Loveamerica ago

I enjoy reading yr columns, new to all this. Technologically illiterate. Having a hard time trying to figure out this site. But thought I'd try, so I can tell you how much I appreciate yr writing, yr time and yr viewpoints. Thank you!!

Kwicherbichen ago

How do I subscribe to you in VOAT? I tried but the subscribe button is greyed out

immaduck ago

Thanks NeonRevolt!

1IrishPatriot ago

09/17 The Day The Consitution Was Created.


german_bro ago

8chan is easier to handle with the tree view go to Options, top right , and chose " Use tree view by default " 🇺🇸🇩🇪

WhiteSquall ago

Q wants us United!

Q3 Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda.


Q1657 Nothing is more powerful than the public being awake and collectively free-thinking / talking / etc. Stay UNITED! Q

Q854 We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH.



Q1342 PEOPLE UNITED hold the power.

Q1350 If America falls, the World falls. God bless our brave fighting men & women. They deserve our deepest gratitude. Through their strength, and the millions of united Patriots around the World, we will succeed in this fight.

Q1358 Trust must be earned. Trust is not blind, nor is truth. We fight every sigle day on behalf of you, the people who put us here. We knew this day would come. We will never forget. Do not glorify us. We are merely the vehicle. You are what matters. You are hope. You are love. You are peace. Stay united. Stay together. Stay strong. This is bigger than any one person or entity. You are fighting for truth - collectively.

rpn68 ago

There is simply no way there will be any situation by which:

Just remember at the end of the day there will only be 8Chan.

You guys are intentionally exploiting people's limited knowledge about how the internet works. And you know it. Stop it, else it is you whom must be judged as the intentional agent of disinformation.

Sheerglee ago

Make it and they will crumb. Love this!

OpposableGums ago

What is a bread? When I click on a "bread" link, I find lots of posts that look, to me, just like any other 8chan screen.

numberonepal ago

Q drops crumbs.
Crumbs make dough (research).
Dough makes bread (conclusions).

adogrocket ago

go ahead we will wait....

Vibratron ago

I can't even list all the things that "could happen" or that are definitely "going to happen" this week....... "carpet bomb Moab" is a good description......BIG WEEK

MemeAmericaGreat ago

Suck my dick


8ch is down...

MRiggs ago

Boards are strange but understanding is becoming easier thanks

JollyFeed ago

Still pushing that crappy board? Smh.

sufficientlydusty ago

still pushing nazi-ism i see. Dirtbag.

Ax3 ago

Crappy board? It all started at the chans. Voat nothing but megafags

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

You don't know shit about the chans or voat.

JollyFeed ago

/patriotsawoken is not a legit 8ch board. They just want to lead people into their board to continue to control their narrative. It's a scam.

numberonepal ago

You know nothing about the boards. Go troll somewhere else.

JollyFeed ago

Hahaha. Really? A cease and desist. Lame.

SemperFortis99 ago

Or hack people who don't have proper protection. You will need more than a decent VPN to safe guard yourself.

SemperFortis99 ago

I concur!

kneo24 ago

I choose my words very carefully.

Which means that he lied on purpose. He's been given multiple opportunities to come clean about it.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

That kike needs a gassing.

sufficientlydusty ago

You need gassing fuckwad

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Stay mad, nigger-lover.

Q_Continuum ago

Excellent move Neon! Good way to acclimate is to the potential future platform

MrrHandsome ago

Not gonna lie, trying to navigate 8chan for me is like looking through the other end of a telescope

TrueCat ago

I know. I'm having the same problem. Life is hard enough. I don't need this to be difficult, too! :(

whacko_jacko ago

Tree view helps a bit.

Orien_Blue ago

I wish they would hang up the 8ch shit. If they want 8ch so bad then give up power here to people who want to make it work and piss off.

NeonRevolt ago

As part of an ongoing effort to help folks get used to operating on 8ch, we're going to start cross-posting links to the fresh breads here on Voat.

patrat102 ago

Thanks Neon for the helping hand.

jsmithhomegrown3 ago

Thank you NeonRevolt I would have been lost without you and Blessed 2 Teach. I'm very much a normie with only my phone and I appreciate all you do to help me understand what is happening.

Papaeck ago

Me too just my iPad and iPhone

SemperFortis99 ago

No one wants to go to your safe space board, NR and those poser shill mods of yours! FAMFAG!

Loveamerica ago

Well that's just not true

kneo24 ago

Are you ever going to come clean and admit that you were wrong about v/GreatAwakening being compromised over a ping list, which has nothing to do with how the subverse is ran or moderated?



@srayzie To everyone of the researchers here: @srayzie was caught up in some sketch, you can read about it at v/pizzagate search george webb and srayzie in google and it'll come up.

WanderingTaurus ago

Why wouldn't you have just posted the link? And why would we use google?

srayzie ago

Sketch? Oh, you mean when I exposed him because I knew Task Force? With evidence to back everything up? By all means, be my guest.

Goal here: Division

Becki_Percy_speaks ago

Womp womp!!!!!!! you never knew him. He is a wonderful human being, and i can vouch that George is most definitly not a psychopathic con-artist like me me me .

And mean while, check this blog out y'all.

It has a lot of true dirt on me and you will be interested to know that I scammed all you pizzagate cretins out of $$$$$ thousands. As for my love of Q, he scammed even more than I did!!! Got to hand it to him.

WanderingTaurus ago

You sound like a gem. Your parents must be proud.


You were being called out out on v/pizzagate Re: George Webb. Just want other anons to know about it so they can know for themselves. Search google: george webb, voat pizzagate, srayzie folks. We all should know who Srayzie is....

kneo24 ago

Why is it that you consistently never provide a link for this? This is you trying to sow discord and D&C.

ESOTERICshade ago

We all should know who Srayzie is....

I can assure you nobody around here gives a flying fuck what you think.

sufficientlydusty ago

Feel the same for you bunch of fucking asshats

BonesDC ago

Yes Neon Inquiring minds want to know!

kneo24 ago

In the future, if you would like to ping a user so they see what you wrote, just use the @ symbol followed by their username. So for example @BonesDC. Case sensitivity doesn't seem to matter.

BonesDC ago

Awesome thank you @kneo24