Soullo ago

New to posting, is there a voat for dummies book. I tried to post but message received was I need 10 cc. What the hell is that.

Qdini ago

You need to get 100 upvotes before you can post. It's frustrating but it keeps bots from coming in and down voting everyone and spreading fake news.

Soullo ago

Thank you

Mrbison91 ago

Learning new format....glad for pm directing me here

Lovemyfamily9 ago

Appreciate BO!!! It’s all about uniting

3rds4 ago

I see "Q" people...... VOTE

RhodieVictoria ago

how do I search?

QAnon69 ago

Thank you VOAT for responding to Q's request to provide Anon's an alternative to Reddit.

BrainWaveless ago

BrainWaveless reporting for duty

I am upvoting as much as I can see to give out karma points.

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

I'm out of upvotes, or I'd give you one. the bot tells me I have to engage in conversation to get more upvotes to give out. Thing is, there are no live people here now as far as I can tell. If you come back...hi..please upvote me thanks

Qdini ago

Thanks BWL!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Q 2271 - New Voat Sub to Replace Reddit = QRV' was posted in v/FactCheckQanons by @2736277 and refers to this submission.

This notification (#586) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. More information here, including how to suppress these notifications.

Jpatriot ago

Lurkin -n- th thaaats all folks. But thank you for everything.

Hold2win ago


The QRV is anonymous which means that upvotes don’t count for your total points. so keep other subs open to get points so that you can reach the right amount and make posts

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Huh? I'm out of upvote points to give. I have none, cannot find anyone on here live although it is Saturday afternoon did something happen to the world that I don't know about. What is this upvotes don't count for total points...well it doesn't matter I don't have any points anyway, just time because I'm here on this island by myself. I wonder if anyone will ever see these pleading posts from me........sigh....

SGM11Z ago

We see you...fear not

Qdini ago

Great Point. Some of us will continue to post on TheAwakening and GreatAwakening so that we can identify and follow users



maga1234 ago

Since I can't access this board from work anyway, clicking on allow nsfw content saves me from having to accept the warning every time I visit. Thanks! More exploring to do.

Patriot4ArmyOfGod ago

Thank you! Will need to figure this out now... hmmm...

HumanPrimer ago

The new Voat site "QRV" is full of very vile posts. I am a strong advocate for lifting the veil, shedding light on the dark and cleaning the swamp... BUT... the vision is clear, clean and doesn't need nor endorse posts about nigger this and that nor photos of a dick being sewn on a human or haters of jews and muslims and niggers and white people. IT IS JUST VILE spew to further divide and separate us. THIS IS NOT WHAT THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT... IS IT? IF it is then I am not a part of that. -The Human Primer

Qdini ago

I'm with you on that. I messaged the mods about it. They set it up to have no filter and immediately trolls jumped in. Not good.

PatrioticOkra ago

What was wrong with v/GreatAwakening? I've already moved twice. Why again?

Qdini ago

I didn't set it up. Not sure why Q ordained QRV. I prefer this board. You can see the users names and no vile posts are allowed.

Beanandginger ago

I see the same problem with getting enough up votes to actually contribute on VOAT QRV as on VOAT THE AWAKENING. seems like only certain select few are getting up voted enough to contribute. Is this just a troll for the Q folks?

Qdini ago

No you need to earn your way in. It seems like a pain, but it prevents bots from coming in and downvoting everyone.

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Ok, I'm not a bot, and you can tell because I talk way to much. No one is here or has been here for your case 8.9 hours. I have no upvotes left to give, AND no one to upvote me because I'm this deserted island. I'm trying to earn my way, but I cannot understnad what I have to do and where is everyone. Is this place abandoned?

Qdini ago

Not abandoned. Just fewer people than on Reddit....but that's gonna change soon....

Swampcat421 ago

You must enable NSFW under preferences in order to see the QRV site. Click on the wheel icon to the right of your name and check the box for NSFW.

reinbeau ago

Very frustrating to not be able to start a thread without some kind of 'points'. I can't seen to attain any of said points, whatever they are.....

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

I'd give you a point but the BOT won't let me..says I'm out until I find someone on line to actually talk to. Feel as if I'm in a vast wasteland. would appreciate an upvote if you ever see this. It will all iron out one of these days, right?

Qdini ago

You have one now. ;)

reinbeau ago

No, someone downvoted me again. I really don't care anymore. I'll lurk on the chans. Thank you though!

TheQPhenomenon ago

Love that Q followers have found a new home and everyone who follows can also be in on place since Reddit got deleted. been lonely trying to find a new home. Just look out for the Shills

FreeCapellan ago

One question. I saw those posting that their ID's were numbers. If we here, myself included, post will our names be a problem or will they be replaced by numbers?

Qdini ago

They setup that sub to be anonymous just like 8chan. I prefer to see the user's names

guambred ago

Thank Q from Guam USA!

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Hello to Guam..if you ever see this. I have a friend in Guam..He seems to love it there. I feel better here on the "mainland", not an island type girl. Keep the faith, we're going to get through this upheaval yet, right?

guambred ago

Indeed, thank you for the well wishes, they are greatly appreciated!

True344 ago

I feel whole again!

Bodean1415 ago

Welcome all you Q refugees, up vote all for the best experience! Wwg1wga

Bodean1415 ago

You rock voat!

ArbyMcPatriot ago

Build it and they will cone. WWG1WGA!

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

I wish "they" would come. I feel deserted. no one has been here in hours and hours..but I persist. If you have an upvote to give, I'd certainly appreciate it. Thanks much.

garlicbulb ago

Click on settings button , top right of your voat page in between envelope and light bulb,

Enable Adult (NSFW) Content with a click which ticks the box,

Save this ( a few lines below not at bottom of page),

Then you can go on QRV board

EuropeNeedsFixing ago


Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Just in case you get this reply I just wanted you to know that yes, Europe does need fixing. I lived in Germany as a young child when father was stationed in US Army there. I cannot imagine all that beautiful history and the quaintness of the culture being destroyed by the islam invasion. My heart goes out to you. Unless you're in Poland then you must be in the middle of an invasion. Will pray for you.

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

Thanks, I'm from Denmark but have lived in Germany years ago, The German people are really nice, honest and hard working but their government sucks (just like the rest of western Europe). I recently visited a small town I used to live in. Parts of it was indistinguishable from anywhere in the Middle East. So sad...

When I was a kid, something like 40 years ago, I visited a US Army base in Munich. Perhaps our lives have "touched" somehow?

Not sure what you mean by an invasion in Poland. The former Eastern Block countries are the ones with the least islamic invasion. In fact they are the ones fighting now. For some reason we western Europeans are so political correct and don't dare say anything. Pardon my language, but we are being butt fucked and just taking it placidly... :(

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

I was trying to say that Poland refuses to accept the muslim "immigrants", and they are one of the few European countries that have no been invaded by refugees. I was a "kid" like more than 60 years ago, and lived in Wurzburg for 3 years. 1949-1952. There has to be a reason why Merkel is allowing the invasion of Germany, and same with Belgium, and Sweden..perhaps the goal is a single european country. I don't know, its crazy. The worse kind of treatement of the native born citizens when their country is being overrun by people who want to change everything about that country from laws, to religion, to education rights..awful!

Iron_Bear ago

Come on everyone. Get upvoting then we can all discuss and post freely

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

The BOT won't let me give out upvotes anymore, or I PROMISE you I would. I'm supposed to now talk to others, but I cannot yet find any live others here, but will keep looking. If you get this, and have one to give, please give an upvote. I feel so isolated with this 2nd class citizen status here.

Schnookie ago

Thank you!

fuckmyreddit ago

They say you're not supposed to beg for upvoats, but I'm the Upvoat Fairy looking to bless you all with my generous clicking finger.

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Well, and I'm the cinder covered urchin looking for upvotes. If you see this, you have NO IDEA how much I'd appreciate an upvote. I'd give you one now, but the BOT tells me that I can't until I converse with others and I can't find anyone life to converse with. Maybe catch you some other time. In the meanwhile, pretty please upvote me.

Qdini ago

Me too.

16180339 ago

Thank you Patriots! All of you!!

BlueDrache ago

Don't forget to block it!

Bludgie ago

No thanks. Bugger having to have NSFW settings. How in the fuck is THAT a replacement for Reddit?????? I'll stick to Qmaps. This is fucking ridiculous.

Qdini ago

I agree with you. It minics 8chan's policy of anything goes.

I will choose to stay on TheAwakening and GreatAwakening (they keep it clean). I will only lurk on QRV.


Patriots Unite! We are all Q. Decentralized Civilian Intelligence

GenChang ago

The actual address to the subverse is this: v/QRV Tap or Click that highlighted link. Also helpful is this: v/Voat for how to info. I recommend newbies subscribe there as well.

Qdini ago

also see this instruction

GenChang ago

It's my understanding that the new Q subverse will be read by and followed by the Q group, whoever they are. Mainly I think, to get a feel on how we are receiving the drops, and our collective reaction. And to consolidate the lost Q army wondering in the wilderness. Like Reddit, he will likely link to notables from that trusted subverse.

TalkingDixon ago

Nope, headed straight to the chans. No more middle man.

Qdini ago

8 chan remains the foundation, the only place where Q posts. This is for us to share decodes and discuss Q.


Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

wow, you were here just 6.3 hours ago, everyone else above you is 18+ hours. I'm looking line by line for a real person. Also asking for upvotes if you see this. Thank you..I feel like I'm on a deserted island...abandoned...

Qdini ago

Up voted!

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

thank you for the upvote

Qdini ago


PatriotQue ago

Nice that it setup to be anonymous

BettyLiberty ago

Thank you for providing a space that isn't full of egos who wish to control. Thank you!

SickQfCorruption ago

Glad Q arranged this for US!

finessa ago

I'm glad you told me what the problem was; I thought it was overloaded with new people or something.

4TheRepublic ago


I subscribed to v/QRV at around the 3040 mark. I think I'll lurk here for a least til things settle in QRV.

In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch). - from Q2269

Will be watching there to see what goes down.

MissBonnieAndMe-247 ago

Here to learn......

tearose ago

I'm so glad to see we are together again. The sense of community is great. Thanks Q and BO.

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

I'd love to see that sense of community you speak of. No one is posting here.. every post is 18+ hours ago, but I shall persevere and see if I can find someone live.

Ps4Freedom ago

Our own personal wizard! Qdini!

Qdini ago

LOL. Made my day!

Ps4Freedom ago

Good, you made mine too! Were even!

Qdini ago

LOL. Thx!

islandmom ago

Newb on board here! ThankQ all.

Qdini ago

Welcome! !

islandmom ago


scoripowarrior ago

Thanks to whoever posted the info in this thread!

Qdini ago


Touchothers ago

"make it and they will crumb" so here I am and will try to figure this out. Thanks! Patriots Soapbox!

Enigmaone007 ago

Thank you for giving simple yet plain instructions on being able to see QRV.

Qdini ago


Clydar ago

Thank you to VOAT. Have only recently started looking at Reddit and they take the board down. :/ I do have the Qanon/pub site that I watch and the QMAP site, but to hear others talking gives us all the sense of community we need. :)

MissBonnieAndMe-247 ago


MazeyDaze ago

Hello former r/greatawakening folks! This will be a transition, but not a hard one if you realize that Voat is a free speech forum. I have lurked here the last week, and it can be scary - intentionally so by the "goats" (users who have been using Voat for a log time). Our board mods were put in their place by the Goats for censoring, but have since learned that if we want to play in the Voat playground, we have to play by the Voat playbook.

You may get some unsolicited, nasty replys to your comments, but you have to understand that this is the last common free speech forum there is, unless you really want to go to the chans.

So buckle up the upper lip and don't be afraid of any old goats (people who have been using Voat for a long time) when they say "mean" things to you. This is what we all wanted - free and unfettered speech. My understanding is that the mods will try to keep the porn pics from this site, but you will have to filter through the free speech of others and decide for yourself if you want to be here and continue the conversation. Time to get out of your diapers and put on your pull-ups and not get offended here.

Just my observation from lurking for the last week. And I might add, it is rather nice not to be PC!

jmr9364 ago

Thank you for the info! Got my Big Girl Panties on 👙

MazeyDaze ago

Hang on, I think we are in for a ride!

jmr9364 ago

Yep! It’s going to be a wild one!

Zhork ago

Never heard of VOAT before, glad to find a censure free place to meet other like-minded patriots

1whoknocks ago

very happy about this idea!

CindyLu008 ago

Q, John, V?

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Well, you are the last person in this chain and you posted 19 hours ago. I must be wasting my time looking for a live person here on voat the awakening. vey frustrating. But Just in case you see this, would you be so kind as to give me an upvote. I can't reciprocate until I converse with people to get more votes, but cannot find live people to converse with..see the delimma. Is this all a ruse????

StormChaser126 ago

Good night for me, Patriots. I'm grateful that we have a new place to hang our hats and powder horns. Many thanks to Q and the BO for this fine shelter! May it bring comfort to many during this beautiful, powerful storm.



Qdini ago

Go to your settings (click the wheel icon in upper right of your screen) Check the box to "Enable adult content" Hit "Save"

You can then go to QRV and see all of the posts!!

PA_Patriot1776 ago

Word is spreading quickly! This is great!

PA_Patriot1776 ago

Getting busy over there. Good to see!

Ambassadors4Q ago

Thanks Q ... we shifted from Reddit and closed all accounts at Reddit... WWG1WGA.

Praying for POTUS and all those in the front lines of this war... for you also Q+

MzFitz ago

Q Sent Me... ThankQ

Bodean1415 ago

Q sent me too...

Leonidas4Q ago

Leonidas' 300 men held back the Persian hordes long enough for the Hellenes to mobilize and ultimately defeat an existential threat to Western Civilization. Trump, his team of Patriots, and Q are now at the front line and asking us to mobilize. Spread the word troops. We are in it to win it - hearts and minds of Americans first and then the world. Doesn't the USA always set the example of how it's done?

Sangreaal ago

I hope Serialbrain2 makes the shift, if he hasn't already. WWG1WGA!

Le_Squish ago

SerialBrain2 is a charlatan. Think for yourself a bit and it will become obvious to you.

Qdini ago

He's posted once. He'll be back for sure!!

sader5 ago

Thanks !

usa-wwg1wga-q ago

So excited we are being united! WWG1WGA!

StormChaser126 ago

We're always united...tied by bonds of love for our Nation and Liberty. It's just that we feel a little separated in the high-tech "woods". ;)

usa-wwg1wga-q ago

Well said patriot!

StormChaser126 ago

Thank you, Patriot! :)

NobleEagle853 ago

ThanQ BO and Q!

Minuteman73 ago

Q sent me. I'm in!

Qdini ago

Glad you are here!

Ps4Freedom ago

Thank you BO and Q!

Muffinpumper ago

Q sent me here after wandering for a few days. Thank you Q for your leadership and help.

We are here to serve and help our fellow people. Bring on the pain, RIP off the bandaid, and let's get this show on the road!

Qdini ago

Welcome. Former Reddit refugee here

Darkdestroyeruk ago

Hello all

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

I'm here all by myself. Feel like its the aftermath of a crash. Been upvoting everyone above me, and asking for upvote for myself if anyone wanders by. Some popup just told me that I had to talk to get the privledge of upvoting more, so this is me talking wishing I could find a live person here.

java2 ago

I'm new to this too. Following the info diligently.

ythehorses ago

The more the merrier. As long as we unite!

SonarTech ago

if having trouble getting in go to your settings and enable NSF content

Patriot714 ago

First time poster. Woke since 01/18.

Qdini ago

Long-time fan!

Majorwood111 ago

ThankQ So nice to be united with all the PATRIOT Bro's again...WWG1WGA!

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Sorry, but I don't think I could upvote you. I've reached a limit so now I'm supposed to engage in conversation which I'd love to do if I could find a real live person here not just 20 hour old comments. I had promised at the top to upvote, the I'm out of upvotes, its disallowed for now until I find someone to chat with. Is this fun or what??????? I think its WHAT!!!!!

Majorwood111 ago

ThankQ for the up vote

flatbush71 ago

I'll talk to ya. I'm trying to get started as well. I discus Q or anything in reason.

Buck AKA the original Spookahontas

allonthesameteam ago

I read in another post to turn on NSFW to access. Anyone confirm this?

islandtax ago

Q just sent me here to join the ranks. I have to learn how to use voat.

SanegoatIsAmalek21 ago

evidence: v/theawakening comment deletion rules, note many rule breaking comments remain on top posts. but comment deletion logs do show him sometimes enforcing the comment-deletion rules.

then note i was banned for pointing out other comments.

locke won't have a conversation. no appeal for my ban. doesn't have the human decency to allow me to face my accuser, and instead lets the cabal downvoat me 1,700 times, shitpost me for 30 hours, run a fucking train on my reputation on voat, committing absolute egregious crimes on voat in the process. delaware law was broken yesterday repeatedly and the admins did fucking nothing

why? most probably because i hurt voat's fee fees.

voat is 100% compromised and i am officially sounding the bell.

abandon ship. tear down the ship. light the ship on fire. FUCK THIS SHITTY SHIP.

there is no site on the net with free speech.

also note and pay attention. these next two days are critical.

will they do something about the criminal activity on voat?

will @puttitout do anything about @lgirlwonder the cancer mod?

will they click the canary? (2 days left)

it's too late.

they have shown the user agreement is null and void and u.s. law is not upheld on the site.

they have shown that reddit cancer is protected not stopped as it was long ago in the good days in voat's summer.

prepare your anus

winter is coming to voat

and by winter i mean voat is now reddit.

GenChang ago

Go here to get the basics v/Voat, and you should subscribe to use as a reference for later.

ArbyMcPatriot ago

I'll check that out. Thanks.

SoCaliConservative ago

Thank you!

MissBonnieAndMe-247 ago

Hi, we can learn together.

GenChang ago

Feel free to ask me for help. I'm not totally new, but can point you in the right direction. The address to the Q approved subverse is v/QRV

1NationUnderGod ago

I’m a newbie here too. A Reddit(3 month) refugee and 8chan (1 year) lurker. Learning the voat ropes.

Bodean1415 ago

Q sent me...wwg1wga

SoCaliConservative ago

I'm in your shoes exactly! I guess we need upvoats?

blackfriday44 ago

What about to upvote each other?

SoCaliConservative ago

Done! That's what I meant 😊

CapeKellElle ago

Ditto - created my account over a week ago but haven't taken the time to learn how to post, create subs to get to quickly etc.

Palindromedan ago

@CapeKellElle you have to get 10 upvoats - called CCP to be able to post submissions. 100 CCP to downvoat.

Qdini ago


MazeyDaze ago

Goats, we thank you for your patience as the Q community regroups. I understand the hazing that was needed, and welcome your stanch stance on free speech. I think my other former r/greatawakening patriots will all get past any hazing. It might just teach us a thing or two about said "free speech". Thanks for working with us.

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

Hey, where is everyone? Most people were here last 20 hours ago, one or 2 in the 6 to 8 hour range. Am I missing something. I'd upvote you, but the BOT won't let me, says I've give out all I can until I talk to a live person on here. Can you imagine the dellima (I can't spell that word and there is no spell check here arrrrrgh) I'm in. No points, no one to talk to to get points. Q ..... where are you

StormChaser126 ago

Much better "goats" than SHEEP!! :D

cmh642 ago

thank you so much for finding us a new home!!!

krameralso ago

THANQ!!! So glad for this new home!

BenevolentQness ago

QRV ... Q Reddit Voat?

kai711 ago

Q research voat

PatriotPaula ago

Quick question. What is QRV and acronym for?

rollingblunder ago

According to 8ch, 'Q research VOAT' - edition

Qdini ago

I don't yet know.

Ps4Freedom ago


PatriotPaula ago

QRV: QResearch_Voat

PatriotPaula ago

if I figure it out... I'll let ya know!

USAFCAndylady ago

I keep getting a Adult Content message -- has anyone figured out how to get around it?

Aspie01 ago

Go into settings and enable nsfw content. Get out of voat and then back in. It wouldn't take until I closed and reopened.

USAFCAndylady ago


MazeyDaze ago

Just power through to get to the board. No worries but it is free speech here! Just don't get offended. I lurked here the last week, and watched the turmoil that surmounted the question of whether this was our final landing spot. Beware of shills, as the mods learned their lesson on censoring.

QAnonIsAwesome ago

Let's Rock this Board Patriots!

Silverlining ago

I tried to post on QRV - said subverse didn't exist.

Qdini ago

It's under construction. Give it a couple of days. The BO has some programming to do.

Wakeupworld ago

Can I ask what BO stands for?

Qdini ago

Board Operator...

tippingpoint ago

perhaps the QRV board will have some special protection... kind of like those days when the social media algorithms can't read memes, thanks to Q++

Foffandie ago

It is the same as . It's a combination of GreatAwakening and the awakening. This already happened but Q put his imprimatur on it. They want us divided.

GetUpOffYourKnees ago

ThankQ so cool!

Ps4Freedom ago

you get an upvote just for that name

ArbyMcPatriot ago

You get an upvote for supporting his patriotic name. He gets an upvote for his name.

Gk2005 ago

Thank uou

UnknownTruth ago

Thanks to the Voat operators for having us Q folks!

huhu11 ago

Let me tell you about the jews

Six Million Jews Before Nazi Germany 1915 1938

A Goy Guide To World History Historian - E. Michael Jones.

Who controls America?:

The Jewish Corrupters - Dr. William Pierce


Emma Lazarus:

False Flags:

Oded Yinon Plan:

Benjamin Freedman Speech:

Jewish Timeline:


Child Sex Slavery:

Kosher Tax:





Talmud Quotes:



Henry Ford inventor of Ford cars: The international jew the world's foremost problem

The Scorpion and the Frog

Holocaust Album

Ernst Zundel interviews Ingrid Rimland (1998) - YouTube

Did the Holocaust Really Happen?

Dr. William Pierce - Seeing the forest - YouTube : :

SanegoatIsAmalek20 ago

evidence: v/theawakening comment deletion rules, note many rule breaking comments remain on top posts. but comment deletion logs do show him sometimes enforcing the comment-deletion rules.

then note i was banned for pointing out other comments.

locke won't have a conversation. no appeal for my ban. doesn't have the human decency to allow me to face my accuser, and instead lets the cabal downvoat me 1,700 times, shitpost me for 30 hours, run a fucking train on my reputation on voat, committing absolute egregious crimes on voat in the process. delaware law was broken yesterday repeatedly and the admins did fucking nothing

why? most probably because i hurt voat's fee fees.

voat is 100% compromised and i am officially sounding the bell.

abandon ship. tear down the ship. light the ship on fire. FUCK THIS SHITTY SHIP.

there is no site on the net with free speech.

also note and pay attention. these next two days are critical.

will they do something about the criminal activity on voat?

will @puttitout do anything about @lgirlwonder the cancer mod?

will they click the canary? (2 days left)

it's too late.

they have shown the user agreement is null and void and u.s. law is not upheld on the site.

they have shown that reddit cancer is protected not stopped as it was long ago in the good days in voat's summer.

prepare your anus

winter is coming to voat

and by winter i mean voat is now reddit.

huhu11 ago

Let me tell you about the jews

Six Million Jews Before Nazi Germany 1915 1938

A Goy Guide To World History Historian - E. Michael Jones.

Who controls America?:

The Jewish Corrupters - Dr. William Pierce


Emma Lazarus:

False Flags:

Oded Yinon Plan:

Benjamin Freedman Speech:

Jewish Timeline:


Child Sex Slavery:

Kosher Tax:





Talmud Quotes:



Henry Ford inventor of Ford cars: The international jew the world's foremost problem

The Scorpion and the Frog

Holocaust Album

Ernst Zundel interviews Ingrid Rimland (1998) - YouTube

Did the Holocaust Really Happen?

Dr. William Pierce - Seeing the forest - YouTube : :

AmaleksHairyAss ago

You have the gay.

SoCaliConservative ago

Yes, thank you!!! ❤❤

BaldMiscreant ago

Welcome, feel free to look around, chat up some goats, and try not to demand censorship... we tend not to like that.

Robe3866 ago

Advice on getting upvotes so one can post....i have commented on many posts in order to get upvoted but the downvotes keep negating my count..IE....14 up/8 down-net 6! TY in Advance....still learning this new format!!

GuantanamObama ago

Contribute to meaningful discussions. Votes will follow.

reinbeau ago

It doesn't matter how many upvotes you get, too many nasties downvote you so you end up with nothing.

BaldMiscreant ago

Keep at it, you will get there, eventually.

heroicdanger ago

The main advice would be to not ask for upvotes.

Contribute to a sub.

Bodean1415 ago

Here's 1 4 u

AmaleksHairyAss ago

An upvote is supposed to be for contributing to the conversation: offering a reasoned, or interesting, or insightful or funny comment. But some people use it for agreement. I recommend trying to contribute instead of trying to karma whore.

As for why you're not getting upvoted a lot: Don't expect as many upvotes as Reddit. Voat is a much smaller site.
Your comments are written in a shorthand that turns people off. Try taking the effort to properly type out what you're trying to say.
Don't expect each comment to get upvotes. Don't worry if they don't. If you keep contributing you'll quickly get the upvote level you're looking for.
Try commenting and submitting content to other subverses. Even subverses without a lot of activity. People are subscribed to them, and people reviewing your history will view you as a contributor. Just browse /all and subscribe to what you like.

Welcome to vote


Robe3866 ago

Thanks!!--New to Voat and never did Reddit so this format is new to me.....Good advice--appreciate you taking the time to detail....LOTS of new Q comming on board here and will have the same Qs as I do...trying to get seasoned quickly in order to help them all aboard!!

Iron_Bear ago

Here's one for ya

Bodean1415 ago

Here's one 4 u too

tippingpoint ago


DarktoLight247 ago

The site is working.

SonarTech ago

I keep clicking on your link and it says it isn't safe bc doesn't allow adult content and wont let me in any help?

DarktoLight247 ago

May need to change your settings. Site is working fine.

SonarTech ago

I just figured out ty for your response

PatriotPaula ago

May I ask a question? ... when I click that link, it brings me to a warning page... that says... Warning! The content of this subverse is Not Safe For Work! Your user preferences are set to hide adult content.

It then gives me a link that says "bring me to front page"

Is that "front page" the one I should bookmark as our new GA board??

Creg ago


ccjones ago

No I don’t think so (but didn’t click so...). Click the settings gear icon at top right near your name and scroll down a bit-there is a checkbox to enable NSFW. Save that setting and go back and will let you in.

PatriotPaula ago

Many thanks!!

SonarTech ago

I figured it out at top where it says subscription, click on drop down menu, click on settings, enable NSF content I am in new one

Qfan2020 ago

Thank you! That worked perfectly!

SonarTech ago

Quite welcome Patriot

Kirka ago

Yes thanks, good to know👍

PatriotPaula ago

Thank you so much!

SonarTech ago

quite welcome

Peeweeanon ago


TheMyTQuin ago

Server is probably overwhelmed?

FoxySten ago

I was on just prior to QVR going live.. shut down almost instantly after the drop

hogey11 ago

i'm sure the voat board owner is in on it or somewhat aware.. maybe they got upgrades to deal with the traffic?

MDGAustin ago

They got it covered. Voat may get a bad rap, but they know their infrastructure. I've been on Voat for about 2 years now, they don't love some of us conservatives, so we'll stay out of their grill. QArmy wants to use this platform for redpill newbies, so let's be cool. #WWG1WGA

FoxySten ago

Ok that makes sense.

Qdini ago


USAPatriot ago

And so it begins

Bornonthe4thofJuly ago

managed to bungle my way in here again. I do sincerely appreciate all upvotes. Like a ghost town, most if not all posts are 20 hours ago. I'm going to upvote every poster who seems to be a Q supporter until I find a live person to chat with. Please upvote me. Tks

truthseeker3313 ago

It's not working for me... is it working for you?

Hornet1022 ago

Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. I think that just comes with age.

Qdini ago

I think they just reserved the name of the new sub. Programming required to fully setup the site.

truthseeker3313 ago

Roger that... thank you

Ps4Freedom ago

Hey Truth, good ta see ya : )

DontUnderestimateMe ago

Nope ....not seeing anything