22897056? ago

One thing you can count on is the French rioting. One thing you cannot count on is the French taking a bath.

22899546? ago

French have bidets.

22896967? ago

This submission was linked from this v/theawakening comment by @TheMasterMind.

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22895978? ago

The signs of the end times.

22895276? ago

How does acting like Anfifa help ?

22895878? ago

a) that's just how the Frenchies riot. They have no 2A.

b) Paris was once re-built for riots, from the perspective of the king. Wide open boulevards for troops and military machines to move along replaced narrow winding alleys that became impassable in times of civil unrest. When the Parisians riot, they try to recreate old paris by making the roads impassable. If you didn't want your car to become a people's blockade, you wouldn't have parked on a main artery on a protest day (Saturday). Particularly not a protest day on which protests are banned.

22894758? ago

EU is nothing when countries are leaving the union.

22894596? ago

they breach the cordons twice if you want I can share the live fackbook video I saw

22894487? ago


22894328? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=znMo7ynW-Lc :

French citizens are rioting over the ban on gatherings - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=wZDcP7CjMfc :

French citizens are rioting over the ban on gatherings. Here a group flip over a car. - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=C9qo53zQgzw :

French citizens are rioting over the ban on gatherings. Riot police were sent in. - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Agqw47hPiZI :

Riots in France over the banning of gatherings. - YouTube

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22894234? ago

What good is flipping over some random person's car. Fucking dicks. Direct that shit toward the police and government.

22906060? ago

Fuck the Mini Coop! They're terrible cars.

22906130? ago

You are absolutely right. Fuck them for picking a shitty car.

22894208? ago

Rothchilds opinion of Macron has not been fqvorable.

22893795? ago

Videos unavailable. Sorry bout that.

22893774? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/aTJlGQ6DpaMS - ( French citizens are rioting over the ban on gat... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/YtfBattb5rz3 - ( French citizens are rioting over the ban on gat... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/vUOUoTlaD9uw - ( French citizens are rioting over the ban on gat... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/QwTR1PJuC9k3 - ( Riots in France over the banning of gatherings. )

22893662? ago

Yeah that will make the situation better.

22893658? ago

Frenchies need to get rid of their globalist masters,

22904846? ago

Britbongistan and Frogistanis ? are too cowardly to ban disgusting jewish circumcision brit-milah ceremony, jihadi mosque MIND CONTROL gatherings during Corna outbreak!? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3706305