Foxpaw17 ago

I think establising this sub is about learning self dicipline. Conservatives make fun if SJW types that need safe space and then hypicritically demand their own safe space devoid of thought provoking counter arguments. You are here to grow a pair, metephirically speaking.

Develope the self dicipline to ignore shillis, porn. Or arguments you are currently ill equiped to handle.

dordiewithq ago

My point inarticulately expressed is the forum WILL limit the reach by allowing generally unacceptable information.

I will not encourage my 16 year old daughter, 12 year old son, not my 75 year old parents to this forum.

THAT is the problem all who have pushed back on me are missing. PERSONALLY I don’t care. I’m hoping to encourage a forum that sticks to the SUBJECTS we are TOGETHER.

There is a place and time for the “educational” material.

Foxpaw17 ago

Fair comment. Frankly, this is not suitable for too young or too old. It is your job to inform yourself with all relevant information and lead your family with steady advice. This is a forum with far more freedom to get exposure to ideas that other forums would shield you from. Adults shouldn't need gatekeepers to thoughts and ideas. Use the ones that are good, question and thoughtfully rebut the ones you disagree with, discard the useless porn.

Go back with the new ideas to your family and friends and slowly start introducing them.

dordiewithq ago

The quixotic approach reminds me of one of Martin Luther’s issues with the Church “sacerdotalism”: the belief that propitiatory sacrifices for sin require the intervention of a priest.

I prefer all TrumpQ believers to come to the source and not require a proclaimer saling the message.

TheAwakening / QRV is THE SOURCE. Invite everyone here to learn it, own it and they’ll live it.

Blessings brother.

Ardithla ago

Maybe Q is cornering the online trolls and will take care of them.

Diggernicks ago

Back to reddit nig nog moralfag

Rubydoobydo ago

How many downvotes do you get? I haven't reached my 100 CCP yet, so I haven't been able to downvote.

dordiewithq ago

A total of 100 votes but no more DV than UV

dordiewithq ago

After you teach 100 CCP you’re allowed to vote Up or Down a total of 100 times per day.

That was easy to reach after seeing the sewage

SGM11Z ago

As you go up in CCP, the number of votes you get goes up too. Over 200 CCP, you get half your CCP total in votes. So 5000 CCP gets you 2500 votes per 24 hrs. That is why it is important to participate in non anonymous help take out the trash. Stick with it. It will get better.

dordiewithq ago

Your Encouragement Gives Hope. Thank You!

boredTech ago

You'll figure out the system. But, it's in place to assist with keeping the downvoat warriors from going back through your comment history and downvoating everything. Used to be one day you'd say fuck the jews and the next morning you'd be at -800 ccp

dordiewithq ago

Not sure I’ll hang around. I know this stuff will keep people from widely recommending this sewer.

Not Sure Q thought this thru.

It’s bogus QRV can’t block Porn Racist post.

I can’t UV DV so that’s based on userids.

It would be simple to flag Userids that have multiple posts reported.

Rubydoobydo ago

I use the Android app Boat to use Voat. It has an option to turn off images. I only click on the image if I'm fairly certain from the comment that it's not porn. It's not perfect, but it helps.

dordiewithq ago

Good idea. Thank you.

boredTech ago

Do whatever you want. You're free to walk.

Q probably thought this through rather well, or do you believe him to be retarded? Honestly, I don't care and I think the guy is a LARP, but that's not my concern.

If you can't handle porn, don't use that forum. There is a setting for NSFW and you can just do your own research and post on one of the cleaner subs.

You can't downvoat because you haven't earned the right to.

I don't care if you don't like the user interface.

dordiewithq ago

I do NOT believe Q is retarded.

He may’ve made a mistake.

It may settle down and if so, I will be the one who is mistaken. (I hope it’s me)

Mumbleberry ago

QRM motherfucker.