letsdothis3 ago

M&S Window (The Last Supper) Durham Cathedral:

Durham Cathedral window in memory of Sara Pilkington - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-47819650

Work has begun to install Durham Cathedral's newest stained glass window in memory of a student who died.

Sara Pilkington died suddenly from a cardiac related condition in 2012 during her final year as an arts student at Durham University.

Her parents, Jonathan and Jools Pilkington from Cheshire, have funded the Illumination Window for the cathedral. It has been created by Chichester-based glass artist Mel Howse.

letsdothis3 ago

Diocese of Durham https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diocese_of_Durham

The Diocese of Durham is a Church of England diocese, based in Durham, and covering the historic County Durham (and therefore including the part of Tyne and Wear south of the River Tyne, and excluding southern Teesdale). It was created in AD 635 as the Diocese of Lindisfarne. The cathedral is Durham Cathedral and the bishop is the Bishop of Durham who used to live at Auckland Castle, Bishop Auckland, and still has his office there. The diocese's administrative centre, the Diocesan Office, is located at Cuthbert House, Stonebridge just outside Durham City. This was opened in 2015.

The Bishop owes his unique position to the 7th and 8th century Kingdom of Northumbria, which stretched from the Humber estuary to the Firth of Forth. Subsequently the Kingdom came under Danish and English sovereignty and was transformed into an Earldom.

The bishop's palace is Auckland Castle in Bishop Auckland. Until the 1830s and the national mood at the time of the Great Reform Act, the Bishop had at least two more castles; Norham Castle in Northumberland and his main Palace at Durham Castle, now occupied by Durham University.

Durham Cathedral https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durham_Cathedral

In 1986 the cathedral and Durham Castle were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Durham Cathedral holds the relics of Saint Cuthbert, transported to Durham by Lindisfarne monks in the ninth century, the head of Saint Oswald of Northumbria, and the remains of the Venerable Bede. In addition, its library contains one of the most complete sets of early printed books in England, the pre-Dissolution monastic accounts, and three copies of the Magna Carta.

Durham Cathedral was featured in the Harry Potter films as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where it had a spire digitally added onto the top of the famous towers. It is also featured on TV in Season 5's last episode of Inspector George Gently. Interior views of the cathedral were featured in the 2019 superhero film Avengers: Endgame as the indoor location of Asgard.

In November 2009 the cathedral featured in the Lumiere festival whose highlight was the "Crown of Light"[31] illumination of the North Front of the cathedral with a 15-minute presentation that told the story of Lindisfarne and the foundation of cathedral, using illustrations and text from the Lindisfarne Gospels. The Lumiere festival was repeated in 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017.

Lumiere Festival https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumiere_festival

Lumiere is the UK's largest light festival.[1] The festival, produced by London-based creative company Artichoke, debuted in Durham in 2009.[2] The festival was part inspired by the Fête des lumières in Lyon.[3] Hosted in winter time, and free to attend, the festival typically comprises a number of light art-installations, as well as illuminating iconic buildings and locations.[4] The festival takes place biennially in November in Durham,[5] and since 2013 has occasionally toured to other locations, both reusing popular illuminations from Durham and creating new bespoke installations.

Artichoke https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artichoke_(company)

Artichoke, also known as the Artichoke Trust, is a London-based British company and registered charitable trust that stages arts spectacles and live events. It was founded in 2002 by Helen Marriage, former director of the Salisbury International Arts Festival, and Nicky Webb... The Artichoke Trust is a registered charity (Reg Charity No 1112716), funded by the Arts Council and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calouste_Gulbenkian_Foundation

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Portuguese: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian), commonly referred to simply as the Gulbenkian Foundation, is a Portuguese institution dedicated to the promotion and the arts, philanthropy, science, and education. One of the wealthiest charitable foundations in the world, the Gulbenkian Foundation was founded on 18 July 1956, according to the last will and testament of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian, a Portugal-based oil magnate who bequeathed his assets to the country in the form of a foundation.

Relation to the United Nations?...


At the UN under Secretary General Antonio Guterres there has been entirely unaddressed bribery, including offers of weapons for oil by UN non governmental organization China Energy Fund Committee of Ye Jianming which Guterres refuses to even audit - while roughing up and banning the Press which asks him about it.

On December 21 after Guterres and his spokesman had not answered a single one of Inner City Press' 35 written questions during the week and Guterres prepared to take off on another 11 day trip to Lisbon, still-banned Inner City Press reported and shows that Guterres has essentially killed off the UN's already weak public financial disclosure system. Guterres' own most recent online disclosure is from 2016, here, and it omits for example his listed role through 2018 in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Now this, which we report exclusively - the China Energy Fund Committee, implicated in the UN bribery conviction of Patrick Ho, has been linked to Guterres' Gulbenkian, see photos here and for first example here: "Partex Oil and Gas (Holdings) Corporation will be sold to the CEFC China Energy group, confirmed António Costa Silva, the chairman of the oil company of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, speaking to Portuguese daily newspaper Público.


The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Headquarters Building and Garden are on the indicative list of Portugal for inclusion as UNESCO recognised world heritage.

Any links with Lucis Trust?



Other links: HHMI, Bill & Melinda Gates, Wellcome Trust and Gulbenkian select 41 International Research Scholars - https://gulbenkian.pt/en/news-en/hhmi-bill-melinda-gates-wellcome-trust-and-gulbenkian-select-41-international-research-scholars/

Any further connections with Luciferianism?


Yvette K. Centeno - literature and alchemy: She is the Director of the ACARTE Service of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.