gabara ago

Some godlike stud did it

Christosgnosis ago

Yeah, it's time to abandon GreatAwakening and go to thegreatawakening to post - if the sub mod wants to be an idiot, then let them - the sub will sink to irrelevance

BeeBop71 ago

More pearl necklace clutching drama to steer the convo to personalities. Fuck this shit.

BeeBop71 ago

No great loss. It's the habitation of censorship and YT/Twitter pay wall whores.

Stonenchizel ago




SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @gabara.

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gabara ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

Watch this



I dont waste my time there. Spook city.

beefartist ago

@crensch will also ban you like a faggot for calling out his lil gamma buddies for being...lil gammas

Stopmotionhistory ago

I am blocked as well, they are controlled.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah. Everybody is banned unless you ask crensch permission, and he decides to grant you submitter status.

I have multiple submissions there over two or three hundred points, but when I asked for submitter status he banned me instead. Now I can't even comment.

He's choking his sub to death. Bad move, considering it's already the smallest Q sub. I'm posting here in v/theawakening instead.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/voatdev comment by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

That's a lie and you know it.

I banned you because you had one of the spammers in your modlogs. The moment I saw them removed, I unbanned you and sent you submitter invite.

You can edit this to an apology or I'll take it to mean you really had no genuinely good intentions in the first place. Not that I really thought you did, but a certain other owner would have relented.

Don_Tomaso ago

Crensch has his reasons, he doenst ban people that are perfectly clean.

Is a mistake has been made PM him and talk about it instead of whining like a bitch in a new thread.

I too have made a few dumb posts and got warnings over them, I try to not do the same mistakes instead of cry about the warnings.

Crensch ago

I appreciate that.

Many of the "users" you see this from are incapable of such reasonable thought - either because of intellectual shortcomings or because of the money they're paid to pretend they don't understand exactly what you're saying.

MadWorld ago

  1. Attacked GA with spam flood.
  2. Forced GA into lockdown mode.
  3. Brigaded GA with vote manipulation.
  4. Wanted to be a GA Submitter.
  5. Cried censorship and power abuse.
  6. Preping for secondary abuse.
  7. Please ignore pedo association, it is only a performance art. We are the good guys.

XD Everyone is @Amalek, everyone is @kevdude, and everyone is ProtectVoat --(((SRS)))

Crensch ago

This should be its own submission.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @R3BIRTH.

Posted automatically (#87487) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Crensch: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @R3BIRTH)

Don_Tomaso ago


I know I have a few admin warnings hanging over me but that is for being so frustrated at times that my sarcasm some times (often) spills over into or close to rules breaking. Its my own fault for being too pissed of at the constant negative news we see every day.

You guys do a great job and we appreciate the forum and its free speech that you help keep clean.

Anything I can do to help just let me know. We´re behind you.

Keep up the good work admins!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I banned you because you had one of the spammers in your modlogs.

You banned me for "other" and you made no effort to explain why at all. I only found out through your reply to someone else in my thread. Sounded like you scrambling after you got caught to make an excuse, especially since he wasn't a mod. Did you finally notice you were wrong then quietly flip?

Your mistake = me lying? Ha.

The moment I saw them removed, I unbanned you and sent you submitter invite

If you say so. I received no notification, but this whole thing has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I notice your sub is actually the smallest Q sub these days. Good luck with that, after driving away everybody.

Crensch ago

You banned me for "other" and you made no effort to explain why at all. I only found out through your reply to someone else in my thread. Sounded like you scrambling after you got caught to make an excuse, especially since he wasn't a mod. Did you finally notice you were wrong then quietly flip?

He was a mod. I've no reason to give a fuck about your opinon or "scramble" for anything.

If you say so. I received no notification, but this whole thing has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I notice your sub is actually the smallest Q sub these days. Good luck with that, after driving away everybody.

Ok, guess you don't need to be a part of it, then.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I already answered your attempted face-saving invitation. I said NO. I hope this is the last time you'll ask.

As for u/gabara, he was a mod on SBBH, not my sub, but I went ahead and invited him to mod now. Might as well, since you're spastically accusing me of things out of some secret personal vendetta against me.

What do you have against me? You jealous srayzie invited me to help on GA's mod team before you?

Crensch ago

I'm not stupid, but gabara sure is.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Thanks for linking to a thread proving me right!

Did you happen to notice the very next comment?

He was banned from the sub because he was spamming me. He didn't say he was a mod, learn to read. He wasn't a mod, but he is now, since you cry so much about it.

Thanks for playing.

Crensch ago

Thanks for linking to a thread proving me right!

About that:

@clamhurt_legbeard kicked me out of sdbh to trying an convince @crensch that I'm not a member. I don't think it will work. @crensch is pretty dumb.

Crensch ago

He was a mod on your sub. Grats on re-inviting him.

gabara ago

Nope, I've never been a mod of sdbh before today. @clamhurt_legbeard

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I noticed a friend of crensch copying your name with multiple alts. Isn't that a site violation?

Crensch seems just fine with it. Hell, maybe they're his names.

Think that's what he used to frame you?

Crensch ago

Think that's what he used to frame you?

It's what you're using to frame me, but go for it.

gabara ago

@crensch would totally do that. What a fraud.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Honestly I don't think it's him personally, I'd be surprised. He seems pretty inept.

He's clearly friendly with the guy, though.

gabara ago

but @crensch doesn't have friends

clamhurt_legbeard ago

They're probably using him like flappytiddies

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Flappy jew tiddies was coined by Cheesebooger

gabara ago

But he's getting so much attention!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah. GreatAwakening was always a haven for attention seeking.

Rotteuxx ago

Damn, I really enjoyed this thread while finishing my lunch :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I just finished mine, too!

Rotteuxx ago

Watching Crensch slowly destroy GA, well not so slowly anymore, is so funny.

It'll be a pitiful circle jerk of snowflakes in a padded room in no time.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's already the smallest Q sub. I doubt he has much longer before it's got tumbleweeds blowing through.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Actually he wasn't, but he is now!

oaf ago

I think it is recent. I think its because of the script attack bots this month posting gibberish submissions from 10 minute accounts in a huge wave. Ever look at "New" last week?

I think each subverse should have a simple setting of min ccp = x, with settings from 0 to 1,000. Then he could set it to 100 and not have to worry about the attacks.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He announced it two days ago. It's a sticky. He told everyone they'd have to ask his permission.

Those settings exist but he's always been power hungry. He preferred blocking people he dislikes.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yeah, a lot of us. @Crensch and @MolochHunter are petty, capricious mods. I was banned for "Violating their First Amendment Right to Peaceful Assembly." Also "comment sliding", which isn't even possible on this type of forum.

If you're not a CivNat Christcuck Boomer, you're getting banned from v/GreatAwakening

dieusor ago

I was banned for "Violating their First Amendment Right to Peaceful Assembly."

Are they just trolling?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He does own at least three troll subs:




BoomerHater1488er ago

I can't tell if it's that, or if it's Boomer Logic.

RakerKey ago

Thanks - its a pain isnt it

Crensch ago

The guys responding here are part of the spam bot attacks on the sub. Or they have the same narrative/silencing to push on Q subs.

We had to change how we did submissions to combat it, because we could not remove and ban usernames fast enough.

Check the sticky. If you don't like it, keep hanging out with these guys.

Don_Tomaso ago

Keep it up big C!

You´re doing a good job!

Crensch ago

Thanks, bud.

oddlike777 ago

It's not spam, faggot. You're pissing everyone off by being a complete douchebag.

oddlike777 ago

I call that revenge.

Stop being a douche and you'll stop getting attacked.

Crensch ago

Srayzie did nothing to them and they kept attacking her.

I did nothing for 6 months and they kept attacking me.

Sounds like you found you some good friends in the pedophile-support-group shitposters.

oddlike777 ago

And you just proved how huge of a faggot you are by banning me from your shit-tier sub. Go fuck yourself.

Crensch ago

Cry more.

Then defend the pedophile support group some more.

oddlike777 ago

Oh you mean sbbh, where your lover srazie hangs out? You're losing your mind. Take a break.

Crensch ago

Where she thought she had friends, and that it was innocent fun, but was stabbed in the back by the lot of them, and we found out they celebrate and defend a literal pedophile?

oddlike777 ago

Awe someone hurt her feelings and now you have to abuse mod powers white knighting for her. How precious.

oddlike777 ago

still being a douche

I'm not associated with anyone here. I'm just sick of seeing you kvetching constantly. I downvote you because I don't like you. Plain and simple.

Crensch ago

You didn't bitch at the shitposters for either of those times, and they were busy doxxing and making pedophilic threats on children.

Let me know when you can link me to your outrage from those times. Until then, you're just as bad as they are.

oddlike777 ago

Because I'm not you. I don't feel the need to bitch about absolutely everything. I just use QRV to catch up on news, and downvote obvious disinformation. Sometimes I browse /new and lately it's nothing but you crying.

Keep on banning people bro. Soon you'll have nobody left.

Crensch ago

Because I'm not you. I don't feel the need to bitch about absolutely everything.

Nah, just when a guy is finally calling out the sickest fucks on the site for gangstalking and running off users pushing narratives they don't like.

I just use QRV to catch up on news, and downvote obvious disinformation. Sometimes I browse /new and lately it's nothing but you crying.

Nobody gives a fuck about you.

Keep on banning people bro. Soon you'll have nobody left.

You just admitted to not using the sub. How am I supposed to care about the loss of your username?

oddlike777 ago

You: complains about people running off users

Also you: runs off users

Thanks for admitting you're a kike. As if it wasn't already obvious.

Crensch ago

You: complains about people running off users

Also you: runs off users

You: doesn't complain about pedophiles making IRL threats against children of doxxed users

Also you: hey guy attacking pedophiles, you're RUNNING OFF USERS



Thanks for admitting you're a kike. As if it wasn't already obvious.


oddlike777 ago

All of this over some flappy titties. Get a life.

Crensch ago

All of this over some flappy titties. Get a life.

You: attacks guy going after pedophile support group

Also you: tells guy going after pedophile support group to get a life - AND attacks pedophile's victim

oddlike777 ago

The funny thing is you don't hear how insane you sound. I had nothing to do with any of this. But because you're inept at whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, you're lashing out on innocent bystanders.

Death blossom.


Crensch ago

Funny thing is I'm not saying anything that's untrue. Funnier still is that I used your own tactic against you.

Also funny, you aren't an innocent bystander when you attack the guy attacking the pedophiles.

Funniest: You try to make a joke about Q and think you're funny.

oddlike777 ago

You're accusing the entire site of being pedophiles right now. Why are you even here?

Crensch ago

Shitposters. Mostly of defending and supporting a pedophile. Also doxxing. Also the guy wasn't just a pedophile but fantasized about cannibalism and murder of children, too.

Also, people that defend them by attacking me are, by definition, defending a pedophile support group.

Would you like to try again?

oddlike777 ago

So I got banned for not seeing whoever the fuck it is you're mad at? Seriously dude, take a break.

Crensch ago

You look just like every one of their alts that swoops in here pretending not to have seen what they did for months, but it's cool to attack me because they had their head in the sand during that time.

If you don't want to get treated like one, don't act like one.

oddlike777 ago

I'm guilty for having a voat account. Got it. I guess I'll fuck off back to 8kun now, where all the actual research takes place. Have fun shitting up the place even more.

Crensch ago

I'm guilty for having a voat account. Got it.

No. You very clearly have an axe to grind against me, and GA, calling spam against GA "revenge".

I guess I'll fuck off back to 8kun now, where all the actual research takes place. Have fun shitting up the place even more.

Given your comments about GA, it sounds like you were going to do that anyway, but maybe got some shekels to make a grandstanding show of it.

oddlike777 ago

Please get a mental health checkup. You're not well.

Also, when you ban people for no reason it upsets them. This causes downvotes and "spam" attacks. Somehow you're too fucking thick to understand that.

Crensch ago

Please get a mental health checkup. You're not well.

Also, when you ban people for no reason it upsets them. This causes downvotes and "spam" attacks. Somehow you're too fucking thick to understand that.

Turns out this happened to GA when the previous owner was here, and bans were for very specific reasons.

But keep pretending like there's something different with the pedophile shitposters' behaviour this time around because I'm the bad guy for keeping my house clean.

oddlike777 ago

And there it is.

my house

I'm done here.

Crensch ago

Right, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Good job revealing that you don't really give a shit.

oddlike777 ago

Why should I give a shit? "Your" sub has nothing of value.

Crensch ago

Then why are you whining about being banned from it when you made clear you thought attacks against it were not spam but "revenge"?

oddlike777 ago

It's like I'm talking to a fucking leftist here. Do you have any introspection? Do you really not see why someone would want to attack "your house"? Your behavior isn't okay. It's supposed to be a qresearch board, not an sbbh vendetta board.

Crensch ago

It's supposed to be a qresearch board

Do you look around you when it's not convenient for the shitposting pedos here? Do you know what this board would be without me?

Nothing but spam posts of nonsense. Because of SBBH, and what they continue to do.

But convince yourself that you have any moral high ground here if it helps you sleep at night.

oddlike777 ago


Hurr durr I'm a mod and I'm more important than everyone else


Crensch ago

So, you don't.

I didn't say shit about me being important. I stated a fact about what the place would be had I not stepped in.

oddlike777 ago

"Your" board is worse than before, but keep telling yourself you're doing a good job. I'm sure accusing everyone of being pedos will surely keep people around, assuming you don't decide to ban them for "other".

What a joke.

Crensch ago

"Your" board is worse than before

According to someone that can't differentiate between "spam" and "revenge" and also doesn't give a fuck that "revenge" is because I'm calling them out for being sick fucks.

I think we'll be okay. In fact, the comments in my last two stickies will attest to that.

oddlike777 ago

Spam has links to 3rd party websites. Your "spam" was someone you pissed off. Learn the difference.

Crensch ago

You may not post any graphics, text, photographs, images, video, audio or other material that we deem to be junk or spam.

Nice try, faggot. Wrong website.

oddlike777 ago

reddit-tier it's spam because I don't like it

Crensch ago

Literally here:

Get bent, troll.

oddlike777 ago

Moderating a subverse is an unofficial, voluntary position. We reserve the right to revoke that position for any user at any time. You may not perform moderation actions in return for any form of compensation or favor from third-parties. When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subverses you moderate, you agree to remove it.

So how many reports did your "spam" get? How many reports did I get for calling you a douchebag? Oh that's right, I was banned for not even posting in your shitty sub. Fuck yourself power-crazed prick.

Crensch ago

What does your quoted text have to do with anything?

You sound butthurt.

oddlike777 ago

You sound like you can't answer my direct question about abusing your "authority". It's a shame the few active mods left on this site are so hellbent on destroying it.

Crensch ago

I asked what your text had to do with anything.

oddlike777 ago

Holy fuck you're dumb. You had me fooled, I didn't realize you're actually a nigger.

Crensch ago

So you can't answer?

RakerKey ago

I always hang out on my own - so we will see whats worth doing.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm glad you're here with us! :)

BoomerHater1488er ago

Yeah, I only care because they're like a quarter of v/all and when an article pops up, I go to read the comments, forget where I am, type something up, hit submit and then get reminded that I'm banned.

Rotteuxx ago

Just block the sub, Voat feels a lot less retarded that way.

RakerKey ago

yeah thanks bro , my attitude now is that they can go royally fuck themselves - haha !