T2Anon ago

What on earth is wrong with these people? They do this crap without a blink of an eye, like it's normal to live like that! And then they eliminate each other - this while also seemingly normal for them is ok. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ One less deviate to worry about.

06tac15 ago

Yes, Pencil Neck is differently blackmailed because of is display of desperation and to put himself out there so crazy acting. Also knowing it's so obvious to Patriots. He lies Everytime he opens his mouth!

Helenahandbasket ago

Girlfriend, Asia Argento, likes witchcraft and is into the Me Too psyop. Seems to be Italian connection with a lot of stuff.

G0P2 ago

Is v/GA still full of drama seeking boomers in waiting?

TurquoiseLover ago

I'm sure all the leftist perverts hang on with baited breath waiting to be exposed. Your excuse?

BearDolphin1488 ago

So many jews.

What did bourdain mean by this?


Blacksmith21 ago

88 Fag Alert

BearDolphin1488 ago

If my name had a penis symbol in it, would you be more receptive than you are now or less?

Tellstruth ago

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe


Wapsi109283 ago

Bourdain was so pre-disposed to being on their side throughout his life. I bet that fucker was cussing the "alt-right" until the very end and then realized that he was on the wrong side the entire time. I actually watched a lot of Bordain and felt he was always one good conversation away from understanding what was really going on.

QBoomBoom ago

He dated a practicing witch.

BearDolphin1488 ago

You'll like this clip then. Oy vey


Specific_Fox ago

He did say some pretty nasty things about HRC. Not sure why he attacked her so much.

User890020 ago

Oh, well in that case....

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/andrevandelft/status/1196911236212051968 :

André van Delft on Twitter: "🧐t.co/xfrQrsIc6R… "

https://www.invidio.us/watch?time_continue=1&v=uLSrBl_RiwE&feature=emb_logo :

Red Pill News - Whistleblower JohnHereToHelp & SantaSurfing - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

shitface9000 ago

It's a fun story and believable too.