mrfetus ago

Welcome fellow goat.

detcmon ago

this is a huge Q proof for me

rkenishere ago

we will fight for the right to live in freedom, WWG1 WGA enjoy "Freedom"

This is my right A right given by God To live a free life To live in freedom

Talkin' about freedom I'm talkin' 'bout freedom I will fight For the right To live in freedom

Anyone tries to take it away They'll have to answer 'Cause this is my right

I'm talkin' about freedom Talkin' 'bout freedom I will fight For the right To live in freedom

I'm talkin' 'bout freedom I'm talkin' 'bout freedom I will fight For the right To live in freedom

Everybody talkin' 'bout freedom We're talkin' 'bout freedom We will fight For the right To live in freedom

I'm talkin' 'bout freedom Talkin' 'bout freedom I will fight For the right To live in freedom

I'm talkin' 'bout freedom I'm talkin' 'bout freedom We will fight For the right To live in freedom

Politiskep ago

I'm calling it right now. Q is Flynn and Flynn is Q.

CrusadePrime ago

Nice, we called that a year ago lol. "Watch the water."

Politiskep ago

Hats off to you then.

Night_HaQ ago

Deep State First Victim, Flynn an Honorable man! You earn this award Sir. WWG1WGA. as Q would say Trust the plan!

Dobs60 ago

Yes, honorable. He servedthis county in the army, Trumps administration and now as he reminds us about our heritage and duty. May God go with you general. WWG1WGA

chiraqpollack ago

Patriot. The visceral commentary that man and his family have suffered in the name of bettering this country will become legendary once the faggotkike media are put under the guillotine.

an_angrier_dave ago

Nothing to see here! Move along!

KueAnaan ago

That is some serious autist work there, nice job.

DankOrganism ago

I feel like we're moments from disclosure. Edge of my seat, popcorn ready.

rymetymeuk ago

thank you for posting this, totally sold here. what are the odds? no other explanation.


PixelCrises ago

Amazing coincidence, as usual :)

knarnia ago

The WWG1WGA music video from Qdrop 2174 reflects our support and admiration for General Flynn. Congratulations on the award, Sir.

Qalifornia ago


Jay_Mac ago

CaptnObvius ago

Sure, but there are a millions of other stock photos of the flag to choose from. What are the odds Flynn's award presenters and Q would choose the same one only days apart? How many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible? ~Q

benjitsu ago

Depends on what search engine hey were using? Maybe government workers have access to a cache of "clipart"

madhatter67 ago

We all know what kind of caches of "clipart" state dept workers had access to!

And it's not pictures of flags

Frankenblock ago

Flynn and Trump are obviously in on the LARP

anarcheril ago

My favorite thing about the LARP theory at this point, is that it presents a far more implausible and an inconceivably dangerous world (as if the picture Q paints isn't crazy enough already) than let's say Trump and Flynn 'trolling'/new age propaganda. If even one solid investigative journalist did any serious research whatsoever and remained anti-Trump then they would have concluded that, yet I have not seen that suggested seriously once, lots of nonsense like how the missile launches on the northwest coast were long exposure speedy helicopter shots or aliens lol.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

I'm at this event right now.

Got to shake hands with and speak with General Flynn for a couple minutes.

Nice guy!

BestowFlower1Crown ago

Ohhhh to be you Trumpcrat! Give us the run down. :-)

Trumpocrat2020 ago

I'm not really into the Q stuff. This is more of a generic conservative conference.

Got some Twitter folks here like Jim Hoft, Cassandra Fairbanks, Mike Cernovich and Molenxyeu.

Flynn came across almost like a pastor.

I told him I believed he'd been 'screwed six ways to sunday'. He responded that no matter how bad we have it someone else has it worse.

At a Molenxyeu speech atm... They just ran off a group of about 5 antifa.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Not into q stuff but you're on a Q board lol

Trumpocrat2020 ago

A picture of the conference I'm attending was on the front page of v/all...

benjitsu ago

We are sick of it too :)

angelCole ago

Hmmm... "a pastor" hmmmm... Q with multiple scripture verses on the board.

Jappletime ago

Well that's nice you got to tell Flynn he got screwed. But can you let the twitter people know that they're gonna get screwed too!

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Pic of Steve speaking now.

cindylou62 ago

That's not Stefan Molenyneux. he doesn't have a T shirt on and he has a torso and legs.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Yeah I was surprised by that too.

cindylou62 ago

Did you see ole Joe Dan "Froglegs" Gorman? Must have been a pretty good time

Trumpocrat2020 ago

I did indeed - he gave me 2 business cards actually.

krytter4 ago

Great speech 👏🇺🇸

dideediane ago

Can't believe people can't stop eating for a few to listen to him!

0fsgivin ago

Yah, that's incredibly rude in my opinion.

mangotshihtzu ago

I doubt it's anything, its the stock photo of the American flag, it's literally my desktop background

Cheesedog1103 ago

Sauce of OG Flynn image? When was it taken? Has anyone done a reverse image search on the flag photo?

Trumpocrat2020 ago

The photo on the left is legit - I was at the dinner last night.

RufusTFlywheel ago

Flynn+Parscale+45= WINNING

Blacksmith21 ago

You may have interest in this. POC didn't think Parscale would be involved in next campaign:

RufusTFlywheel ago

Great post

patrat102 ago

Do you believe in coincidences. That's what Q would say. So happy for General Flynn--he sure deserves that award.

benjitsu ago

It would be funny if this was just the first flag GIF that shows up on a google search and everyone is lazy :)

madhatter67 ago

I would think Google would be more likely to have an image of some antifa burning the flag first

Backlot ago

I do believe we are going to see a lot more of General Flynn in the near future. This man is awesome!

stmfg ago


niggerfaggot1987 ago

I do, but this flag could just be one in a bulk folder of files the government uses for stuff like this.

survey_girl ago

Future proves past

kalgon ago


And what if it was an intern that put that here, one that reads the same shit as you do

Like the coast guard who got fired for making the OK sign on live tv, sort of

InfiniteCurator ago

Exactly. Confirmation bias is strong in this community. Always think critically.

niggerfaggot1987 ago

Nice try satan, Q is real, agree, shill, pick one...

benjitsu ago

You are trying too hard...just be yourself when you tell ppl to fuck off here

salumi ago

Coincidences are mathematicaly impossible.

jonzee65 ago

Crazy! Nice find. What are the odds?

kalgon ago

Flynn, a former lieutenant general who resigned as Trump’s national security adviser after he was revealed to have lied about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador, could spend up to six months in prison for lying to the FBI. That hasn’t stopped The Gateway Pundit, a far-right, conspiracy-mongering news outlet, from presenting Flynn with a “Award for Service to America” at its upcoming conference this weekend. The conference features Pizzagate conspiracy theorists, an alt-right YouTuber accused of leading a “cult,” and members of far-right European parties.

What are the odds for the gateway pundit to use the pic of an american flag straight out of wikipedia precisely because there's no copyrights attached to it in order to put it in their powerpoint presentation?

Is the pundit among Q followers? Hmmmmm

I would say far from null

DawnPendraig ago

The daily beast is so beastly ridiculous. They need to take their Midol before writing

kalgon ago

And? You want me to pull another rag reporting on the same event?

What matters here isn't the messenger, if it ever really does, what matters are the reported facts

RubyDiamondSapphire ago

Is this a QProof?

6ixty9ine ago

I'm gonna go with a yep on that, image with a little more information, check out that [0] delta between the trump tweet and the Qpost of the tweet at the event too!

Orion2005 ago

Sure as shit looks that way

BestowFlower1Crown ago

rootin' tootin', I would classify it as such.

patrat102 ago

She is so right. I really hope he does receive a standing ovation.

krytter4 ago

He did, see the speech below (link).

patrat102 ago

Thank you for this. Loved watching it. A true Patriot and I believe he was speaking prophetically. Hope people realize and take it seriously. Just listen to this quote "This time, our time, our America. The urgency to act is at the doorstep of our democracy. The future of this country depends on each one of you in this room tonight....this turning point is about the heart and soul of the United States of America..." its time to buckle down, listen up and stand ready to fight.." This is a timely speech. What is interesting at the end of the speech he says ? I commit to General Singlaub and Q tonight that I will never stop fighting....That is at around 11:50 mark.