nonamejenkins ago

Z checking in Next?

Momomaga ago

This is very helpful for newbies. I couldn’t see where I had blocked adult content otherwise. Thanks!

DedicatedPatriot1776 ago

Thanks for the invite Q. How do we block shills here?

divine_human ago

xcuse me, this is voat, not 8chan.

first the flood of redditors whose mods didnt respect voat culture. now the flood from 8chan which doesnt respect voat culture.

ive fucking had it, thanks but no thanks. as long as QRV stays anonymized, we cant block posters. as long as QRV requires enabling NSFW, we cant escape the porn.

annoys the crap out of me. once again, this is NOT 8chan.

Qdini ago

I agree

LabResults ago

Yeppers . . .

StormVet6 ago

Keep in mind there are a lot of new folks in there that have no idea how Voat works. I posted a few comments in a few discussions on some of the rules and to check a few of the welcome threads over here for more advice.

Vrblpollushin ago

They need to calm the fuck down over there. Seriously flooding everything.

StormVet6 ago

Shills are all over the damn thing.


bad. hopefully it'll get better once it's a few days old.

Vrblpollushin ago

I can see anything else on all other q shit. I mean, fuck, I like to read about other Shit too.

StormVet6 ago

I know. It's nuts. It'll work itself out. Another hurdle like when we were kicked off Reggit.

Qdini ago

That's helpful! I had to figure it out for myself

StormVet6 ago

So did I, for the most part. Fortunately, some here documented our struggles so those after would not fall into the same traps.

AuthorUnknown ago

Thank you for helping those new to Voat. I saw very few comments that were informative when I first got here, but some are doing all they can to clear things up and explain things.

I really appreciate that.

StormVet6 ago

Thank you. I didn’t have a lot of help either when I got here, but some other folks took the time to help. Pass it forward and help the team, like we should in all of our work here and in the rest of our lives.


SeekNuShallFind ago

Curious as to why it is mandatory to enable adult content to view QRV ?


zero censorship.

dmt3rdi ago

Won't this also have the effect of blocking it from search engine crawling?

KAG2020 ago

Mimics 8chan

Qdini ago

The person who setup the sub has all postings designated as NSFW. So the only way to see the posts is to check the box on your settings to allow this info

SeekNuShallFind ago

I get that it was set it up this way, just curious why? Is it for "normies" and non8ch users or an exact mirror of 8ch ?

Some-random-chick ago

It’s a reddit replacement. Plain and simple. Read the drops.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Didn't have to enable NSFW to view before.

Some-random-chick ago


Qdini ago

I don't know.....

usa-wwg1wga-q ago

Thank you! Great info for new patriots! WWG1WGA