus creating the division within society for their own ends:

Jeffrey Epstein and the Gun Control Agenda

A national debate -

University of California Irvine Professor of Mathematics Natalia Komarova and spouse Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dominik Wodarz have published a study analyzing patterns of gun control and gun violence across the world, and they're trying to figure out patterns, to bring a more empirical approach to the gun debate. At this point, their data is inconclusive, but they're hoping more research in this area will happen and policymakers will take a more empirical, rational approach to the gun problem than they have in the past.

High-profile mass shootings in Aurora, Co., and Newtown, Conn., sparked a nationwide debate on gun control issues. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 people are shot to death in the U.S. every day.

This spring, the U.S. Senate debated making background checks mandatory for all people who buy guns. In the end, proponents failed to muster the votes needed to pass the measure.

When they heard that 20 children had been killed at Sandy Hook Elementary, Dominic Wodarz and Natalia Komarova were terrified, angry and confused. On the nightly news, the young victims’ pictures gave them the chills. ....

MercurysBall2 ago

..Liz Fed — president of the Susan Wright Foundation, which is led by Robert Wright and created the proposal for HARPA and “Safe Home” — told The Post that the proposal emulated DARPA because “DARPA is a brilliant model that works. They have developed the most transformational capabilities in the world for national security…We’re not leveraging the tools and technologies available to us to improve and save lives.” Fed further asserted that DARPA’s technological approach had yet to be applied to the field of healthcare.

For anyone familiar with DARPA, such claims should immediately sound loud alarm bells, especially since DARPA is already developing its own solution to “mental health” issues in the form of a “brain-machine interface” as part of its N3 program. That program, according to reports, involves “noninvasive and ‘minutely’ invasive neural interfaces to both read and write into the brain,” help distance soldiers “from the emotional guilt of warfare” by “clouding their perception” and “to program artificial memories of fear, desire, and experiences directly into the brain.” Though N3 is intended to improve the prowess of American soldiers, it is also set to be used as a means of pursuing DARPA’s Systems-Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies (SUBNETS) project, which aims to “to develop a tiny, implanted chip in the skull to treat psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, PTSD and major depression.”