RufusTFlywheel ago

Great post. I'm getting involved at the lowest levels of my local RNC op. Just to get a better understanding and pulse but also to be in position to steer some away or have some skills when we organize the 'new' party

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Gen. Flynn receiving an award for Service to America with the exact same flag image Q posted last week' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @Orion2005 and includes this reply from @Blacksmith21:

You may have interest in this. POC didn't think Parscale would be involved in next campaign:

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DamnLiquor ago

that last bullet point is bullshit, appears they well be left in the Q wake

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Fuck off Nazishills.

This is why I think Blacksmith21 is a shill..

After being on voat for so fucking long he still says Jews are ok, he loves the jews, he rides jewish cock.
Many have made the case here about how bad the jews are were and just about have always been.

Hitler and NAZIs are totally different subjects. Hitler was an illigitaet rothschild who protected the Jews in camps via the Havara agreement. He helped them establish Israel and escaped to argentina, the NAZI movement is the movement of the Jews. A controlled oposition. This idiot YEARS on voat keeps ignoring this easily researchable information and now he comes to you with "Sources"... hes a nother fuckin Alex Jones

Sexybuttcheeks ago

Is there a thread dedicated to discussing which republicans are MAGA?

Blacksmith21 ago

You seriously chose a handle like that? WTF is wrong w/ you?

Sexybuttcheeks ago

Whats wrong with you, niggerfaggot?

Derpfroot ago

does not know how to brand and/or sell POTUS achievements

They're more retarded than nutty Nancy, then.

NellerBean ago

Baby Bush campaigning for Rs makes me want to re-register Independent.

Blacksmith21 ago

Independents are a tool of the DS to siphon off fence voters. Very unreliable block. I get the independence but there is no messaging. At least be a Libertarian.

NellerBean ago

Thanks. That's my first inclination but then there's Gary Johnson, who shouldn't get to be the face of the Libertarian party.

Blacksmith21 ago

What is a Leppo?

robertawearefree ago

George HW Bush George W Bush John McCain Just a small sample. Why do people insist on thinking that republicans are the enlightened ones? Deep state created both parties to keep us arguing about shit that does not matter (like who gets to use what bathroom for fucks sake) while they lie, cheat, steal, enslave us and think they are clever while we are stupid sheep. I haven’t voted for either party for years and will vote republican now (while holding my nose) only to keep them from trying to impeach POTUS.

StormSurfer1776 ago

They are alienating so many of us deploreable fucks

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

It was the Hillsborough County REC, where Tampa Florida is, a county under the umbrella of the RNC, that kicked off Q at the Trump Tampa rally. So the RNC in Tampa is promoting Q.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm glad you weighed in.

We discussed that rally. POC was very aware and taken aback at the same time.

Shit I need me some gator bites and hot mustard.....

HouseHawkwood ago

I bet Madeline Westerschloot loves the president. If not for the country or money then its because of his gargantuan D.

MarielleBlackwood ago

The RNC is just as much an enemy as the DNC.

auralsects ago

Hussein campaign tactics

lol very subtle, shlomo. tell me more about the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating the govt and how the Arabs own Hollywood (hence all the flattering movies about Arabs/Muslims & Holohoax movies every year). You Alex Jones larper kikeshill faggot

StormSurfer1776 ago

Now that’s the stuff

Blacksmith21 ago

NOOBS TAKE NOTICE: See how my post generates remarks like this from known shills? This is called being right over the motherfucking target. Watch and learn.

And no, don't hold my beer. I'm gonna shotgun the motherfucking beer while I stick my boot IRL in the assholes of shills like @auralsects aka oralsex.

I've now come up with a new flavor of downvoats, specifically for you spermbank. Now offering Taint flavored downvoats. Not the usual creamy surprise you are used to from the anteater shaped ones you like to suck.

No, my friend. These are downvoats scented from my taint after eating a batch of chili for the last 3 days. Oh and a ham and Swiss on rye today. Never trust the fart.

Enjoy the Taint-flavored downvoats cocksucker.

auralsects ago

"known shill" lol because you say so, bitch

go ahead and answer why you and Q choose to use his Arabic derived middle name associated with the guy who shot SCUDs at Israel rather than his Arabic derived first name.

surely it's not to trick hapless uninformed boomers, cuz that would be a total kikeshill move.

The Day of the Pillow will come for you and all KIKE-LOVER boomerfags, 21Blackdicks.

Blacksmith21 ago

And since you're a little beta hadji, here's how I look at 10 Ways to Kill Someone as you so noted in your post:

Blacksmith21 ago

Haha! I just ran DIALECT/X on your comms. Guess what? @Oralsex is a muslim.....

Blacksmith21 ago

This is the funny part. I am telling you that you are outing yourself as a Nazi propagandist and your standing orders do not allow you to defend yourself. Protocols suck. Right Nazi shill? Hillary supporter m'right? Probably a pedo wannabe just waiting for the right time when your master may let you taste a sample.

In the meantime, you have to wait and spank. Red dot coming for you soon, botboy.

auralsects ago

dude every single person on v/pizzagate has known youre kosher for over a year.

you are outing yourself as a Nazi propagandist and your standing orders do not allow you to defend yourself.

lmao what website do you think youre on? we are all proud to support the original National Socialist party, as are 4/8chan posters.

that's why they were chosen to host Q: allow the OY VEY ANTISEMITIC SITE kvetching we're seeing in every MSM piece on Q, making Trump supporters look like assholes (which you are) as well as embolden you (over the target).

You're a pathetic hack. You never actually served in intelligence. You don't have any high-level contacts. You never met Oleg Kalugin. You're just another filthy, lying Jew.

now tell me more about lampshades and soap and how Merkel is Hitler's daughter.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hahahahaha. Now I KNOW I'm over the target. Scared MUCH?

auralsects ago

You don't "know" SHIT, so it's amusing that you get satisfaction from claiming you do. Like that bitch who incessantly calls me a fatass; she'll never know, so it's even not an actual insult.

That's you, oldfag: the same level as SOME MIDDLE-AGED CUNT!

Blacksmith21 ago

So we can laugh, please read your post outloud. Pretty funny. You're hysterical. LITERALLY.

Blacksmith21 ago

You're so retarded it's funny.

MrShekelstein ago

We have to find a way to remove the traitors from the RNC.

We can't risk having the RNC purposefully throw elections.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll be honest. I was expecting a higher level of POTUS energy from POC.

Don't pack your guns in cosmoline just yet.


Only 2 parties in this country. The deep State (dems/repubs)...and the Trump (new Tea Party), Q Party. Choose your side and climb in a foxhole.

Blacksmith21 ago

I would say that is a very fair assessment. A new party needs to emerge. How the f*ck do you invent a name for a new political party without it sounding kitschy or cliche?

Lion Party

Tea Party (relentlessly known as Teabaggers)

Patriot Party?


Trumpians - LOL....POTUS knows this is bigger than him. What we are watching is proof of God and condemnation of organized religion.

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter if you follow Q or AJ. The details don't really matter. Both support Trump, and want you to vote Republican. (so the outcome is the same). And if the arrests are going to happen they'll happen whether or not there is a Q or an AJ

Blacksmith21 ago

I understand the ennui. This isn't D v R. This is Americans v Enemy. Understand that in the greater context.

Vote Trump in midterms.

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

Most of his candidates he supports are Republican, but even if he supported a Democrat or Independent, I'd support them.

Blacksmith21 ago

Wouldn't that be a turd in the punchbowl? I forgot another nugget - RNC behind Jim Jordan as Speaker.

DJB ago

we know what the left hand thinks but whats the right hand think? who cares its all the same faggot in profile

Blacksmith21 ago

That's the point. Oleg Kalugin told me a long time ago "the arms of the right and left meet behind you".

scoripowarrior ago

I know in my case, if the Republican doesn't support POTUS, they will not get my vote. Trump sure isn't the master politician, but then I didn't for one. I voted for somebody other than a lawyer/politician that could get his head out of his ass and get something done. Trump does what he says and doesn't take shit from anybody. I LIKE THAT! It is about time someone with the label (R) finally stood up to the damn leftists. Now I want him to go after these monopolies that are controlling our free speech. TAKE 'EM OUT AND TAKE 'EM OUT!

Blacksmith21 ago

I did my best to impress upon him that there are millions of Patriots like you and I. I forgot to add, the RNC wigs out regarding DJT and T. I even asked "what has he posted that has been proven wrong". Nothing.

I'm all for The Lion Party. Absolute Patriotism and Nationalism. God first. Constitution second. America third. Family fourth. #WWG1WGA

Just in case I get accused of being a kikeshill or niggerspookfag or something like that.

LurkMaster ago

Just in case I get accused of being a kikeshill or niggerspookfag or something like that.

Sensible chuckle....

Blacksmith21 ago

You'd think they could come up with something more amusing like "hooknosed bagel eaters". But that's just my sense of humor.

Shills don't like humor. Watch and learn.

user_1234 ago

Do not send any funds to the RNC.

ChristusRetter ago

I got a call from the RNC. They said the whole time that the money was going to Trump. Then at the very end BEFORE I even agreed to donate anything, it became very clear that it was going to the RNC. I told them, sorry I do not donate any money to the RNC. I only donate money to the Trump make America great again campaign fund and I let POTUS determine, who to support. They were pissed.

CokeOrPepe ago

I was tricked into donating to the RNC, now they send me stuff like it’s from Melania - a signed picture and other stuff - very convincing- I wonder if she knows about it?

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

TLDR version: RNC is exactly the same in 2018 as it was in 2016. The right arm to the same swamp creature that the left arm belongs to.

Blacksmith21 ago

I can say I was a little stunned at the entire conversation. Attitude towards POTUS was lukewarm/room temp at best.

Azurulia ago

All the more reason we absolutely need to get Pro POTUS picks in at Midterms.

This being the most important midterms our nation has had thus far is certainly not an understatement. So much riding on it, it's ridiculous.

70times7 ago

Republicans and demoncrats are both enemies of our country, so who cares what they think.

Both traitors.

LurkMaster ago

Take it locally and its obvious the general public is not aware of Q. The ones that are a little bit aware are avid news/politics followers. The others get it off the socials. I live in a fairly red/purple area. I walk around town with my Q shirts and hats. Slap stickers up guerrilla style. I have yet to get a head nod, fist bump or laughed at, plain old nothing burger. I have a couple of buds that are pilled but that's about it.

But we are here for when it all comes out. we are the ones to explain what is happening, when it happens.

So back up your shit off line!! I have a measly 40Gb of mostly vids and graphics. I know of others that have over 100GB. After what we just experienced and all the info that was lost, back that shit up!!

Blacksmith21 ago

More -

I don't hide the fact that I live in the Swamp. I have a very "unique" perspective on things.

Blacksmith21 ago

One of my minor (major?) regrets is that when I fell down the rabbit hole I didn't set up a system of taxonomy and full redundancy. I back up Q. I write the deepest secrets in my book. I use double heavy OPSEC for a lot of things. This isn't a game for me.

I could say I was "woke" my entire life. But all the parts came together as Pizzagate unfolded and Q emerged. Q + PG essentially put context to the events comprising my life. A curse and a blessing.

zyklon_b ago

Trump is an actor not at all a factor just an employee of our countries real (((masters)))

voatusernamevoat ago

You're not on reddit anymore, you can point out jews jewing by name.

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

Q's [[ ]] killboxes look oddly like those parenthesis 🤔