TraditionalCode0 ago

Obviously an extra security stage. I don't feel violated as long as I'm allowed in, and as long as it takes care of bad bugs I have no problem with it.

fearlessness1 ago

Yep, they checked my bits too. Somehow I feel violated...NOT

crazy_cajun ago

Call it the price of freedom. Nothing in this world is free. You pay for everything you get. Either you pay up front where you know the cost or you pay on the back end where it breaks your bank. Better to pay up front.

Odius1 ago

Sorry pal you ain't white enough. Jk

MAC712 ago

Mine too. Only a few seconds delay logging in. If it lessens the crazies and those meaning to disrupt rather than share info and learn, I’m all for it.

Ochre1954 ago

Whatever it takes to protect this site. Bad guys are going on the attack. Expect more and more FF's soon.

heygeorge ago

Your bio says you’re a white dude

Dolli ago

Me too! WTH

Slimpickens1 ago

Be wary

LurkMaster ago

See this post by BO:

heygeorge ago

Barrack Obama posts here?

LurkMaster ago

Sure does. He's a closet MAGA guy......LOL

Board Owner

glassuser ago

Really annoying, that's what it is.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's happened many times before. Nothing to worry about. Keeps the attacks down.

lilomeunq ago

I checked. It is indeed a privilege to be living in America, enjoying the cornucopia of information and opinions on VOAT. Thank you ALL.

scoripowarrior ago

I am still getting that message even when I switch between different subs!

1234554321 ago

Lol, new goats never had their privelage checked. Its a temporary ddos protection.

Geo_synchronous ago

They know you're a fag weirdo stalking little boys So they're checking your hard drive for creepy porn..

Just kidding Bro. Or am I ?

Slimpickens1 ago


Quickdraw08 ago

Probably has something to do with problems last night. I have been getting them today too. Not a problem if you aren't trying to attack the site. It takes them 2 seconds.

patriot2008 ago

What happened last night?

Quickdraw08 ago

Allot of people kept getting booted off of QRV and Great Awakenings and had trouble getting back in and finally they took the site down for maintenance. I don't know if it was attacked or not but something was going on. The boot took me to a screen that said VOAT was being bad with a screen picture of the goat. It happened to me at least 10 to 15 times before I got the down for maintenance message.

patriot2008 ago

I experienced the same things and got a computer problem to boot. Don't know if the computer problem is related but it sure did spike my "red flag" sensors. Thanks for the info patriot.

Quickdraw08 ago

I had something strange happen to my computer the day before this happened but my computer security only notified me that something happened. I had someone trying to hack me while online that my security notified me about and stopped so I reported it to an administrator of the board but didn't hear back. I stayed off the sites for a week and ran total security to make sure nothing was wrong before going back. I believe there are people trying to take these boards down or testing to see if they can (in case they need to) but it's only a theory.

patriot2008 ago

You might be right. The timing makes it suspicious.

mostlyfriendly ago

DDoS mitigation.

Apollonious ago

This. It is not keeping people off of voat. In the simplest terms, it is just making sure you are not trying to attack the site.

Slimpickens1 ago

I thought goat was say what ever you want.

moblodite ago

Read the rules on the roght.. One of the rules are "Dont ne a dick"

Not sayin you are, but their are rules.

Slimpickens1 ago

I thought voat had no rules

Octoclops ago

It does. It's called the first amendment. Be a dick if you want.

moblodite ago

If no rules at all the shills take over, Voat has rules and each Sub has its own rules..

Here are the rules for theawakening lower right of main theawakening page.

fancypants211 ago

me too. i think its a good thing. maybe they are tracking and eradicating the shills

Slimpickens1 ago

I'm not a shill

420ninja ago

thats not what your prior posts state.. and i quote, just a few of your posts... "voat is shit" "done with q" voat is shit"......( you are aware that all past posts can be accessed right?)

Slimpickens1 ago

Disappointed in you my friend. Thought you were one of us. )))??

420ninja ago

all my posts are pro maga -Q.....

your are not!.... no friend of Q.. is no friend of mine

Slimpickens1 ago

So can yours. 656754467778888894"-&+-&&$346

Slimpickens1 ago

Hope to meet you in person

420ninja ago

ohhhh little butt hurt making threats now?? you dont maga....

fancypants211 ago

neither am I...but my impression was that is why we are getting this. last night voat was heavily attacked. i couldnt get on hardly at all w/o the site buffering. so maybe they are trying to be more selective on who can even get on the site. it was successfully attacked yesterday

Slimpickens1 ago

Or looking to devide

Slimpickens1 ago

Why do I get messages checking my privilege