13994211? ago

Here is a bit of advice - just ignore them and that way you won't use up your 10 comments or voting capabilities. If enough people ignore them they'll move on to someone who will give them the attention they crave.

And looking at a naked body never killed anyone.

13987701? ago

Good fucking luck faggot. You'll be hanging from the same tree as all the other niggers and jews here by the end of the week.

13985578? ago

Bless your heart. Good Luck

13986046? ago

All Blessings kindly received.

13984854? ago

psyops. hang in there.

13986167? ago

It’s bogus QRV can’t block Porn Racist post.

I can’t UV DV so that’s based on userids.

It would be simple to block Userids that have multiple posts reported.

13981263? ago

fuck off faggot ass cunt kike.

13982070? ago

quit showing your age and intelligence or should i say lack of both

13981248? ago

Not sure which is worse—the whiny concern faggotry or programmed censorship advocacy. Wake up and grow up.

13981216? ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'QRV - Poor design - used my 24 hr allotment of votes by downvoting Porn Racist posts.' was posted in v/theawakening by @dordiewithq and refers to this submission.

This notification (#591) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

13981193? ago

Max upvotes/24 hours = CCP

Max downvotes/24 hours = 1/2 CCP

Max downvotes total = 1/2 Total upvotes

This is by design

13981148? ago

Cuckold doesn’t know how Voat works. Lots of anti-brigading safe guards on Voat.


13980891? ago


It's working as intended.

13980766? ago

Please upvote people, too many downvotes already!

13982642? ago

upvotes dont count here-you need to join another V sub and earn CCP there by commenting on posts there. Keep commenting in the other Q subs here on Voat and upvoting others there. Takes a little time and patience- but us Q followers are used to that.

13980761? ago

Downvoting racism


Anyway, here's something for you to downvote:






But maybe, just maybe, you give it a read before you downvote. I intentionally used wikipedia so you don't immediately dismiss it. But be careful, once you know certain things you can no longer go back to feigning ignorance.

13980755? ago

OP complains about Voat and already has -1 CCP.

Keep it up and you'll be -100CCP and will wonder why you can't make topics or post more than 10 comments in a day.

13980742? ago

there see a few more and your good to go :)

13980705? ago

i am new to this site,but i think its a good idea.i also tryed to post and had the same thing.but i am ok with it,sooner or later someone will help me out and upvote a few of my comments the same as i do others. it will all work out if you just go with the flow.

13982528? ago


13980840? ago

Any board that shows up on v/all will earn you the CCP to make new topics and downvoat.

If you ask for upvoats you'll be downvoated into the negatives, please try to integrate with Voat as a whole or the other Q boards as a means to earn CCP.

13980719? ago


13980590? ago

Only nigger faggots who belong on Reddit think internet points matter and dv porn/racism. See yourself back there asap.

13980514? ago

why do you hate free speech?

13986531? ago

I really don’t. I believe the in civility will limit the forum. Definitely not family friendly

13986634? ago

civility is just self censorship and is itself limiting

14020915? ago

Will send a previous reply (that’s applicable)...

Respectfully disagree.

I believe more important is:

Like Father Like Son

I (try) to hold to the values of my parents. Uncool Square Archaic Neanderthal Stick in the Mud.

Yes to all. Don’t care.

Take your path. I’ll take mine.

14012972? ago

Respectfully Disagree but thank you for your opinion.

And Thank you for not trashing me.

14013864? ago

someday you'll realize trying to be "family friendly" and "civil" is just being politically correct, the cabal is controlling the way you think and act and you're letting them

14020829? ago

Respectfully disagree.

I believe more important is:

Like Father Like Son

I (try) to hold to the values of my parents. Uncool Square Archaic Neanderthal Stick in the Mud.

Yes to all. Don’t care.

Take your path. I’ll take mine.

14021569? ago

my father taught me that there are some things more important

13980884? ago

Freedom of speech =/= freedom from criticism. He has every right to be a whiny little concernfag about how you guys operate on your platform. Its not going to save him.

13980933? ago

freedom of speech does include the freedom to offend. Being against "racism" is being against the 1st amendment

13980976? ago

See second half of comment:

He has every right to be a whiny little concernfag about how you guys operate on your platform. Its not going to save him.

13980487? ago


13981774? ago

Q sent us here because so far the freedom of speech still exist here.

Q followers like to debate. We can agree to disagree. If you have a valid point and can bring it up in a civilize way good. If you just want to divide we are just going to ignore you.

13981853? ago

Just having a laugh at your expence, qucumber. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2736353

13980486? ago

GTFO, civic cuck

13980450? ago

you're more than welcome to fuck off you miserable Q cultist.

get out of our site

13981595? ago

What are you afraid of.

Q followers love live, liberty, happiness and believe in GOD. Q has never ask for money or to believe in his message. Q is about think logically and do your own research. Q post are look at this... it is in open source and make up your mind. If you don't like it move on.


13980925? ago

Youre trying to shock people that have experience with the chans. I dont think your pathetic attempt to scare people off your precious echochamber is going to work.

13982695? ago

HA, but it works everytime. Those with thin skin go elsewhere to fell comfy.

13981285? ago

Kill yourself kike.

13980994? ago

kill yourself nigger

13981029? ago

You're going to have to try a lot hard than that goatfag.

13981067? ago

why? it's not that hard to tie a noose, how retarded could you possibly be?