I've been looking at a series of videos by YTer EntertheStars on Adrenochrome (his latest here) and this is leading to quite a few rabbit holes.
In this post I'll start with this pdf scientific paper from 1990: The Adrenochrome Hypothesis and Psychiatry
The adrenochrome hypothesis of schizophrenia
(Hoffer, Osmond and Smythies, 1954), was
stimulated by the work of Osmond and Smythies
(1952) which focused on methylated derivatives of
adrenalin as possible endogenous schizophrenogens. They showed that the experience which
followed the ingestion of mescaline was in many
ways similar to the experience induced in normal
people by schizophrenia. This drew attention to
derivatives of adrenalin (and of all the
sympathomimetic amines and their precursors) as
etiological factors.
Adrenochrome is a
member of a class of chemicals known as aminochromes, each one derived by the oxidation of its
precursor amine.. The aminochromes polymerize readily,
forming a complex system of melanins. Recently
the melanins have been considered among the
most important organizing systems in the body.
We also published a large series of clinical
studies showing adrenochrome and adrenolutin
were hallucinogens. These studies are described
in our book, The Hallucinogens (Hoffer and
Osmond, 1967). That review is still pertinent for
the whole area of adrenochrome investigation
went into hibernation for a number of reasons,
especially in psychiatry. In 1981 Hoffer (1981)
reviewed some of the more recent findings.
Hoffer wrote, "Interest in the aminochromes is
returning because some of the properties of the
centrally active amines can not be understood
unless their degradation into these oxidized
derivatives is considered."
first publicly discussed our adrenochrome
hypothesis in 1952 before the Dementia Praecox
Committee of the Scottish Rites Masons in New
York at their meeting in the Canada Room of the
Waldorg Astoria Hotel.
..Aminochromes are being given serious
attention in three areas: neuropathology (Graham,
1978, 1979, 1984; Graham, Tiffany, Bell and
Gutknecht, 1978); cardiology (Beamish, Dhillon,
Sinsal and Dhalla, 1981; Karmazyn, Beamish,
Fliesel and Dhalla, 1981; Sinsal, Yates, Beamish
and Dhalla, 1981); and of course by scientists
studying pigmentation in the body, especially in
skin and brain.
..[The Original Adrenochrome Hypothesis]
was developed between 1952 and 1954
when little was known about the chemistry and
physiology of adrenochrome. All we did know
was that it was readily formed by oxidation of
adrenalin to a red compound in solution. It was
"known" that it was inherently unstable and
therefore could not form stable crystals. It was
suspected it could be made in the body in the
same way that freshly-sliced adrenal medulla
would turn pink on standing.... But we
suspected it might be an hallucinogen because
pink or deteriorated adrenalin was, and it
resembled the few known hallucinogens like dlysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and ibogaine.
Mes-calin is not an indole but resembles adrenalin and could be indolized in the body. It is
now known that methylated derivatives of
sympathomimetic amines do form aminochrome
derivatives. Aminochrome is a term applied to all
chrome indoles derived from catecholamines
(sympathomimetic amines).
..Thirty years ago, it was no secret to U.S.
research groups that NIMH was actively
disinterested in pursuing adrenochrome research.
In one case, a director of research was advised no
grant would be made to his group if he persisted
in studying adrenochrome. ..
Doing a google search for "waldorf astoria2 and "scottish rite" : this book pops us The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists
...the 1961 report of the Human Ecology Foundation lists John C. Whitehorn, Professor and Director, Dept of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins.. He corresponded extensively with the Scotis Rite Research Committee and received research grants from them, as did MKULTRA and MKSEARCH contractor, Dr. Carl Pfeiffer...
the Supreme Council, 33 Degree Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Juridiction USA sponsored a conference on research in schizophrenia at Boston University School of Medicine in 1950.... Also involved in this academic circle were anthropologists Clyded Kluckholme and Margaret Mead...
The Waldorf Astoria and the Child Mind Institute:
Please join us for the Child Mind Institute’s inaugural L.A. Luncheon., venue WaldorfAstoria Beverly Hills : https://childmind.org/event/2018-la-luncheon-event/
voat posts re Margaret Mead:
Is Pizzagate a product engineered by Cybernetics experts? by @flyingcuttlefish
R.D. Laing was appointed senior registrar at the Tavistock Clinic in 1956, three years after he left the
British Army Psychiatric Unit. He began experimenting with LSD in 1960, and then in 1962
when he became a family therapist at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, he also
met Gregory Bateson while visiting the U.S. Bateson had been with the Office of Strategic
Services (forerunner of the CIA), and then led the MK-Ultra hallucinogen (LSD) project.
Bateson's and Margaret Mead's daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson, along with New Ager Jean
Houston, would later help Hilary Clinton write IT TAKES A VILLAGE.
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letsdothis3 ago
We know that epinephrine oxidises to adrenochrome. See epipen.
Teva expects sales injection from U.S. EpiPen market
Voat posts re Teva :
Kate Beckinsale is the latest celebrity to admit to baby foreskin facial