astrogirl ago

It was the Eagle Forum event in St. Louis this weekend. Also attended: Candace Owens, Jack Posobiec, Jim Hoft and more I'm forgetting about.

LawofTruth ago

Eagle forum. Thanks for the dig I’m going to try and find moar on it

MrDigging17 ago

Watch Prayingmedics recent video. He addresses this drop. It looks like Q is preparing. Military planning at it's finest.


The pic is a fake. It does not say wwg1wga on the napkin. Clearly that was added digitally. Also, the shirt the guy is wearing says woke and the tail on the Q was added digitally. Idk what the point of thus forgery is...?

Clanfeargus4597 ago

I don't know if this will get posted or not, but it seems to me that the FBI raid on the Solar Observatory, and the coming test of the National Broadcast system, and Q's post this morning about the test may be related. it seems to me I read that witnesses saw agents crawling and working around a lot of the antenna equipment. What kind of equipment is present at this facility, and why shut down the Post Office nearby? I don't have enough points to post anything, can someone post this to present the question?

MrDigging17 ago

Post a link in your reply

Jaycephus ago

I've seen a guess that the observatory overlooks a military test site, and that a mole there could have planted equipment that is recording what is happening in the valley below, either video or tele-comms.

LawofTruth ago

Yeah, the observatory being shut down is highly suspicious given it’s proximity to Area 51

Athenaethana ago

It's bad ettiquette here to ask for upvotes.

CaptnObvius ago

Is Posobiec a MOS disinfo agent?

Xyz4u ago

I love you guys !

Stretchmac ago

Need upvotes please. GA refugee. Methinks the 187 POTUS tweets are coming.....

Xyz4u ago

This feels like a post from my old fellow patriots before the REAL nazi purge last week! We grow here!

acmbandit01 ago

I've had plenty of upvotes here and GreatAwakening, but one of the VOAT old hats says the upvotes has to come from other subs outside of these...which is very annoying and cumbersome for us to get up and running here. The 10 upvotes seems like an unreasonable speed bump to get past. Any help appreciated, as I'm still short.

MrDigging17 ago

Just get over it now. It's their house, so their rules. Subscribe to 10 other subs on voat and participate. You'll get to 10 fast.

Man_Quan ago

I believe Q is just reminding us that Flynn is safe and the plea deal will fall apart when the FISA warrant is declassified.

At some point, I think Trump brings Flynn back in to the administration

Christosgnosis ago

really hope that could happen - would be such a great asset to the Trump team in an official capacity

Man_Quan ago

I'm not the first to suggest it. Q was first.

There is a reason that Flynn's no-brainer plea deal sentencing has been delayed so many times. By now, Flynn would have given Mueller everything he ever wanted. And the sentencing would take about 10 minutes. So why the delays???????

I don't know, but if Mueller really wanted to score points, he would have Flynn in jail by now.

The question is, why is Flynn in the public and receiving awards if Mueller was trying to destroy him?

Nothing adds up. And why is Q saying "Flynn is safe"? I honestly don't think we know what is actually happening behind the scenes.

LawofTruth ago

Definitely plausible.

Curious_1_Q ago

I have things I wish to post to help enlighten everyone about discussions regarding this coming exciting week... Can I get some up votes please. These rules are difficult to adjust to.

sorosminion ago

Sad and pathetic losers. you people actually believed Trump was different and cared about you. Yeah, he cares about more for the rich and fuck you losers. He's hasn't done shit to drain anything, he's stocked his Cabinet with bankers, big donors and corporate stooges. SO, you morons have invented a fictional Trump, Sessions etc that are SECRETLY doing what you fantasize about. DESPITE the fact that in REALITY (look it up Gomers ) Trump is not releasing any "real" IG Report. No FISA information. NOT indicting Clinton or Obama or any other evil cabal (LOL) member. You have borrowed idiotic childish plots from grade c movies ( Hillary and Barbara Bush are cannibal pedophiles) and are so mentally ill, you believe them to be true. You are BATSHIT CRAZY> Trump says don't believe anonymous sources, so YOU BELIEVE IN ANONYMOUS "Q" from a teen message board , 8/chan) that is a haven , LIKE VOAT, for child porn and pedophilia. You mix in your crazy Jesus fantasies, your racism and your complete ignorance of almost everything, add a little treason by sucking off Putin and thing all is well. Jesus people, grow the fuck up before it's too late. .........

MrDigging17 ago

Shill much?

trich1972 ago

All that anger comes from fear that it might all be true and the reality you have been living in might be shattered. We believe in the best for humanity and will be there for all those when the truth hits them in the gut. WWG1WGA

Truth2Light ago

Must be over the target. Reverting to name calling. Who does that? Why would you even bother to take the time to post? Why would you even be here? The answers are obvious. You're so pathetic.

afmcpatriot ago

Why are you so concerned what others believe,mind your business troll!!dont need a douch like you to tell me what i should do and think! If you dont like Q,then go play in your safe space and leave the thinking to the adults!!

Ukpatriotwarrior ago

Guys this could be innocent for movement, Flynn could have been targeted whilst at function by pesobiac trills, q team might not have done due diligence on this occasion as to the validity of the supporters

Ukpatriotwarrior ago

Can people give me some thumbs up please

ReadyToRide ago

I could u some too, please! Ty

MrDigging17 ago

It won't help you here you need to participate outside this sub and get ccp there.

Shiftworker1976 ago

New today I need up votes to so can start submitting post MAGA

BaldMiscreant ago

That doesn't work, see the admin's latest post. It's stickied at the top of every voat forum. If you want CCP, you're going to have to earn it.

fuckUspezthecuck ago


Lindorinel ago

Reciprocity is the key to effectiveness.

wyredin ago

Hook it up with some upvotes here too!

LoveHopeDream ago

is there a post for the previous Q drop 2173? "we see Q people" couldn't find one... i just thought it was interesting that included Kate Maz chick ( i think thats her name) the one where people thought was a threat to POTUS

sybrvegas ago

Text on napkin looks totally fake (its entirely horizontal, no curvature to account for beer bottle etc)... FYI I am a Q believer, yet I think, this is why he deleted this post. He doesn't want to be seen as posting anything that is easily debunked.

Jaycephus ago

'fake' in that it wasn't hand-written on the napkin (wasn't trying to look like it was, either), but not necessarily 'fake' if the original poster of the image put that on the image their-self. The one has a "WQKE" t-shirt on. It's not like the napkin-edit is required in order to alter the meaning.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Yes, obviously contrived. Aint nobody perfect, this mighta been one of them things that slipped through the net. Still got 153 good 'uns (fish-a little Scriptural humor there). The dearth (lack) of such "errors" still proves the point. Patriots, don't let yourself be kicked behind the knee and fall for it and lose faith in what we are all about. Even if this all went to heck in a handbasket, it will have STILL been worth STANDING UP for the principles involved here. WWG1WGA!

LawofTruth ago

The guy was wearing a wqke shirt. Plain as day

sully3301Q ago

Was photoshopped. What did Q not know that? Wtf.

nnnnnn ago

Can I wonder why the likes on the tweet are not higher? I would suspect a Q tweet to get some major likes....

MAGAinVA ago

Did anyone notice a post in the tweet linked has someone mention Flynn signed his friends book at the event....and signed it "Where we go 1 we go all!!!" ?!?!

I took a screen shot but can't make a post yet....or upload the pic.

I can give the name of the twit acct, but would that be Doxxing?

patrat102 ago

Unfortuately General Flynn's son just tweeted : This confirms nothing. My father took pictures with a TON of people at the #PhyllisShlaflyEagles conference last Friday night.

Regarding what he wrote in a book he signed “WWG1WGA”.....he was asked to write that..

Enough of the conspiracy theories.... He is not a fan of qanon.

patrat102 ago

That was another great post that went over the waterfalls into oblivion. God only knows where it is now as we can't keep them upvoted enough to have a real discussion. If you go to Lisa Mei Crowley twitter and scroll down she has pictures of the books that General Flynn signed WWG1WGA. You don't have to have a twitter acct to read her posts and she follows all Q posts and Trump twitter. Worth book marking her page. The General Flynn speech that was posted should have been kept at the top of the page so everyone would have had a chance to view it.

SeventeenSister ago I believe this is the Tweet you are referring to? Yes?

1952_Patriot ago

WWG1WGA is on the napkin wrapped around the beer bottle.

SeventeenSister ago

That is my friend you are speaking about. We were honored to be able to attend the dinner. He actually signed two books with the WWG1WGA.

Awake2Truth ago

Someone just posted this link to Gen Flynn's autograph with WWG!WGA.

patrat102 ago

Unfortuately General Flynn's son just tweeted : This confirms nothing. My father took pictures with a TON of people at the #PhyllisShlaflyEagles conference last Friday night.

Regarding what he wrote in a book he signed “WWG1WGA”.....he was asked to write that..

Enough of the conspiracy theories.... He is not a fan of qanon.

Awake2Truth ago

Bummer:( well we surmised that he might have been asked to write--but still, why would he do so if he objects to Q?

patrat102 ago

Maybe there are reasons why his son is discouraging the connection of his father with the Q movement. A lot has to be kept quiet still--maybe General Flynn's role is part of that.

Awake2Truth ago

Could be. I venture to guess that if Q is military, which is the theory that makes most sense based on his posts, then Flynn knows about Q up front and personal. Interesting that his son felt like he had to distance his father from Q. Maybe just protective. Given Q classification, Flynn would not be able to tell his son anything anyways.

patrat102 ago

Yess--Flynn Jr is very outspoken against qanon.

Curious_1_Q ago

That is so awesome! Great seeing all the photos coming out of Flynn and Q followers.
One photo displays napkin with WWG1WGA printed on it.

Awake2Truth ago

Apparently he also has signed several books with WWG!WGA! Clearly a Anon!

Curious_1_Q ago

I find that stunning. Wouldn't it be a kicker if he turns out to be Q. So far he is the only one that close to Q followers. POTUS may point and wave or honk... but has he been anyplace with Patriots wearing Q attire and t as ken photos...

Truth_B_Known ago

I notice how much importance Q continues to put on us staying united. We must to defeat the statists!

countryshepherd ago

Q did put a lot of importance in staying united, but IMHO it seems we've lost some of the unity since being kicked off reddit.

patrat102 ago

You are right. How can we have unity with this format. A conversation is started but can't continue as we have to always be running around to get up votes or we feel we need to go help our other Patriots by finding as many as we can to give them up votes. It's like hosting a cocktail party. You have to run around to say hi to each guest but you don't have time to enter into a meaningful conversation. On this board there can be no real meaningful conversations because the threads are over the waterfall so to speak before everyone who wanted to contribute gets a chance to. It is no wonder that the reddit Great Awakeing got banned and voat did not. On reddit GW we were able to get into some good . meaningful conversations and in depth research. Decoding of the Q posts were really superior and was shared patiently with those who did not grasp them right away. That is why the reddit GreatAwakening grew so quickly. Another thing sorely missed is the Q Tuesdays when one day a week patriots were allowed to post pics of the new Q shirts or Q decorated cars and my personal favorite "Q in the Wild" sightings of the Q emblem or qanon sightings that people were posting everywhere or those sighted on cars, walls, etc. We even had several from other countries. I don't mean to put down the voat board but I can see why it is still up---it is not a threat to anyone because the conversations are never allowed to get deep because there is no way to have that conversation while running around trying to get up votes and rescue your other patriots from low up vote score. It's like seeing many people in a river about to go over the falls--you reach out to help one and 2 go pass you. Or you yourself need a little oxygen (upvote) so you run to one for help. It's humiliating really. There is just no way to participate in a good discussion. We are like rats in a maze all running down different corridors and getting no where. I don't mean to offend anyone just voicing my opinion which will probably be seen by 2 or maybe 3 other patriots before it to goes over the falls into oblivion. I hope Q knows I have tried to stay united but find myself more and more reluctant to come into this meaningless rat maze. Love all you Patriots--reddit and voat. WWG1WGA

countryshepherd ago

WOW, what a wonderful thought out reply to my comment. Thank you for seeing what I saw, your rats in a maze fit the analogy perfectly. The Reddit Great Awakening had serious patriots helping each other, teaching each other respecting each other and sometimes the best part, laughing with each other, I Miss It. I hope someday Voat grows to be better than Reddit, but for right now it needs a little tweaking.

patrat102 ago

Yesss-I still miss it. It's getting easier around here but still miss my old home.

BaldMiscreant ago

Earn it the old fashioned way, like everyone else. Your CCP is your credibility, it cannot be farmed. Just speak your mind and it'll come naturally. Keep in mind, the way your mods have rigged the sub, ccp here doesn't count elsewhere, and outside ccp counts for nothing here- it is it's own separate entity, as far as reputation is concerned. If you insist on using this travesty of a duplicate forum (which your mods created only so they could be in charge- WE ALREADY HAD A Q FORUM), keep this in mind.

patrat102 ago

so which forum are you saying to use? I go back and forth and comment on anything that is of interest to me or that I think is important Q related subjects.

BaldMiscreant ago

That's absolutely the better approach. Your moderators have pigeonholed themselves in here, with rule changes to CCP. I wish they'd had the sense to avoid that, but they either didn't read the directions, or didn't care.

TheyAreStupid ago

I believe 8chan is better. Q linked to it if you haven't been there yet. It is Patriots Awoken. I am still getting the hang of it but the " catalog" link has been my best friend! It shows all the breads (threads) in their own boxes separately. Good reading in there.

patrat102 ago

I did go over to the patriots board that was set up for Q refugees. I lurked a while and read some of the tutorial. However when I came to the comment about being careful about viewing pics or graphics as they may contain subliminal messaging and some that said to kill your self. It said to be sure to use filters. What filters?? I decided maybe I was not savvy enough to be hanging out there. I reckon I will just hang out here and if this board gets booted I will just read the Q posts and try to spread the word as best I can.

Athenaethana ago

Love your insight. I only used to lurk on the Reddit board- maybe I talked a couple times so I never learned the ins and outs of it like you did. But I don't understand this system quite- isn't it that when we have 10 upvotes then we are free to comment and post and whatever? And how was it different on Reddit- how did conversations keep going? So there would have been several replies to your message, for example? Also don't we all need just a bit of patience to get the 10 upvotes? Also there hasn't even been a Tuesday here yet, if so just 1, maybe there could still be Q Tuesdays? And last question- who owns voat? Is it one of the satanic pedovores? If it isn't that's why we can be allowed here. Peace, patriot!

patrat102 ago

You can only use so many upvotes in a 24 hr period. So if you use those in an evening the next morning you have none. On reddit everyone was allowed to upvote all the time. This allowed a subject to stay at the top of the list so all was able to view it for as long as it was being discussed and upvoted. When the Q posts were dropped they were immediately posted and remained at the top of the page for several days. Here subjects just drift down the river and over the falls. I would venture to say that most of the subjects on this board are never viewed by the majority of Patriots. Say you are in a discussion with several patriots and you have to leave and come back the next day---you have to go looking for that conversation. I don't know who owns voat---that would be a good ting to look into.

Athenaethana ago

Thanks for taking the time to reply! Wow that is lame! So every day we have to get 10 upvotes! Unbelievable. I'll never be able to do it, my finger and eyes get tired commenting that much every day. I wish Kim Dotcom would make that platform about now.. Also how has anyone here posted in the first place? They already had voat accounts? And why do I still see serialbrain2's post about the 9/11 coverup from a couple days ago? Do you still see that? I know he's kinda one of the stars and I had read his Reddit posts also- a great one decoding Alex Jones's lameness for example.. I don't understand why these media companies are not being arrested for denying so many people our 1st amendment rights!

patrat102 ago

I don't think you have to get 10 up votes a day---however when your allowed to upvote you can only use so many in a 24 hr period. You go around trying to upvote those needing the up votes and you try to upvote an interesting post to keep its position near the top of the page so others can see it and soon you are out of upvotes. It's just crazy and confusing and informative and interesting posts just slip off the page.

Athenaethana ago

Thank you for explaining! I am so bad at understanding how these online forums work. I'll figure it ojt eventually.

ilovejuices ago

Luciferian pedovores

LawofTruth ago

I would love to see that as well, who’s got the sauce

MAGAinVA ago

Look at @88yahamakeys post about being at the event and friends book signed.

MAGAinVA ago

If you go to the Twitter post Q linked and scroll down 27? Posts below it...the persons pic is a lion.

I hate this! I could post the pic or start a new thread on reddit. I can't to anything on here yet...and I don't dare post on chans, only lurk. Not sure if this is real or important.

Abi73 ago

MAGAinVA you have to go and check out other things on here, there are some brilliant subs!I'm really enjoying being here:) You can post when you've had chats with others and I bet it wont take you long and you'll enjoy it too :)

MAGAinVA ago

Thanks! I'll go lurking.

Curious_1_Q ago

You can post memes, photos and start new threads in the new 8ch board. This board has been set up for reddit refugees. There are no lurking rules on this board, only on qresearch board must you lurk for 2 years. Go check it out, great conversations. Read the info on how to use the board, it can be tough to navigate for some. You can go to options and change threads to "tree view" and they will be displayed similar to voat or reddit. Good luck Patriot!

MAGAinVA ago

I've been lurking chans since probably Qs 2nd post, when someone on the_Donald linked to it. I quickly started spending all my time sorting through breads for relevant info an in Hope's of catching Q post. I'm just not an autist And as a newfag would be torn apart. I don't want to shit up the bread anymore than they are already. I will check out the corner they made for us though. I do believe that Q meant that will be the last place standing before all is done.

Curious_1_Q ago

I have to agree with you. I have finally figured out the Patriotsawoken board. I do like it. Here on voat you can get more cohesive information. But, it's good to get familiar over there. Just make sure you read the first thread for newbies.... it helped me navigate. I found I can easily change the string to be like reddit, having the post and following responses in a tree form.
Q has changed my life. I'm no longer blind to things around me. I notice things now, I pay more attention.
This week is going to be busy. I think the previews are all over and the show started today. Its gonna get bumpy. Peace Patriot.

patrat102 ago

I did go over and lurk on the new patriots board set up for us. I read some of the tutorials but when I came to one instruction that said to be careful about viewing pics or graphics as they had subliminal messages in them--some that said to kill your self. They said to be sure to have your filters on so as not to see these-----filters??? What filters?? If I have to worry about being subjected to subliminal messages I'm just not sure I want to chance that.

cindylou62 ago

If you want to earn points go to the other Q board here and post. You have 11 upvotes right now but they don't count. Thank the mods for setting this sub up like that. Crazy right?

patrat102 ago

Yes --crazy and inefficient. Totally disrupts the flow of conversations.

BlueyTheCat ago

I found it. Nice find you. Hope you get to make it a post soon because it would be worthy!

patrat102 ago

I hate this format as well. We spend all are time waiting around. Finally we can post and upvote and then we use up our quota of upvotes. By the time we get our next quota who can even remember which posts you read and wanted to upvote. Very discouraging because it interrupts the flow of the conversation so to speak. Sorr not meaning to complain. Q wanted us to stay together and I will try but it sure isn't as much fun----always waiting on something.

Abi73 ago

Well said patrat. I did not know about the quota thing. Tricky. What about gab?

patrat102 ago

Is there a Q board on Gab? I am ready to try a new format. If anyone has an alternative please let me know.

Abi73 ago

Yes there is:)

OpposableGums ago

John and Tony have an interesting last name. I think I've been misspelling Pedosta

Foxfire1028 ago

DannoPa is correct. It's spelled correctly as PEDO-sta.

DannoPa ago

No, looks like you have their last name correct. Nothing to see hear. WWG1WGA

Qfan2020 ago

Maybe they changed it like Elifantis....

UnknownStalker ago

We are winning and they are scared shitless! In their panic they will make more mistakes.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon

LawofTruth ago

Here’s another pic from the event. Looks like these two had dinner with Gen. Flynn.

Sorry to link to my Twitter just an easy way to host image/thread

knarnia ago

WWG1WGA dedicated to Q and all of the Anons video referenced in the image The two Patriots may have at the ceremony Sept 15 where General Flynn received an award

DannoPa ago

Gen.Flynn is the best of the best. Great YouTube video and song. First I heard the WWG1WGA song. Love it and thanks Patriot. WWG1WGA

derram ago :

FollowtheWeb on Twitter: "Lol Posobiec is looking thrilled in this pic. Thank you @Education4Libs and @2runtherace for this gem. I guess we’re educating libs and FAKE MAGAs 😂…" :

RunningTheRace on Twitter: "Picture of our favorite General at the #EagleCouncil with some Q Patriots!! ❤️ Notice the napkin on @Education4Libs bottle too!! @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn Thanks to @formerlyyoung for letting me know!…"

This has been an automated message.

Steelerfish ago

The napkin is obviously photoshopped. There are no coincidences

astrogirl ago

The napkin is, but the book looks real.

R2077R ago

It looks like Trump is going to start dropping some very powerful bombs next week.

wyredin ago

I certainly hope so. Beat Assange to the punch?

astrogirl ago

What the hell is going on with Assange? Basically, he's been in solitary confinement since late March???

I think the Brits want him dead.

LawofTruth ago

I’m feeling that it’s heating up soon, I think he’ll start with the FISA declassify first