Bern666 ago

Niacin is the secret......and you will never get it.

PinkiePunk ago

*the b vit?

Bern666 ago

B3~Niacin...500 mg twice a day.....Solgar.

undine53 ago

What do you mean?

SquashPickle ago

The real cure is prevention.Healthy immune system. Vit C, D, A and all the other supporting vits and minerals. Walk around outside barefoot. Shake hands with people.

hydra12340 ago

You know, I've always been of the notion that a persons immune system works best when tested. Not like living in a sterilized environment, but when you are exposed to everyday things. Simple hygiene goes a long way.Too many people are too quick to go their local hospital/clinic for a sniffle.

headrick ago


Thataintbutter ago

Why would FEMA have a 29 mil dose stock piled? FDA CDC deep state, pushing to let people die while they do test, are they really that out of touch? HCQ will break DNC Media China narrative. orange man bad. The traitors to this country will come to justice, the world just took a very big right turn we were attacked with a Bio weapon and held under threat to medical supplies, stupid position to be in and the world has noticed this is a wake up call.


Look at all the big Pharma commercials on TV. They “control” the message with threat of removing advertisement dollars.

headrick ago

anyone else hating the word "soon"...hurts my eyes, ears and mind

hydra12340 ago

The cures are known! Problem is, it's only for [them]. Hopefully it will all come out for us.

scoripowarrior ago

That must be why RBG and Kissinger are still alive!

HelpAcct123 ago

Wasn't there a guy that cured his cancer with de-worming meds?

geovoat ago

Joe tippen.

However if you get on his private facebook group you fingering of people taking his fenbendazole protocol stuff and dying anyway.

Apparently it worked for some people or SOMETHING did. He also took CBD oil vitamin c turmeric and several other powerful anticancer things at the same time.

It seems to me that the dewormer stops growth of existing cancers for a while but it takes something else to actually kill them.

It does show that many thing work though.

And when you read the research papers you find its amazing how many common foods actually affect the DNA replication factors in your cells. I mean cruelly altering your DNA replication. Not just feeding cells.

They actually which genes some of these foods turn on and off in your body.

We are doing genetic level manipulation to our bodies with the foods we eat which I never realized.

bingbang ago

Panacur-C Husband is using this after radiation treatment instead of chemo. It's $8 a box cheap as hell and doesn't make you sick like chemo. We will find out.

On-time ago

Apparently a lot of health issues including allergies can potentially be cured / resolved by deworming.

For more insight into this:

bingbang ago

TY I suspect the elites have been getting these treatments for decades. If it becomes common knowledge, pitchforks will be in demand. Who doesn't know someone that suffered horribly from cancer?

undine53 ago

A lovely young woman I knew died of it recently. Heartbreaking.

Then there are all the contaminated polio vaccines: 2 of my friends were victims; the pain and suffering that filled their lives were indescribable.

Not to mention all the ills caused by other big pharma meds and treatments.

These criminals need to be brought to justice - starting with Gates!

On-time ago


More and more about our reality is being increasingly exposed. Even sleeping normies are slowly starting to wake up. I see the potential for a great awakening in our future.

More on the topic of us already having much better treatments for cancer with these antimalaria drugs:

This is why Chloroquine has become part of many clinical trials, in combination with chemotherapy and other form of cancer treatments. The results are promising: “The results are very encouraging — striking, even says senior author Ravi Amaravadi, MD, an assistant professor of Medicine at Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center. Temsirolimus by itself has little effect in this patient population. Tumors laugh at it, with response percentages of just zero to 5 percent. But by combining it with hydroxychloroquine, we found that 14 out of 21 patients had stable disease after treatment, including five out of six melanoma patients.”

Oh_Well_ian ago

Thanks for sharing this post.

This is the real reason they won't be able to walk down the street.

undine53 ago

Wow - never seen an x22 video get so many down votes. WINNING!

whohat ago

more will be coming out than you suspect...Last 2 years old TB vacine has been curing bladder cancer....very little publicity on that one unless you know someone that has had it.

letalone ago

My father had bladder cancer and that is how they cured him and that was over 10 years ago

whohat ago

amazing how old meds work for more than we know

geovoat ago

You mean with deepened? Where did this happen?

mrsray ago

been saying soon for years LOL

lOstinthewOOds ago

2 weeks.

Shagnasty68 ago

And will for more years