LakotaPride ago

and these people are so stupid they do not think the NSA has proof of their deletion actions. this appears more brain dead then stupid, they might as well write and sign out a confession. it will be used against them, no doubt about it.

johnjacobjingle ago

What useful idiots at out there are willfully suppressing information that would vindicate victims of sex trafficking and pedo-predators alike?

Fucks sake, the audacity of the useful idiot, they're probably working to save up for a new car, or vacation to the bahamas or some other thing that holds no water when you realize what their job is supporting.

Hayride ago

Google. . .Don't be evil Protect child sex traffickers and pedophiles

GoBravo ago

The only way is to take the control from Google/Silicon valley.

ItsaMeDjMario ago

white hats are in full control... but we need more people to wake up. . too many still brainwashed out there.. dark to LIGHT

heidiwenger ago

Also consider joining Minds, Gab, Parler, Utterz for sharing info. Those are more about free speech.

Ps. please list more of similar services if there are

Aspie01 ago

I think MeWe is one.

hildberht ago

Its not about Q, they do not want normies hearing about it and going and doing their own research. Its about hiding the truth from the masses.

They are running scared now. Mistakes will be made and the masters of the univers will be exposed just like the fake news outlets have. All part of the plan, to undo the deep state you have to destroy the mechanisms they use to control information. It is the key to victory,