anotherukanon ago

Germany shutting borders from Monday morning. Other EU countries will likely follow very soon..

TheRealNorseAnon ago

Norway is also on full lockdown!

All medical personel has a travel-ban and is not allowed to leave the country, all schools and kinder-gardens closed. All events has been canceled and all pubs, clubs and other venues for gethering are closed by national order.

The same goes for restaurants, and public transport like trams and buses take on only very limited passengers, the last I heard was 10ppl pr bus (capasity seating approx 50-60ppl)...

And yeah, we have pr this post 1 official death from the #WuFlu!

TheMasterMind ago

French anon here. It's strange how the french authorities respond to this issue, it's like they discover the seriousness of the thing one day after another and decide more radical stuff in an apparent panic. They've decided to close restaurants, bars, nightclubs, cinemas but not churches, mosquees and others religious buildings.

2 days from now, gatherings of more than 5000 people were cancelled, then it was 1000, then it was 100 in less than 72h!

Also some members of french government and deputees have been infected.

Meanwhile there are riots and yellow vests gatherings:

Ask me If you want news from here, I see a lot of people who are panicking around me and participate to the mass histeria following all the MSM say.

snowdenisaspook ago

Keep coming back to voat to update. Thanks for this information.

TheMasterMind ago

Here we are! This is going very fast, I have to buy some things today and here is the situation:

I went to a food store this morning and had to wait 1 hour before being allowed to enter, then the first necessity products were already gone!

French authorities have announced that starting from tomorrow 12 o'clock, we're in full lockdown and we can go out only for work, health obligations or to buy some food.

100 000 police forces deployed on main roads to establish checkpoints and controls. Military requisitionned to transport sick people.

If the quarantine is not respected then you'll have a fine of 38€ that can be extended to 135€.

We receive official SMS from government about the situation:

Here is the translation:

Alert COVID-19

The President of the Republic has announced strict rules that you must respect to fight against the spread of the virus and save lives.

The outings are authorized with attestation and only for your work, if you cannot telework, your health or essential shopping. All information on

Also, I live near an hospital and since the beginning of this, there is a lot more helicopter traffic.

Officials says that quarantine is for 15 days but rumors says 45 at least (from a co-worker that has a family member working with health authorities).

With the speed of all of this, I don't know how often I will be able to come on voat, especially if there are internet or power disruptions. So, I wish you the best for the following days and see you next time, I hope!

snowdenisaspook ago


Manolis_Gledsodakis ago

Yes, many thanks.

ButtersThatsMe ago

Time for the arrests.

User890020 ago

Macron will likely perform the most of them!

anotherukanon ago

Italy, Spain, now France. Once Germany locks down then the rest of the EU countries will follow pretty quickly. It's all building up steadily..

Manolis_Gledsodakis ago

Erm, you forgot GREECE! We've been on "lockdown" since yesterday. It was very sudden. The first I knew of it was when my local kafe owner said on Friday "hey, guys. I think we might have to close for at least a fortnight but we won't know for certain until tomorrow."

Already three business owners have been arrested for "illegal opening" yesterday, when the ink on the legal instrument was barely dry!

anotherukanon ago

I know you’ve had people try and storm your borders, as if you have enough to deal with! It’s interesting how lockdowns seem to range from 2 - 4 weeks do I’m assuming this is the timeframe the ‘purge’ is going to take.

I’m looking at it as an extended holiday. Just withdrawn all my money out of my bank account and a lot out of my credit cards to keep cash at hand. There hasn’t been a run on banks yet but I thought I’d get ahead if it just in case.

I’m expecting the UK to be locked down soon. There’s talk of shutting schools for 16 weeks and quarantining the over 70s which seems excessive but then the general population isn’t aware of what we’re aware of here..

Judging by my attempts to explain it to my sister, it’s going to be difficult to let them know what’s really going on so I hope Q has a plan for that!

Good luck over there.!

Qfan2020 ago

Yikes! It’s getting crazy!