JackANorey ago

No they haven't !!!!

Anon29 ago

Notable that the zorro ranch in NM also has a "mass grave site" similar to what is seen on LSJ.

GodsAngell ago

Oh, really? I hadn't heard that yet. Do you have photos to post?

Anon29 ago

Not enough ccp to post links..


Anon29 ago


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RedactedPlatoscave ago

Who poured the concrete there? Look into CEMEX

GodsAngell ago

Yeah, probably. Workers have to be satanists who will keep their mouths shut.

Squalk2 ago

Fantastic post and very well compiled.

Saved for later, when I intend to archive your extensive source material.


Yuke ago

The tennis court thing with mud walls around it is really interesting, it has to be cover for something. If he wanted wind protection for the game a solid fence would have been much easier to install than digging up tons of earth like that. It could well be that people are buried under there.

P.S: do you think it was excavators that made those circular patterns on the surface?

GodsAngell ago

The attempt to make it look like a tennis court from a satellite point of view, means they are HIDING SOMETHING.

Plus we know that from their satanic rituals they sacrifice children and eat them. What do they do with the bones???

These two things are colliding.

DickTick ago

What a cunt...

How fucking difficult is it to change the title by one fucking word and not look like a complete jackass...

"Anons MIGHT have found where the bodies are buried"

how in the fuck are you saying they did find where the bodies are buried base off the fucking pictures you goddamn idiot.

Quit damaging our movement by taking shit anons know is unverified opinions and then quite literally titling them as a verified fact... /u/GodsAngell not a single fucking person on 8chan and saying "they now know where the bodies are buried without a doubt"

DickTick ago

How the fuck do none of you recognize the way a post is titled and immediately know to check who wrote it and then immediately roll your fucking eyes and call her out or move on and ignore it.

Every now and then she posts something good, but it sure is fun isn't worth getting through the 99% bullshit to find the one gem.

If any of you want to know how she does this just go to the 8ch current research bread and simply copy and paste every single fucking brainstorm thought the autists have and then restructure them in such a way as to make every thought, brainstorm, or idea sound like concrete back that has been sourced and verified..

The anons having some of these thoughts/brainstorms would be fucking furious with her for pushing that shit beyond the research bread out into the world when it was nothing more than bouncing possibilities off of each other and was never meant to be delivered as fact....


JackANorey ago

I read the other day that they were thinking about changing the format of 8Chan. Would those changes make this kind of thing more difficult to simply copy & paste? You are right. With working hypotheses just rewritten as matter of fact is potentially very damaging to the movement. Ok so nothing can stop what is coming but they can sure try to gain some anti-Q traction if people like this keep posting unverified theories as facts. I don't frequent 8Chan but seems like there's a lack of privacy on there. What I mean by that is that the 'generals' should maybe have a section of their own where they bang their heads together in secret to prevent 'Angels' from fucking with shit until it's the right time. Just my tuppence ha'penny

Ag47 ago

Nazi's buried their dead in mass graves, but once they realized they were losing the war, they dug up the graves and burned the bodies.

Please do go on.

GodsAngell ago

With what?

DickTick ago

With your complete speculation and opinion that has absolutely zero basis in reality or verifiable proof

dunklederf ago

'we won the war'

no boomer, you LOST us the war. enjoy your shitskin muslims jewish nigger invasion.

Ag47 ago

The logistics of the Germans digging up mass graves to burn the bodies because they were losing the war? Who would they be hiding the bodies from?

It seems contrived, as does the Holocaust.

I'm not disputing what you're saying regarding Epstein, am just very confused by the WWII comments.

GodsAngell ago

When they were losing the war they knew there would be inquisitions. So to cover their tracks they had the inmates undig the bodies and burn them in open fires to try to destroy as much evidence as they could.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

They wouldn't. Nobody would have done that kind of work and there was no reason to. In Germany, what the Nazis did was actually legal. They would have no reason to try to hide bodies because those killed were killed in war time. And German law permitted what the Nazis were doing. They were the law!

What Epstein was doing was murder and every crime known to man. Big difference.

DickTick ago

Disregard. she is a fucking moron.

rickki6 ago

So damn creepy it’s beyond !!

ArcAngel ago

ummm.... wouldnt it be less risky to wood-chipper them into the sea? shit.. win/win... chum the water & do fishing trips...

GodsAngell ago

Check out the recently installed smoke stacks in the warehouses near the boat dock.

Cremation going on????

Recently installed Smoke stacks coming out of the top of the warehouses?…..what are they burning??? Or what are the cremating? The Nazi's did the same thing. First they buried those they murdered, then when they realized they were losing the war, they cremated and also just dub up the graves and burned the bodies. Of course, this was before satellite images, so Epshit had to go with cremations.



More here:


RainDrops ago

You are so damn annoying!
You copy/paste from the boards and then add ridiculous, unverified, speculations into the mix and try and pass your crap assumptions off as facts.

How bout you stop posting this to the threads here and open up a blog or something...that way people that want to read your stupid shit can subscribe to it and then you don't make us all look like fools!

DickTick ago

Lord have mercy on you whenever you die and have to face God with the amount a propaganda and straight up lies you push that completely demean and drown out the actual incredibly hard work that the autists put into making sure the notables at the top are ALL verified and sourced and everything else is left deep down in the bread as nothing more than brainstorming and general ideas with no proof.. shit that was never supposed to see the light of day because there exists no proof that can be verified....

insanitea ago

When I saw that part of the drone video my very first thought was "how many bodies are buried there?"

Revodude2 ago

Looks like another bunker. My guess at the high berms: Allows several layers of bodies/dirt. Kind of like a landfill operation.

barebrain ago

Funny how i read that ypu can now use lidar drones to find bodies buried...

DirtyErnie ago

Ground penetrating radar, also.

barebrain ago

Yep .. for a clandestine op from a boat .. could be a good idea

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

It will be interesting to see if construction ceases, now that he's incarcerated. If it continues, then who's doing it? Sure looks like somebody has a lot invested in that island.

beefartist ago

Typical GodsANgell post...contents the exact opposite of the title. FWIW They look like berms for shooting...why wouldn't you just dispose of dirt into the ocean if you didn't want evidence of digging?

GodsAngell ago

You explain why they tried to make this look like a tennis court to satellites.

I'm waiting for your answer.....

No answer?

Thought so.

tremulent ago

Might be a wind breaker. Just sayin'.

beefartist ago

You know quite well I can't explain that, although I could conjure up plenty of likely scenarios. Bodies buried indeed!

crocJT ago

I always thought this area was an Aztec field. Aztec played a precursor of soccer using severed heads.

GodsAngell ago

Look at all the photos, it is not flat, it is hilly terrain.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Leave it to the chans and their weaponized autism.

Looks like an actual find.

Would love to see the FBI ransack and excavate that entire island.

DickTick ago

No... this is how an anons and autists brainstorm and bounce ideas off of each other and not a single fucking one of them ever intended on a moron like her coming along and copying and pasting every single fucking thought they have and then delivering it to her fans as concrete verified fact..

she doesn't even want to know what some of those people would do to her in real life for fucking with the bread like that and making all of their actual research and verified work look like bulshit in the real world because she drowns it out with all of the half-baked ideas they have in between, that were never meant to see the light of day..

She's a fucking dangerous idiot of the highest order and is the most night is gullible person I've ever talked to.

If you don't think so then you must not give a fuck about sources or verified proof either, even though that is the only thing that anons and Q care about

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Who the fuck are you even talking about?

That's some shill-level copy-paste bullshit right there.

Go fuck off, faggot.

GodsAngell ago

People just ignore PencilDickHead......he has no life, and works from his Mommy's basement, and NEEDS that paycheck from SOROS.

Hoppinmad ago

Nobody here takes what we read in every post as fact. We are a very discerning bunch.

Niggardly_Jew ago

So they can destroy the evidence? Trusting the FBI to produce justice is like trusting a cow to shoot coca-cola out of its udders.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Trust me, I think the FBI has been corrupt and still, on many levels, is corrupt. But what other investigative body do we have that has the jurisdiction to perform such a raid?

pby1000 ago

Are you kidding me? The FBI probably helped put the bodies there.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Trust me, I think the FBI has been corrupt and still, on many levels, is corrupt. But what other investigative body do we have that has the jurisdiction to perform such a raid?

There are still good field-level agents who are not corrupted by all this bullshit.

pby1000 ago

Perhaps Trump has enough white hats in there to make a difference. I hope so.