Jsmyogi ago

Yes... and now we find out through Q’s latest drop that it is our money that is funding this. How outrageous! Evil loves to hide in things that are good;at least all is being exposed.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

YES! So glad more and more people Really are waking up and starting to see the truth of it all.

So much more to see. I can't wait until All is exposed!

SuzQ ago

I pray Pres Trump's E.O. from 12-21-2018 will make it possible to divest Soros of his billions+. The only way to take down these psychopaths is to ruin them, first, financially. Soros is As bad as the Clinton Crime syndicate. They both have a countless and all encompassing web of shell companies. It's the only way, financial ruin.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Absolutely! He has literally wreaked havoc All over the World.

He aides and abets the globalist luciferians in both the UN and the EU.

We are seeing biblical prophecy being fulfilled and carried out when we look at what that EU has been doing for the last 10 years, of course they laid the foundation prior to that, but what they are all doing and signaling Right Now!

bruno196111 ago

Catch and give George Soros to one of the countries he has destroyed. I believe the citizens would welcome such a gift ,they would hang him in gratitude.

qfollower911 ago

Who was it that said, "I regret that HE has only one life to give to the countries that he destroyed." Could he be passed around so that each country could exact their pound of flesh. And keep passing him around until... well you know the end of it.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Now This sounds like a Grand proposal!

I believe a lottery for Who gets him is in order! The kind where whichever country wins, gets his vast resources to restore their economy!

mkt4311 ago

I want him brought to justice more than anyone else...and there are a lot of them.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Isn't that the truth!

So very many of them, it's difficult to keep up with the and the Vast amount of crimes they have and Still Are committing!

Semlow ago

Great work, thanks a lot! It's very important,I appreciate that. I'll link your article to some friends for info and redpilling. To remove Soros's family's power will be a milestone. He is/was the most active cabal player for many years.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you! I couldn't agree with you more.

Everywhere we turn on this search for truth, his name just keeps cropping up!

Thank God he's being found out for what he is and who he really serves!

LakotaPride ago

Great article patriot, people need to secure offline , Thanks for posting and sharing this.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Thank you LP!

I know we've all been trying to wake people up about this particular Monster. One of Many!

As you and all other Patriots know, So much more to Soros' evil. Like what went down in Las Vegas and his connections to not one, but at least one other hotel there in conjunction to the orchestrated chaos. The one He also had stake in where the Saudi Royal Air force was training for about 3 weeks in August. 6.3 miles away. 13.9 minutes away and tunnels joining them.

Likely he has poked his paws in everything out there as that Luxor is their literal alter and sacrifices have occurred there.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot with Vegas I called it back then, that I suspected DSBS. DS needed SA back under their control. I think the attack on people was to cover up the true op while the did a E&E making a backdoor to split from the crime scene. we had a transponder from a Helicopter sending out the code for passenger plane, as it left the area it turned of the transponder. just one problem, passenger planes do not land on top of a building and then leave, telling me the shooters were also on the roof. if the info I received is correct. explains why DC Bureau took over, I suspect to cover up the real crime and misdirect. the other problem is, the Coroner actually has Paddocks death the next day and not that night ? nothing adds up with what we were told. definitely more then one shooter, because the echo does not work, because the sounds of the rifle firing was not the same repeat to be a echo.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I completely agree! So many tells there and you are spot on with them taking over and making sure They could Steer the investigation.

I can't wait until all of this corruption is known.

After listening to witness accounts. ..tells a very sad story as many died from "obvious strange causes," if their story didn't line up with the narrative the cabal was pumping out.

LakotaPride ago

That's exactly what we see in the House going on, trying to impede a investigation and then redirect it, Patriot. this is something you always watch for when doing investigations, who is trying to redirect the investigation away from the real suspects. it is time they all get arrested. Patriot

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Spot On!

Instigators, Detractors. ..rather than true investigators for Truth!

LakotaPride ago

Patriot this is why they hate truth and try to silence truth, it exposes and destroys evil.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

YES! That is what they are trying to do here.


Have they done this to you before? They don't know anything about me, but I suspect they work for Shareblue.

LakotaPride ago

this is expected Patriot, these evil ones feel these sights expose their evil, so we knew they would come to spread disinformation and create division. and we also expect controlled opposition to show up, keep exposing them for who ad what they are. their side supports the pedophiles and organ harvesting of children if they are not eating them. their days are limited before justice takes them down.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

A Great way to look at it! Thanks LP! Much appreciated!

LakotaPride ago

No thanks needed Patriot, always happy to share.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Free to read, no account needed in link above. Please keep back here to let me know your thoughts and opinions.

Did a Big Dig over a period of days between work. Fully sourced!

You will find,

  • Soros background of how he sold out his own people.

  • An interview where you can hear from George Soros how he creates chaos purposely for profits and doesn't care how it harms others because it's Just business.

  • Examples of countries he has tried to topple.

  • From Thy Black Man how he uses the black population for his agenda.

  • Evidence of him being behind the caravan.

  • Evidence of him supporting the EU.

  • How the Prime Minister from Hungary Stood up to him and why others should Do the Same for their own protection.

Qanon, #Qarmy, #GeorgeSoros, #CaravanInvasion, #News