do0O0O0od ago

They are not Jews. They are Khazars: Khazars - Wikipedia. Check out the nifty six-pointed star while you are archiving that page. They are known as Kenites in the Bible. You can see them in 1 Chronicles 2:55 already latched onto the tribe of Judah and doing their scribework - in other words, the Kenites kept the books.

Merkava_4 ago

I think the CIA did 911. Larry Silverstein was happy to go along with it so that he didn't have to do the asbestos removal which would've cost him millions.

EyeSkyPi ago

Um do you know Trump called Larry on the morning of 911 to check he was ok?

HotelCalifornia ago

@Mumbleberry Did anyone ever tell you that Seth Rich was the finest Irish man to ever live?

BlueChampagne ago

To be sure. He was a mighty fine Irish man.

StormVet6 ago

I just reviewed the list. There are a LOT of names on that list that contaminated r/GA with garbage. I would not be surprised if they were at least part of the reason why the sub was killed!!

BlueChampagne ago

They also moderate the subs which are sick here. Not only do they post "paul simon is a piece of shit" to highlight subs for attack but they have also posted violent images (which are unspeakable by the way) to intimidate people.

do0O0O0od ago

My rel0ading bench would intimidate them.

Mumbleberry ago

Lies from a kike.

StormVet6 ago

Lovely. It explains a lot of what’s been going on around here as well.

Mumbleberry ago

No, they don't. Check them out.

BlueChampagne ago


Names which appear gabara dakotajane mumbleberry etc etc etc

StormVet6 ago


slowburn ago

I have a legit question. Was there any military activity at all when the towers fell? It took hours for the buildings to go down. In all the documentary footage, there are no military helicopters, no army on the ground. Is that normal in this state of attack? We sent our Firefighters, Ambulance, Police, and EMT up - but not once in 17 years have I heard of our own military stepping in. Am I wrong? Where were they?

My point is, they weren't. That to me is proof enough, they were told to stand down, because this was an inside job.

BlueChampagne ago

Seems rather suspicious that all the media would be coordinated in showing their lies...

Mumbleberry ago

Better list of jews here;

HotelCalifornia ago

Those are the Irish, not Jews.

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

Question? Are the Irish, the most cucked ethnicity in USA.?

HotelCalifornia ago

The Irish are the most Quantum Race outside of China.

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

Wish i could down Voat you.... heh you fell for my bait... lol

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago


BlueChampagne ago

You heard it hear first folks.

Irish are quantum as fuck.

6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

That's where you are wrong kiddo!!!

Mumbleberry ago

All confirmed Mossad sex operatives.

Tacops777 ago

Wrong, as a fellow Jew, I think fellow Americans are only trying to match us Jews of Israel into being inclusive. 911 was a terror attack created by Europeans in order to expel the Muslims out of Europe in order to boost Isreal's diversity by 2020. Israel has to take in at least 5000 Syrians a week on top of the 10million strong project discussed on a vaguely anti semitic / diversity thread.

Furthermore, Boca Raton in the USA should become the leader in the USA and take in most of California Illegals for "some time" in order to prepare them slowly to the great "chosen land immigration".

HotelCalifornia ago

Does Mossad have sex operatives? I thought that was the CIA

Mumbleberry ago

Who do you think trains them? Get informed, grasshopper!

HotelCalifornia ago

Wait a minute, you're mossad and you threaten women.

That means you are a CIA sex operative.

Mumbleberry ago

Man you idiots are dense.

HotelCalifornia ago

No we're Irish. Bright as buttons in the glinting holographic moon.

HotelCalifornia ago

Why would the Irish be training CIA sex operatives?

Mumbleberry ago

Darpa sexbots are made there under a secret NSA contract

HotelCalifornia ago

I think you are thick as a brush at high noon on a cruise ship

Mumbleberry ago

What? You claim to able to think? Amazing. Bye now.

BlueChampagne ago

Ooo someone is a little bit crabbit!

HotelCalifornia ago

Why would DARPA have sex bots?

Mumbleberry ago

For all you incells on this list;

cthulhu69 ago

So, all these jews are named "anon"?

HotelCalifornia ago

The people who post "paul simon is a piece of shit" are all JIDF

IpsoFacto ago

They mark any independent account with that spam - so they can downvote and suppress

IpsoFacto ago

No there are names behind those accounts - who are trying to quash free speech.

1223344556677888 ago

Take em down boys