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Mumbleberry ago

Better list of jews here;

HotelCalifornia ago

Those are the Irish, not Jews.

Mumbleberry ago

All confirmed Mossad sex operatives.

Tacops777 ago

Wrong, as a fellow Jew, I think fellow Americans are only trying to match us Jews of Israel into being inclusive. 911 was a terror attack created by Europeans in order to expel the Muslims out of Europe in order to boost Isreal's diversity by 2020. Israel has to take in at least 5000 Syrians a week on top of the 10million strong project discussed on a vaguely anti semitic / diversity thread.

Furthermore, Boca Raton in the USA should become the leader in the USA and take in most of California Illegals for "some time" in order to prepare them slowly to the great "chosen land immigration".