ExpertShitposter ago

I just realized something. These boomers are not only retarded, but also bootlickers. They actually shouldn't spread beyond their containment board, so I'm fine with this shit. I also suggested to putt that he removes them form the 24h window and he agreed that its the logical thing to do.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Why should we care what you think?

BuilderAnon ago

Because we are in their house? The fuck is wrong with you people?

ObamasPinkSock ago

Everyone was new here at some point.

I was shooting terrorists in the face in face in Iraq in 2008... why the fuck should I get on my knees for a cheese-eating keyboard-warrior because his account is older than mine?

theoldones ago

bull-fucking-shit you were

there's a special place in hell for those who impersonate service member.

VoatsNewfag ago

Free speech is a God-given right - not something you must suck theoldones' cock to earn.

Your mods have not just deleted trolling comments but lots of serious post as well. Voat keeps a public track record of all deleted comments accessible in the sidebar of each subverse, the latest deleted comment is someone pointing out that voat already had it's own Q-community. - That happened after they publicly apologized for banning users.

One of your mods, when told by one of us older ones, that mods are not gods here, replied with "you will find out how wrong you are".

Another one of your moderators (BleachyMcServerwiper) created another subverse where they seemingly tested measures for vote manipulation.

Another moderator (drogeAnon) within that thread confirmed that they were testing measures of vote manipulation. "We were trying things out - there's no way we expected to farm enough voats to get out of limbo."

And he states that they later want to hold polls to determine if the community wants them to ban content. - As I pointed out in that thread, if they publicly test vote manipulation, how can you trust any polls they conduct? What if they manipulate the polls and then pretend to act in your interest? He has not replied to me so far when I made that argument.

You do not have free speech if you adhere to moderators with a god complex.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

fags admitted have a discord, so when you say something to one of the v/theawakening mod team and they don't respond it goes to conference in their gay private chat

ObamasPinkSock ago

Those mods have been removed.

Fuck them.

Did you have anything else to share?

BuilderAnon ago

So because you served you deserve the right to consume the product of others labor while being an arrogant prick? I take it you weren’t serving America.

ObamasPinkSock ago

How much has the OP labored to make this platform successful?

All he is doing is attacking the growth of Voat by attacking new users.

I take it you weren’t serving America.


BuilderAnon ago

We don’t need to grow by catering to communist traitors. 💕

ideologicidal ago

What? My user profile is transparent and available for reference to any goat interested? Ehrmagerd.

theoldones ago

i get the feeling you know fuck all about using voat

ideologicidal ago

You mean a specific, temporally significant metric that means nothing beyond the context and drama that inspired it? Yay for v/theA points!