thislionsheart ago

IMHO the video game Castlevania Lord of Shadows 2 talks about the pharmaceutical industry eloquently/accurately. It says demons/monsters are inside of their vast laboratories. I concur. How else can you have a billion dollar industry of lies/distortions

thislionsheart ago

High yields of Iodine can kill the HIV virus . This is why Kevin Trudeau who wrote "Natural cures they don't want you to know about" was ex CIA and always carried a gun. Great read. You have to be a badass to fight big pharma and their lies. Iodine was a panacea. Fluoride displaces iodine. Even jones talks about iodine. Iodine can also cure Cancer but Rhodium is superior, which is in carrots and aloe in high yields. Grapes too. This is why so many Doctors who challenged the FDA have been getting assassinated in the last decade.

Geo_synchronous ago

This will probably trigger an epidemic of dudes ass blasting each other more than ever before. Sorry to say that but that's how humans think and react on this un-evolved planet.

63521960W ago

Ass blasting, HAHAHAHA.😝😝😝, just about spit my coffee all over. Thanks for the laugh!

MordenGeist ago

THey have cures, but that's not how they make their billions. They dont want you cured, they want to prolong in order squeeze as much money out of you as they can before you finally go tits-up.

Are you ready for a mind-blower for proof?

Ok, so they've had a cure for CANCER since the 1930's. A man by the name of Royal R. Rife built a machine that exterminated cancerous cells on contact and was completely painless and no medications required.

There's your lead, now go research.

Hassan-I-Sabbah ago

The Rife machine is interesting and probably pretty close to what medicine will look like in the future -- vibrational/energetic/magnetic frequencies tuned to wipe out whatever pathogen or blockage is causing the illness.

MordenGeist ago

"Future proves Past"

Thing is, if you really look into the Rife machine/history, it was ridiculed and shunned by Big Pharma. Not hard to figure why. Can't make any money off sick people if the fix is so cheap and effective.

Rpaddymac1 ago

Curious as to how to determine the frequency of the cancer? As I’m building a lab testing bone marrow stem cells for reprogramming to fight cancer.

quantum1234 ago

HIV & AIDS Caused by CDC's Hepatitis B Vaccine Experiment, Study Finds ( If they made it, they probably had the cure!

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

It is a tough pill (excuse the pun) for normies to swallow. They all believe in the Hippocratic oath and the good of the people in the medical system - which is basically true, but they forget that (((those))) sitting on top in big pharma are only there to make money.

I find this little thought experiment/analogy helps:

"Say I found a way so automobiles can run on water, you wouldn't think twice in believing that the Big Auto and the Big Oil companies would do whatever it takes to get rid of me and my idea."

"Now let's say I found some herbs that cures Diabetes, why wouldn't Big Pharma react in the same way?"

When I do this, I sometimes can hear the cog wheels turning inside my opponent's head.

LIghtStrat ago

the auto companies did just that. a family friend, now well into his 80's, was an engineer for one of those big American auto companies. He told my parents that engines that run on water/steam were available decades ago but the patents were bought up and the ideas never saw the light of day. your experiment/analogy is totally accurate.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

Wow, wasn't aware of this, but nothing really surprises me anymore... :/

LIghtStrat ago

I feel the same way... as more of the truth comes out, we all will be shaking our heads wondering how they got away with it all for so long. the power the rich and connected have is beyond anything I ever imagined.

AbjectDynamite ago

I agree. My grandmother used to say that people who lie, steal, and cheat for a living figure everybody else does too. The reverse is also true: normal people who would never withhold cures, or discoveries which would advance humanity, or feed off of and/or sacrifice other human beings, can't believe their fellow man would act in such selfish and horrific ways. This is why it's so hard for them to see, let alone accept what we know to be true. I love your analogy above. I'm stealing it. I hope it can get through to people I talk to. Thank you.

Rpaddymac1 ago

A very smart grandmother. This is also why they thought it would be easy to get Trump, they all do bad things so it would have to be true that he would too. I’ve told this to my wife and others when they questioned me on believing Trump early on.

AbjectDynamite ago

Thank you, she was. :) And agree with you 100%. I had the same experience you had - not with my better half, but other family members.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

No prob, steal away. The more we red pill the better...

VicariousJambi ago

What if cures already exist - good post for personal health

Maninahat ago

Was under the impression that AIDS was created by these bad guys... assumed they made a cure when they made the disease...

But then what's true, what's real?

Getting damn hard to tell anymore..!!!

Blacksmith21 ago

That AIDS was created and administered for the purposes of depopulation by the WHO (World HEalth Org) is one of the oldest of modern "Conspiracy theories".

Biohazard even wrote a song about it in the 90s: Uncivilization:

Population control

The only alternative left was to increase the death rate

No one wanted to pick people out of a crowd and line them up for execution

Neither did they relish the possible consequences of an enraged public upon discovering that they were being systematically murdered

A very short but very deadly global war was contemplated

Something else had to be done that would absolve the decision-makers of guilt

Something that could be blamed upon Mother Nature

The answer, a synthetic biological agent

An agent that does not naturally exist

For which no natural immunity could have been acquired

The United States population was infected

The vaccine was administered by the world health organization

Whatever causes AIDS was in the vaccine?

I'm the first in line with a sentence on deathrow

Take a look around and feel the wind blow

And to those motherfuckers who decide our fate

Annihilate, come together and kill their hate

Cut their heads off and put 'em on a stake

Stuff their bodies in a barrel and throw 'em in the lake

Let the leaches feast on their own

Motherfucker your wrong, your on your own

Chorus: We all go to fight for our rights

Stand against those opposed

We all go to fight for our rights

Population Control (x2)

[recorded voice]

Over population is the most serious threat to the whole future of our species

Rip their arms off from limb to limb

Make them regret they thought they would win

Cut their tongues out to stop spreading lies

Their poisonous venom has kept me blind

Open your eyes don't you realize

Come together, it's time we rise

Chorus (x2)

Population Control (x4)

[recorded voice]

The vaccine was administered by the world health organization

Chorus (x2)

[recorded voice] The cure will be administered to the survivors when it is decided that enough people have died

AyyAyyRon ago

Many of the more recent diseases/epidemics were man-made and created in a lab. HIV, Ebola, Swine Flu, etc. are all lab-created. From my research, I believe these diseases were simply "tests" before they unleashed the real super versions of these diseases after Killary got into office as part of their globalist agenda of a 90%+ population reduction. They were going to use a multi-pronged approach. Nuclear WW3 with Russia, China, NK, etc. plus an economic/stock market collapse, plus the simultaneous release of these engineered super diseases. All while they hid in their underground/undersea or even off world bases until most of us were dead. Then they would rise up and enslave the remaining 10% in FEMA camps for the rest of time as their personal slaves while they ruled the world for eternity. The Q team isn't being hyperbolic when they say this battle between God vs. Satan and the fight to free/save humanity is "bigger than you can imagine". Nothing short of divine intervention took place to save us. Thankfully God is on our side my fellow patriots and justice is coming. WWG1WGA!

Rpaddymac1 ago

So many Elites bought property and had bug out plans to go to New Zealand before the election.

Free5peech ago

Cancer is an industry enriching millions with millions. They don't want a cure. They want the money to keep rolling in.

Free5peech ago

Mega red pill when society learns their family and friends died horrible deaths because cures have been withheld for monetary reasons.

Abi73 ago

Over the years I have discovered this tragic fact. My mother died 9 years ago and what I know now now would of kept her alive!!! So sad very sad. EVERYONE imho should read Louise Hay and her list of ailments/illnesses/disease . Also be aware of how vitally important minerals are for our cells to function properly. Apple cider vinegar and dark honey is a restorative and fairly cheap way to balance our minerals ! Cell salts do the job too. Better to eat food with water in it as drinking water flushes minerals and vitamins out. Too much acid creates toxic nightmare for cells , they need to be balanced then they are happy . When poorly or with disease look up 'alternative remedies for...' read forums get advice from real people. SO MUCH that heals us , but we are all different so some things work better than others.

Free5peech ago

I'm sorry for your loss. And thank you for story and information.

Abi73 ago

Thank you for your kind words :)

bruno196103 ago

Drugs and medical big business. This is why these elites live to old ages and we die in fifties & sixties. The elites never seam to leave.